
Chapter 1101

Chapter 1101
Yi Tian and Xi Tianying flew all the way to the depths of the wilderness, slightly increasing the flying altitude and reducing the speed when passing through the magic fog area.

After leaving the magic mist area, he increased his speed and rushed straight ahead.The two of them flew like this for three days and three nights, and then Xi Tianying, who was leading the way, slowly slowed down and then said via voice transmission: "Further ahead is the Earth Dragon's Cave, which was originally a place where a demon dragon lived. It's only been a thousand years After being killed by my master before, this place has become a land of no owner. Fortunately, Longwei still exists, so within a radius of three thousand miles, no monsters dare to approach, let alone people."

After Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense, he explored the surrounding area, and sure enough, as Xi Tianying said, this place is very secluded, and if there is any movement here, it will not attract other people's prying eyes.

Immediately replied: "This is really a good place. After injecting the glass dragon spirit into the dragon tooth blade here, even if it attracts a catastrophe, you don't have to worry about people coming to disturb you."

"That's right, let's go down," Xi Tianying pointed to the valley in front of him, and then the cloud head fell slowly towards the open space in the valley.

After a while, the two landed in the open space in the valley. Yi Tian reached out and took out the sundial Luo Geng to measure the surrounding land.

This place was originally the place where high-level monster dragons lived, and naturally there is an extremely powerful dragon aura left, and this time the aura itself is also made from the remains of the above ancient dragon bones.The glass dragon essence injected this time inherits the same line and naturally complements each other.

After surveying the environment, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to the middle of the mountain depression in the distance: "It should be above the ground vein node. I will try to get through the node to draw a little spiritual power out to help you complete the infusion of the dragon soul."

"Okay, you can tell what to do," Xi Tianying replied carelessly.

The two flew to that node, Yi Tian reached out and took out the Taiyuan Sword to sacrifice the sword light, and then pointed towards the ground and pointed out.The strength was just right to chisel out a hole the size of a fist in the rock on the ground, and Shaoqing released a burst of underground spiritual energy from it.

"Okay, Brother Xi, you sit on the top and take out the Dragon Tooth Blade, and then recognize it with blood," Yi Tian said after saying that he also took out the glass bottle containing the glass dragon's soul and gave it to the other party: " After the dragon tooth blade recognizes the master, you can open and inject this dragon soul. After the essence enters the spirit weapon and becomes the tool soul, it will naturally lead to the catastrophe. At that time, you need to hold this spirit weapon to endure the catastrophe. After the success, it will naturally Experience the magical effect of the Dragon Tooth Blade."

After hearing this, Xi Tianying shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "That's natural, I don't worry about you doing things."

"Oh," Yi Tian then asked, "Why is Brother Xi so relieved?"

"First of all, it's nothing to say that you and I have similar temperaments, and the words of Cheng Tianyun, the newly promoted master of refining weapons, can never be false." Xi Tianying blinked and said, "But I'm curious, which one is your real name?"

"You know it all, but I actually don't know who gave me the name of Master Cheng. You don't need to hide your head and show your tail when you meet a gentleman. I always use my real name," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Brother Yi, it seems that you are also a person with a story, and Qing Tiansi of the Taiqing Pavilion seems to have taken care of you in every possible way and has been protecting you," Xi Tianying said, took the glass bottle, took out the dragon tooth blade, and strode away Go forward, and later sit cross-legged on the spiritual eye and start refining the dragon tooth blade.

Yi Tian lightly jumped into the air and slowly flew away ten miles away before stopping. Although his eyes were fixed on the valley, his mind was reminiscing what Xi Tianying said just now.

Yi, he could only guess that Cheng Tianyun, the newly promoted craftsman on the craftsman list, was his other person.In addition, he also named the Taiqing Pavilion's inner secretary, Tiansi, who must be protecting him.

Thinking that after he ascended to the spirit world, he would act alone and have no chance to make friends with those powerful monks.It is not difficult to imagine that there must be a problem, and most of them are the backhands left by Patriarch Wuye in the spirit world to protect himself secretly.

But others couldn't get in touch for a long time. Although I had a messenger jade token on my body and tried to activate it several times.But every time the result is nothing, if Patriarch Wuye is in the spirit world, it should be possible to contact him directly.Or the other person is not in this world at all, so even if the communication jade tablet is activated, the other person cannot be found at all.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face darkened, and he really didn't know what to do next.Fortunately, Xi Tianying's words inspired me a bit, after I settled this matter, I found a chance to go to Qing Tiansi of Taiqing Pavilion to ask someone for divination.Didn't I have a very speculative chat with that first Yan Daozi last time, just looking for another opportunity to get close.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a soaring spiritual light flashing from the valley. It was the situation where Xi Tianying refined the spiritual weapon and injected the spirit of the glass dragon into the dragon tooth blade after refining the spirit weapon and identifying its owner.

Immediately, a sound of dragon chant came from the valley, and the deafening roar of the dragon collapsed the nearby mountains.Behind Long Yin, Yi Tian found that the surrounding wind was gradually picking up, mixed with bursts of spiritual energy, and gradually formed a strong wind in the valley.

At this time, the originally clear sky darkened rapidly, and the dark clouds gathered all around covered the area of ​​[-] miles.Seeing the coming of the weapon robbery, Yitian knew that the dragon soul infusion was almost completed, and the new spiritual weapon could be made after the weapon robbery was over.

Under the secret joy in his heart, he suddenly frowned slightly, and in his spiritual sense, he detected that there seemed to be two waves of spiritual pressure fluctuations that were not weaker than his own approaching at a distance of three thousand miles. arrive.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face darkened, and those who could catch up in such a situation must be those from the Inspection Department of Scarlet Rain City.If I didn't guess wrong, it should be Jian Shaoqing, other than that, those other people wouldn't go all the way into the wilderness to linger on.

Thinking that Xi Tianying will not be able to free up his hands for a while, Yi Tian also has lingering fears, and he is not afraid of one-on-two, but if this continues, his identity will definitely be exposed.Now that she is with Xi Tianying, she can't argue with her. It's really yellow mud falling in the crotch, and it's either shit or shit.

Looking back at the appearance of the weapon robbery, it seemed that it would not fall for a while, Yi Tian took out the summoning jade token immediately and informed Xi Tianying of the situation.And asked him to concentrate on dealing with the robbery, and try his best to hold back the comer.

Then he reached out and took out a pair of formation disks, and after flying in the air, he muttered words, injected spiritual power into it, and then activated the formation disks.

In an instant, the array flew into the air with the valley in front of it as the central node, and then changed into a transparent array, which quietly fell, covering the more than [-] miles around the valley into the white mist.

But the white mist shrouded by the robbery cloud in the middle could not gather together, and was blown away by the strong wind, leaving the center of the valley directly.

Knowing that there is no better way, Yi Tian reached out and took out several seeds to activate them and eject them into the formation.Later, I also dodged in with a figure.

(End of this chapter)

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