
Chapter 1102 Blocking

Chapter 1102 Blocking
Two escaping lights from the sky flew towards them quickly and crashed into the foggy area. When they entered the range of the large formation, the surrounding spiritual power surged rapidly, and layers of fog completely covered the way forward for the two of them.

In this way, the range of Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi's eyes has shrunk to only a few hundred feet away, and the stretching out of the divine sense is almost the same.

In the mist spiritual array, there were slowly fluctuations of spiritual power, as if an invisible wall of air had been erected in the air, slowly separating the two of them.Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding in the depths of the formation, was using the formation disk in his hand to constantly monitor the whereabouts of the two people in the formation.

When they first entered the formation, Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi didn't seem to have figured out the situation, so they didn't dare to move around to avoid triggering the formation restriction and causing greater backlash.But Yi Tian saw the corner of his mouth twitching, stretched out his hand and made a seal, and then counted it against the formation.

Immediately, the formation disk began to slowly rotate and mobilize the underground spiritual power to form several transparent air walls in the air.My main purpose this time is to prevent the two from delaying time for Xi Tianying, not to really sleep to death, so I am very selective in my attack and will not take the initiative to attack.

Furthermore, I was also afraid that the other party would find my whereabouts from the clues in the formation. Judging from the experience of the two of them as inspectors, it would be best to avoid taking action as much as possible.

Sure enough, Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi tried to break in a few times in the trapped formation, but they were all blocked back.It's just that after a few times of contact, there was a little doubt on the face, and the two stopped to discuss after walking in the formation for a while.

Then suddenly the two flew in different directions, each submerged in the white mist.Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in front of the array, also frowned slightly at this time. Originally, when the two stayed together, he could try to surround them, at least it would be fine if he dragged on for an hour.

But once they are separated, the spiritual power they need to consume will inevitably increase exponentially. I didn't expect that these two are also veterans who know how to deal with such a situation.

Yi Tian can see from the formation disk that Jian Shaoqing has sacrificed his sword light to protect himself. Along the way, he slowly moved towards the inner layer along the obstacles of the formation, which was much faster than Duan Yi. .

Looking carefully, he saw that he seemed to be holding a top-like spiritual weapon in his hand, and a white spiritual light shone from it into the surrounding white mist.Soon those transparent air walls were invisible under the white light, and Jian Shaoqing broke into them quickly relying on such guidance.

On the other hand, Duan Yi didn't seem to be rushing towards the central area at this time. He also held a top-like spiritual weapon in his hand and galloped towards his direction under its guidance.

Seeing that Yi Tian was shocked at the moment, he still underestimated the background of these two people. It is obvious that the spiritual weapons in their hands are specially refined to break the trap.Moreover, the control of their own formation seemed to be useless in front of them, and they followed the instructions and walked around the edge of the invisible air wall before long.

As a result, Yi Tian also had to avoid the sharp edge for the time being, took the formation plate in his hand, retreated and retreated directly into the white mist.Then he stretched out his hand and took stock of the formation, activating all the backhands reserved before.

In an instant, the formation changed again, and an invisible pressure pressed down from top to bottom, directly limiting the flying height of the two to about ten feet in the air.At the same time, the book buried on the ground was also fully activated this time, and the vines sprung up from the ground like mushrooms after a spring rain, and rolled towards the two people in the sky.

Originally, I didn't think that I could drag the two of them so easily, but in fact their performance was stronger than I expected, so I had to use the reserved backup in advance.

Fortunately, my spiritual sense is stronger than that of ordinary monks, so I can deal with it calmly even when controlling these vines separately.It's just that Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi reacted extremely quickly, and the vines that emerged from the ground were smashed by the sword light of their bodyguards before they got close to them.

But this also greatly hindered the flying speed of the two of them, and the shuttle in the trapped formation was much slower than before.

Just as Yi Tianwei breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly a deep dragon chant sounded from inside the formation, and the sound wave scattered in all directions, blowing away a lot of the fog in the formation.

For a moment, Jian Shaoqing's field of vision expanded a lot, and even the many vines that were hidden in the formation waiting for an opportunity to attack were clearly visible at this time.

A little later, a sword light flashed behind him, and he held the sword in his right hand, and then raised several filaments of sword light to chop the vines below into pieces.Unexpectedly, the sleepy formation did not stop the two of them, at this time Yi Tian found that Duan Yi's figure suddenly disappeared into the formation.When he was hesitating, he suddenly felt something bad in his heart, then he put away the formation disk and used the escapism technique to dodge to the side.

After three breaths, the place where he was was hit by several sword lights, and the white mist within ten feet around the space was immediately cleared.Looking back, it was Duan Yi's figure who appeared there, but I didn't expect that I really underestimated this person.To be able to be Jian Shaoqing's deputy, I'm afraid his skills are not weak.

After weighing it in my heart, I guess if I don't use my real skills, I can't do anything to win the opponent.It's just that once you get rid of your identity, you can no longer hide it.And although wearing a mask and cloak can temporarily hide him at this time, it probably won't last long.

For the present plan, I can only hope that Xi Tianying can quickly pass the weapon to help, and look back at the center of the formation. At this time, all the thunders have already fallen, and the final dragon roar is the best evidence.

I just don't know why Xi Tianying still refuses to show up at this time. Could it be that it was not smooth when collecting the spirit weapon.Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a beam of sword light soaring to the sky behind him, and scanned with his spiritual sense, he found that it was Jian Shaoqing who sacrificed a sword energy in his hand and then slashed fiercely towards the protective layer along the inner edge of the formation.

So hastily reached out to inject spiritual power into the formation plate, and then quickly pulled out the spiritual power from the ground veins to bless the formation.

After a loud 'bang', it seemed that the whole world shook for a few times, and Jian Shaoqing's move was completely blocked.

He yelled angrily: "Duan Yi is entangled with that person, without the control of the array, I can easily break the trapped array."

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Jian," Duan Yi also took out the sword box on his body and sacrificed it in the air, turning it into a pair of sword armor to cover his body.

Then muttering words in his mouth, the whole person resorted to the trick of combining human and sword and rushed towards him.Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian didn't dare to take it too seriously, and if he gave in blindly, he would put himself in danger.

He stretched out his hand and sacrificed two ghost-faced flower seeds, which instantly turned into vine nets in the air for defense, and then took out a dragon-scale shield to block in front of him. With a 'bang', Duan Yi's body passed through the rattan net and consumed most of his spiritual power. When the sword light on his body hit the shield, the coefficient was blocked.

But Yi Tian didn't show any joy on his face, he only heard a deafening loud noise from a distance again, and the formation disk in his hand couldn't withstand the impact of huge spiritual power at this time, and a crack burst from it with a 'click'.

The entire trap was completely broken at the same time, but fortunately, a deep dragon's roar sounded from a distance.Then the surrounding spiritual power surged rapidly, forming a hurricane and blowing in all directions.

Yi Tian flashed past in a hurry and flew to the sky. Looking back, it seemed that there was a faint phantom of thunder dragon in the sky in the distance, converging to one point, and then revealing the figure of Tian Tianying.

(End of this chapter)

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