
Chapter 1096

Chapter 1096
Qiao Chunlai, the elder of the Taiqing Pavilion stationed in Feiyu City, was in the early stage of distraction, and he didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the sect on weekdays.Generally, they hide in the secret room of their station for retreat and practice, and only come out to preside over the overall situation when negotiating with foreign countries.

When Yi Tian brought Hua Yuxin to the hall of the Zongmen's residence, he found that the guard Qiao Chunlai was talking with someone from the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.Slowly walked forward to greet the two people seated above, and then took Hua Yuxin to stand beside the brothers.

Those who glanced over discovered that the people who came to the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect this time were all from the inspection department of the city. They were all dressed in uniforms, with a silver flying sword mark on their cuffs.As for the mark on the cuff of the person who was negotiating with Qiao Chunlai on the seat of honor, it was also a flying sword, but the color was pale gold.It was obvious that this person's identity was much higher than those ordinary disciples of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect around him.According to the private voice transmission introduction of the senior brother next to him, the person who came was the No. 1 Jian Shaoqing of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's Transformation Stage, and he was also the deputy director of the Scarlet Rain City Inspection Department.

Bringing a large group of people to come to Yi Tian is a bit uncertain, I really don't know if he found some clues and came to Xingshi to ask the teacher.

This thought flashed in his mind, and suddenly felt a slight tremor in the hand holding Hua Yuxin.Gently passed a trace of spiritual power to help her stabilize her mind, then turned her head slightly to show a reassuring look.Seeing this, Hua Yuxin gradually calmed down the trembling hands.

Thinking about it, this little girl had never experienced any big battles, so her mood became turbulent after seeing the situation in front of her.Fortunately, I have a lot of experience, and I can see at a glance that Jian Shaoqing did not bring people to the door to find fault, on the contrary, it is more likely to come to find someone to help.

Later, I heard Qiao Chunlai say: "Since Junior Brother Jian is going to deploy manpower, all the juniors in my Taiqing Pavilion are almost all here. If you are interested, just speak up, the three sects are planning to come together." These little things are nothing."

"Senior Brother Qiao, you are too polite. I am entrusted by Elder Feng to do my best to do things well," Jian Shaoqing continued angrily, "This time my junior brother Ou Jinglong was killed for no reason, and the assailant went to the black market in a grandiose manner." To receive the hunting bounty in the middle, I really don't take my Scarlet Rain Sword Sect seriously."

"Did you drop a tracking mark on the bounty treasure?" Qiao Chunlai asked.

"Oh, that man is so cunning," Jian Shaoqing waved his hands and sighed, "The disciple who was in charge of pursuing responsibility was taken around the city for a few times by him, and he lost it in the end. What's more, the fragrance of chasing souls that fell was also gone." It was wiped clean by some unknown method, so far, my inspectorate has lost all traces."

After Qiao Chunlai heard this, he turned his head and looked at the fellow seniors standing aside, and said, "You have heard it too, and we are duty-bound to do this. If there are people who are good at tracking down or seniors with special skills, don't back down. Assisting the Inspectorate can also be regarded as a sect mission. At this time, I suddenly issued a special mission directly here, and I will definitely report it to the sect afterwards, and the credit that should be given will not be withdrawn."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the people present finally improved a bit, and many of them came here to shop or handle some private affairs as rarely as I did.Now being involved for no reason is of course the boss in my heart who doesn't want to. Naturally, they have to give enough benefits to help them.

Jian Shaoqing, who was on the side, also said: "If you are willing to help this incident, I will record it in the credit book regardless of success or failure. Those corresponding merit points will also be distributed afterwards. Never break your word."

As a result, the atmosphere at the scene became a little more lively, and the two rewards for this mission were not common.Moreover, Jian Shaoqing also stated his position in public, even if he couldn't find the real murderer, he would not lose the merit points that should be given.

At least in my opinion, this is a good deal that is ready-made. If I insist on going back to Qingfeng City at this time, it will arouse suspicion.After thinking about it carefully, he came up with a plan, turned his head and whispered to Hua Yuxin privately: "I'll help in a while, you go back to Qingfeng City first so that I don't have to worry about the future."

"Be careful, husband, I am waiting for you at the sect," Hua Yuxin said with a look of reluctance on her face.

Before she could reply, Yi Tian turned around and stepped forward to greet Qiao Chunlai and Jian Shaoqing who were seated above, and said, "I am guarding the Xishan Lingzhi Garden in the Lower Taiqing Pavilion, and Yi Tian is willing to come to assist Senior Brother Jian on behalf of the sect."

"It's good to have Junior Brother Yi as an example, so don't refuse any more, Junior Brothers," Qiao Chunlai said with joy on his face.As soon as this remark was made, many senior brothers also stood up and expressed their willingness to assist.

In this way, Qiao Chunlai, who is the garrison elder, also has a proud face, and he is also proud of the long faces of his own juniors.Jian Shaoqing sized up everyone and slowly stood up and said: "Then please take care of me, junior brothers. If you have any skills, you can report to my deputy, and I will assign tasks at that time. They will be temporarily integrated into the search team of the Inspection Division."

After that, all the people who came out went up one after another, and Yi Tian came to Duan Yi carefully and confessed that he was good at formations.Later, Hatsune said in private: "Deputy Envoy Duan, I have an unfeeling request, and I hope I can accept it."

"What's the matter?" Duan Yi looked at the person in front of him, and found that he was the first person to express his opinion just now, so his expression was polite.Presumably he was also instructed by Jian Shaoqing not to make things too difficult for him.

Yi Tian paused and pointed at Hua Yuxin who was standing by the side before saying: "This time I came to Crimson Rain City with my nephew Xie Xie, now I want my wife to go back to Qingfeng City to avoid being here No trouble."

Duan Yi looked at Xiahua Yuxin in a blink of an eye and found that it was a mid-Yuanying monk dressed in the costume of the Shangqing Daozong. After looking at Yi Tianhou in front of him, he slowly replied: "Okay, I will ask my senior brother, and I will give it to you later." reply."

Later, I saw his lips moving a few times, as if he was communicating with Jian Shaoqing in private. The latter just looked up at Yi Tian, ​​then looked at Hua Yuxin standing in the distance, and nodded.

After all, Nascent Soul monks like Hua Yuxin were ruled out of suspicion early on, and Jian Shaoqing was naturally grateful for Yi Tian's leadership this time.Things like this were nothing more than a favor, so she immediately nodded towards Duan Yi slightly.

After ten breaths, I heard Duan Yi speak again: "It's okay, I'll write a warrant later, and Madam can go to the teleportation hall and use the teleportation array to go back to Qingfeng City directly with the warrant."

He extended his hand towards Jian Shaoqing, who was seated above, to thank him, and then replied via voice transmission: "Thank you so much, Senior Brother Jian and Senior Brother Duan."

(End of this chapter)

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