
Chapter 1095 Chaos

Chapter 1095 Chaos
The black market in Crimson Rain City was always full of people, and the number of people around the task trading office in the black market was more than double that of other places.This place is full of people on weekdays, but those who have completed the tasks and came to exchange for rewards are waiting in a long line one by one.

It's just that the efficiency of the trading office today is much slower than usual, and the subsequent monks queuing up for such annoyance complained one after another.What's more, those cultivators at the transformation stage went directly to the front of the team to see what happened.

But the few cultivators who had come forward to check turned around and left in a hurry, and some of them had unbelievably horrified expressions on their faces.

Half a moment later, I saw a monk with a slightly green skin all over his body carrying a flagon swaying out of the exchange.And the black market workers in front of him were so frightened that they all moved out of the way, with complex expressions in their eyes.Some people in the know tried their best to pretend to be calm, but when they looked at the monk, they deliberately avoided his gaze.

At this time, someone inside said in a leisurely voice: "The task of killing Ou Jinglong on the crystal screen list has been completed, please hurry up and withdraw the task listed."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the casual cultivators waiting to submit their tasks outside the exchange changed drastically, and then they turned to look at the green-skinned casual cultivator, all of whom showed a hint of horror in their eyes.Some people started whispering, but those who were not afraid of things directly said: "After killing Ou Jinglong, he dares to come to Scarlet Rain City to get paid. This person is really tired of his job."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp divine sense swept over him, and in an instant, those who spoke obediently closed their mouths, and then turned their heads to avoid eye contact with this person.That's the person who killed the ninth cultivator on the ground list, and his own strength is terrifying.

In the absence of a distraction monk, no one is his opponent here.

A cold snort came out of the mouth of the croaking fairy, like thunder exploding in everyone's ears.It was only then that everyone realized that this person was absolutely invincible, they all moved out of the way, and finally watched him walk out of the black market.

After debuting in the outside world, the Immortal Guagua quickened his pace, and it didn't take long for him to circle around in Scarlet Rain City.Obviously, he noticed that someone was following him behind him, so he purposely walked around the market with these tails, and finally plunged into a small alley.

After the people who followed hurriedly tracked to the small alley, they found that the figures inside disappeared out of thin air.At the same time, Feng Kun, the inner sect elder of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, rushed to the precept center in Scarlet Rain City with a group of people.After listening to the report from the black market spies, he asked sharply, "Is there a tracking mark already placed on the soul of the Lilong?"

"I've already branded the Thousand Miles Chasing Soul Incense, as long as it's within a thousand miles of Crimson Rain City, I won't be able to escape," the head of the Disciplinary Department replied respectfully.

"What about that man, where is he now? That's how your people do things. My apprentice Ou Jinglong can't just die like this. That murderer must be severely punished." Feng Kun roared angrily: "Give me orders Immediately block the four gates, and ask Jian Shaoqing to lead the subordinates of the Disciplinary Department to thoroughly investigate suspicious monks. Those monks of the sect should not be easily let go."

Just when there was a lot of trouble in Feiyu City, Yi Tianzheng was chatting with Hua Yuxin in the guest room of the Taiqing Pavilion branch in the south of the city.At this time, the two looked relaxed and completely different from the embarrassment they had when they were at the Soul Suppressing Melting Cave ten days ago.

While talking, suddenly there were a few frog calls outside the window.After Yi Tian gently opened the window, a green light came in through the gap and landed on the table.

Later, he bowed to Yi Tian three times and said: "Master, I got the reward back according to your instructions."

After speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of red light, which was still stained with saliva, which made Hua Yuxin who was beside him criticize him: "Quack, you do this every time, it's so disgusting, clean it up quickly."

The Great Immortal Guagua turned around and yelled at Hua Yuxin twice: "The mistress doesn't know that this thing was branded with a tracking mark, but fortunately I wiped it off directly. I think they are like headless chickens in the city at this time." It's like searching extensively."

Hearing the name Guagua called her, Hua Yuxin had a sweet smile on her face, and she didn't even care about what happened just now.

After taking three breaths, he frowned and turned around and said, "Husband, what should we do now that the whole city is being searched, why don't you go back to Qingfeng City quickly. You just survived the thunder disaster of entering the world so that you don't need to retreat to consolidate your realm?"

"It's okay, this thunder calamity is different from ordinary catastrophe, it just washes away the breath of the lower world on my body. Now I have fully integrated into the spirit world and there is no more miscellaneous energy in me, and others can't rely on these lower worlds The miscellaneous qi it brought has locked my existence," Yi Tian said with a reassuring look.

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin had a knowing smile on her face, and then pointed to Quack on the table.

Later, Yi Tian said: "Quack, you did a good job this time, go back and rest first." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at him, then put his hand back into the beast-controlling bag.

To be honest, although the Great Immortal Quack has survived the catastrophe of transformation, he still prefers to manifest himself as Yunmeng Toad on weekdays.He also doesn't need a private residence, and he likes to go back to the spirit beast bag to sleep soundly when he is free. In his words, he feels that it is closer to the owner and safer.

After dealing with the croaking, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and performed the cleaning technique to clean the spirit of the glass dragon on the table and put it into the storage ring.

"When are we going back? We've done everything we need to do in Scarlet Rain City this time, it's time to go home," Hua Yuxin said softly.

After turning around and gently pinching Hua Yuxin's nose, Yi Tian joked with a smile: "I'm arguing to go home so soon, do you want to consummate the house?"

"That's not true, I'm just worried about you," Hua Yuxin said shyly, "Besides, if you want to consummate the house, you can rent a cave in Scarlet Rain City, but your own home is the best."

"I promise you, when I return to the Zongmen, I will invite my uncle to formally propose marriage to him. It was a stopgap measure before, so the lack of etiquette made you wronged," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Actually, I don't care about etiquette, as long as I can serve my husband." After speaking, Hua Yuxin stepped forward and hugged Yi Tian tightly.

While I was being gentle, my spiritual thoughts suddenly moved, and then I only heard someone knocking on the door lightly: "Junior Brother Yi, the inspection department of Feiyu Sword Sect is here, the elder told me to wait for the senior brothers to go out to meet the guests, don't let the elder and the other party go out for a long time." It's a shame to wait."

"Senior brother said, I'll take my wife to the main hall." After speaking, he pulled Hua Yuxin out of the room and went straight to the hall of the station.

 Thank you for the monthly pass of Qingfeng Xishui 1 and Dongnanxi

(End of this chapter)

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