
Chapter 1097 Confession

Chapter 1097 Confession
After sending away Hua Yuxin, the only weakness that could hold Yi Tian back is gone.Now, I followed Duan Yi and others into several teams and began to conduct fixed-point investigations of suspicious businesses in Feiyu City.

Although Feng Kun, the elder of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, had issued a death order, he must thoroughly investigate and find the monk who received the bounty on the black market.But everyone is not a fool, since they dare to come, they must have a long-term plan for the reward.This meeting might have left Crimson Rain City long ago and ran outside, and as long as they go out of Crimson Rain City and find a remote place to hide and keep these inspectors, they will not be able to search for them with all their hands and eyes.

As the main culprit, Yi Tian, ​​at this time, was watching these inspectors with cold eyes.It seems that they didn't put their main energy on searching for Guagua Daxian, and put most of their energy on searching local businesses.

I felt something suspicious in my heart, but I couldn't go against the inspector's intention face to face.Besides, the grouping this time was also very deliberate. Jian Shaoqing scattered and randomly assigned all the cultivators of the Taiqing Pavilion to various inspectorate teams.

Originally, each four-person team had only one deity-transforming monk, but now adding a foreign monk immediately improved the overall strength a lot.Moreover, these newly joined Taiqing Pavilion monks are only temporary assistants, and the person in charge is still a monk from the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.

It's just that Yi Tian didn't know what kind of medicine Jian Shaoqing was selling in the gourd, so it was obvious who he was going to target by carrying out such a fanfare carpet search in the city.

The team he was in was led by Duan Yi. As Jian Shaoqing's deputy, he naturally knew better what the real purpose of this dispatch was.Yi Tian followed all the way and did not find a chance to get close to him, but every time he found a suspicious business, he first used formations to seal the building, and then followed Duan Yi from the main entrance to close the door and beat the dog.

But after searching several companies, Duan Yi couldn't find the person he was looking for.As a result, Yi Tian became more suspicious, taking advantage of the group of inspectors who had just completed the search and were handling the finishing work, he quietly sent a voice transmission to Duan Yi: "Senior brother Duan, you see, we have searched several shops, it is completely Have no idea?"

"It's coming soon, there are two more and it will be over," Duan Yi said with a sloppy eye after hearing this.

Seeing him being so perfunctory, Yi Tian guessed that the matter was not that simple. Jian Shaoqing was doing his own thing following the orders of Elder Feng Kun.Immediately, he asked with a serious face: "Brother Duan knows that people don't speak dark words. My Taiqing Pavilion disciples have worked hard, but I have to give an explanation. Originally, I was looking for the real culprit who killed Fellow Daoist Ou, but I don't seem to have any It's that simple. Don't tell me that senior brother Jian has other purposes to benefit from public affairs, I'm afraid I can't hide this from my fellow seniors."

Duan Yi's eyelids trembled, and he immediately looked at Yi Tian with embarrassment. The two sides have cooperated very happily along the way.However, if some things are done too obviously, others will naturally be suspicious. It is very bad for the allies to feel dissatisfied if the work is not done now.

After thinking for a while, Duan Yi made a gesture of invitation to communicate in private in the side hall, and of course Yi Tian nodded and agreed.

After a while, the two came to an unoccupied hall, only to see Duan Yi stretch out his hand to open a sound-proof barrier, then extended his hand solemnly and said: "To be honest, Brother Jian really wanted to search for the murderer this time." This is an opportunity to investigate a valuable item privately traded by local merchants.”

"Oh, what can make your company violate Elder Feng Kun's talisman order, I want to know more," Yi Tian also joked in a blunt tone.

Embarrassment appeared on Duan Yi's face, then he sighed and said, "Actually, this is not a case of yin and yang, you don't know that Ou Jinglong is arrogant and arrogant, and he hangs up the reward order in the black market by himself." The purpose is to build momentum for him, so that these underworld casual cultivators will respect him. Who knows..."

"Who knows that someone really did it to him, and the city is full of storms, and your company is responsible for maintaining law and order in Feiyu City, and Elder Feng Kun's order cannot shirk responsibility, so this is a last resort. Come out to show off?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

Duan Yi smiled and replied: "You Daoist Yi guessed half of it right, but the second half is not far away. After searching a few places along the way, you must have some doubts in your heart, right?"

Nodding his head, Yi Tian didn't speak, but just looked at Duan Yi in front of him and asked him to continue talking.

"Actually, a strange thing has happened in Scarlet Rain City in recent years," Duan Yi explained, "Does Fellow Daoist Yi know about the Langhuan Cave Heaven?"

"Langhuan Dongtian," Yi Tian repeated with a look of confusion on his face, but he secretly said in his heart: "Could it be that Xi Tianying came here to bulk goods and was targeted by Jian Shaoqing. The source of this matter is still As for myself, I just told him at the beginning that there is no need to be careful not to arouse the suspicion of the big sect. There is nothing wrong with my brother-in-law, but I have stabbed a hornet's nest here."

With an uncertain look on his face, he looked at Duan Yi before he asked: "To enter the Langhuan Cave, you need to obtain the Zhiyan Order. Could it be that you are searching for the Yanyan Order? But what does this have to do with Ming Qiang?" The difference, is it true that the Burning Tokens held by these merchants must be handed over to the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect? If this is the case, I do not agree with it."

Then there was a hint of anger on his face, pretending to leave, and suddenly Duan Yi hurriedly shouted: "Junior Brother Yi, don't think so, please listen to me if there is something strange about this matter."

Then Duan Yi told all the things about the Zhiyan Order in Scarlet Rain City over the years.

Originally, in order to limit the number of people entering the Langhuan Cave, the Lihuo Sect strictly limited the number of Zhiyan Orders.But I didn't expect that in Scarlet Rain City alone, the number of flame tokens traded on the black market over the years accounted for a quarter of the established number.

It can be seen that someone is making fake tokens to seek property, but when Jian Shaoqing tried to intervene in the investigation, he found that the flame tokens traded were genuine.It's just that the age is not that old, it looks like a new token that has been refined in the past hundred years.

Originally, these tokens could only flow out from Lihuo Palace, but they didn't know what Lihuo Palace wanted to do with this move.That's why they took the opportunity to try to thoroughly investigate this matter in Scarlet Rain City, and no matter how bad it was, they had to find some Zhiyan Tokens for the disciples of the sect.Moreover, it is said that some small and medium-sized sects also found the Zhiyan Token privately, but they made a lot of money and never mentioned it.

Seeing that Yi Tian was in deep thought, Duan Yi also knew that this must be something to think about.Then he said directly: "Now I'm telling the whole story, how about making a three-chapter agreement with Junior Brother Yi like this."

"How to distribute the Zhiyan Order? I want to hear Senior Brother Duan's opinion," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"Find the first one to belong to my sect, and the second one can be bought by Yi Daoyou with 300 million spirit stones. This is my bottom line," Duan Yi thought for a while before explaining his distribution method.

"Well, I don't want the second piece. Fellow Daoist Duan just needs to take out two low-level mid-level treasures with me," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

"It's a deal, as long as fellow daoists don't regret it," Duan Yi agreed without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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