
Chapter 1094 Exposure

Chapter 1094 Exposure
Facing Ou Jinglong's hole card, Yi Tian did not dare to be careless at all. The awe-inspiring sword intent revealed on this wooden sword talisman was three points stronger than the Taiyuan Sword in his hand.There is no doubt that even Jian Shaoqing, the leader of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's Huashen generation, cannot reach such a level.

When facing the demon general Chao Yi in the depths of the underground cave before, only the calming orb in his hand and this sword talisman could really cause substantial damage to him.But the cultivation shown by others is in the early stage of real distraction, and I am far from being able to compare with it.

There was a burst of regret in my heart, I really thought things too simply.Which of these sect leaders has no material in their hands.But now it is difficult to ride a tiger, if he can't put the other party down, even if he escapes from the Nascent Soul, I'm afraid that he will face the censure of the high-level officials of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.

Thinking that there was no way out behind him, Yi Tian took a deep breath and raised the Taiyuan Sword in his hand again. The Lingyao Huaqian he used this time was also extremely cautious.At the same time, he took out a few ghost face Hanako and placed them in his hands to activate them, and then created out of thin air vines as thick as tree roots to interweave into a defensive net in front of him.Then he uttered the eight sounds of thunder in his mouth, and the light wave covered Ou Jinglong's body head-on.

The defensive spiritual weapon in front of him was easily penetrated by the sound waves, and then directly penetrated and affected the real body hiding behind and casting spells.

But Yi Tian also knew in his heart that the other party was not a demon, and his reaction to Tianlei Bayin must not be so strong.And this is just trying to disturb his mind and delay the time.

Sure enough, Ou Jinglong's figure trembled slightly under the shock of the sound waves of Tianlei Bayin.It quickly returned to its normal state, but even this delayed Yi Tian by ten breaths.

Taking advantage of this gap, he shot several ghost face flower seed bullets into the surrounding cliffs, and then urged the Taiyuan sword in his hand to aim at Ou Jinglong's position with all his strength and surrounded him.Now my disadvantage is that the spell power is definitely not as strong as that sword talisman, but sometimes my disadvantage is also an advantage.

Although the sword talisman in Ou Jinglong's hand is powerful, it requires a huge amount of spiritual power to fully activate it.And he may not dare to put all his eggs in one basket, he will definitely leave a part of his spiritual power to maintain his defense.

Such a sudden attack by himself really disrupted Ou Jinglong's rhythm, and with a roar, he raised the sword talisman in his hand towards the front.

The wooden spirit sword instantly flew into the air and turned into a long front with a three-foot halo, then flashed across the air and stabbed at him fiercely.This tactic has not changed at all, it is a real frontal attack.

But Yi Tian's face sank, and he felt an overwhelming momentum and unstoppable sword intent from the spirit sword.Immediately without even thinking about it, he erected the rattan net defense in front of him.Then he took out the defensive spirit weapon and blocked it behind the rattan net to form a second defense.

But the sharpness of the sword talisman was completely beyond his imagination. After touching the arm-thick rattan net, he only held the lightsaber for a while, and then a huge hole was pierced.

As for the spiritual weapon of the second line of defense, it was penetrated like paper under the full force.Just before the sword talisman was about to invade the protective cover, a purple flame appeared out of thin air, and then the surrounding spiritual power was quickly drawn up and gathered in the flame.It was Yi Tian who saw that something was wrong and hurriedly took out the Ziyan Wind and Thunder Fan, and after offering sacrifices, he held the precious fan right and aimed at the incoming sword talisman and slapped it down fiercely.

Several purple true flames flew out of it and then gathered into a huge fireball to meet the sword amulet.After three breaths, the two incomparably powerful auras collided violently and were at loggerheads.

Ou Jinglong looked at the scene in front of him with incredible eyes, and muttered in his mouth: "Lihuo Palace, Chi Wuji, your kung fu is the Lihuo Nine Changes passed down from Lihuo Palace. Who are you?"

After a loud bang, the spells on the scene were finally exhausted and disappeared without a trace.Originally, after the sword light in the air disappeared, there was only a wooden sword talisman left, but now it fell down weakly without the blessing of spiritual power, and within three breaths, it was ignited by the remaining purple flames and burned to ashes.

At this time, Ou Jinglong opened the protective cover to the maximum in the face of the remaining sword light around him, and after the "bang bang" sounded, he blocked those sword threads from the outside.Shaoqing only heard him roar: "You are actually from Lihuo Palace. Lihuo Palace wants to subvert the spiritual world and send inner disciples to go undercover in various sects to steal secrets? Aren't you afraid that the evil disaster will come back after 2000?" Do you want to consume it internally?"

Yi Tian's face sank and he put away the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, then stared at Ou Jinglong and said lightly: "I am not from the Fire Palace, and it is useless to break the balance of the three sects of the spirit world. But I don't like to talk to people who are about to die, so you can go at ease."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a heart-piercing roar from Ou Jinglong's mouth, and several small cracks appeared on his protective cover.Among them, a blood hole was exposed at the part facing the heart, and a tiny branch sprouted out from the hole at this time, wrapping him tightly around his body, and he couldn't move his hands and feet flexibly again.

A ray of golden light came out from his celestial spirit cover, and he wanted to escape from the Nascent Soul, but Ou Jinglong's Nascent Soul did not move when he saw Yi Tian's playful smile in the distance.Immediately felt that the situation was not right, and was about to turn around and run away, but suddenly realized that even the spirit body of the Nascent Soul could not be controlled freely.

A dark green spiritual energy enveloped the Nascent Soul, and then the hands and feet on the Nascent Soul's spiritual body were quickly corrupted.In the end, Ou Jinglong's Nascent Soul spirit body fell without even being able to say a word.

Flying forward to take off all the storage rings on his body, Yi Tian stretched out a fireball and burned his body and ghost face flower seeds to ashes.

So far, there is no such person as Ou Jinglong in the world, and the things that were plotted by him back then are completely over.However, Yi Tian's expression became condensed, he turned and said to the distance: "Yu Xin, come out."

A cloud of spiritual light suddenly appeared in front of him, and Hua Yuxin teleported to fly two feet away in front of him.At this time, her face was only full of uncertain doubts, and after staring at it for a while, she dared to ask: "Husband, is everything you said just now true? You are really from the Palace of Fire." The successor, was ordered to spy on the information of the two sects?"

Shaking his head, Yi Tian denied, "I've said everything I need to say. I'm indeed related to Lihuo Palace, but the real relationship is not what you imagined. But since you already know my secret, then you Let's go. Once my identity is exposed, even I will not be safe."

Hua Yuxin bit her vermilion lips lightly, then a sparkle flashed in her eyes and said: "If I don't leave, I will be with you for the rest of my life. Why don't you understand girls' thoughts."

"Whether you can follow or not depends on God's will," Yi Tian pointed at the top of his head and said: "After this fight, I feel that the thunder calamity is coming, you go to hide outside the big formation first, and wait for me to survive the thunder calamity." I will tell you the details."

Hua Yuxin raised her head and looked at the sky, and sure enough there was a group of multicolored calamity clouds condensing at this moment, and the gap in the void in the middle was getting bigger and bigger, as if the thunder calamity that entered the world would fall anytime and anywhere.

Then he sobbed with tears in his eyes, "Husband, you have to be careful, I will wait outside for you to finish the thunder disaster."

"What are you crying for? It's just a thunder calamity. How can you, a woman who is going to be in charge of Lihuo Palace in the future, lose your composure? Leave quickly and don't be affected," Yi Tian reprimanded sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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