
Chapter 1104

Chapter 1104
After leaving the range of Dilongxue, Yi Tian didn't care how much time Xi Tianying could delay for himself, and just flew rapidly above the sky alone.

There is basically nothing that can hinder me along the way, so I am happy to be quiet and at ease.After flying high in the sky for a long time, I suddenly found a golden light flying out from a slant, and then flew forward side by side with a distance of one mile.

When Yi Tian saw it, he became suspicious, carefully used his spiritual thoughts to distinguish, and found that the other party turned out to be a monk in the distraction period.Fortunately, the aura of his body protector gave a sound of righteousness, otherwise he would really think that he was being targeted by some strong man.

At the same time, the other party seemed to have swept his divine sense over, and after ten breaths, he heard a loud cry: "Does this little friend know how far away the place of Devil's Fall is?"

'The land of the devil', Yi Tian murmured in his mouth in a low voice, then shook his head and cupped his hands and replied: "This senior also passed by here unintentionally, so naturally he doesn't know the place of the devil's fall."

"That's it," the man showed a hint of doubt on his face after hearing this, and then said, "The poor monk has been looking for the place where the devil has fallen for many years since he really came to the spirit world. It's a pity that he hasn't found it after several years. It's really no chance." See the ultimate magic soldier who is inseparable from the devil prince."

'Hand-held magic soldier of Prince Mo Sheng' Isn't this the area of ​​magic mist that Xi Tianying passed by before, and Yi Tian looked at him right now.Judging from his name, he turned out to be a monk, but he didn't know that there were Buddhist monks visiting in the spiritual world.It seems that there must be many interface gates connecting the other nine sessions.

Immediately replied: "Master Yizhen knew in person that there is a magic fog area. I heard that the magic prince fell into it and formed it. It's just that it's too old to know whether the thing is still in it or not."

The real monk suddenly stopped in the air, turned his eyes to look surprised and said: "Can this benefactor tell me the exact direction, the poor monk will be very grateful."

Yi Tian also stopped the escapism, took out a roll of jade slip map and marked the approximate location on it, and then handed the jade slip over with ease.

The Yizhen monk reached out to take the jade slip, looked at the contents carefully, and then closed it gently.Then he clasped his hands together and said to himself the sound of the Buddha's name: "I have traveled in the spiritual world for many years and only saw a little wisdom root in the donor, and there is also a trace of the original power of the Buddha sect in every gesture. It should be that I have practiced the secret art of my Buddha sect Divine power."

Yi Tian's face was startled. It was the first time that he had met so many people, and it was the first time someone could tell at a glance the Buddhist secret technique he had practiced.It seems that the monk in front of him has a lot of cultivation, at least his eyesight is first-class.

At the moment, he replied with the courtesy of the Buddhist sect: "I have practiced the Buddhist prajna bitter meditation and the eight-tone secret art of heaven and thunder, so there are often some Buddhist powers in the exercises."

After hearing this, Yizhen nodded and said: "That's right, these two secret arts are indeed the top skills of the Buddhist sect passed down in the lower world. It's rare to meet a monk like you in the spiritual world for so long. It's also fate. Seeing me today There is no way to repay the kindness of your guidance, and the poor monk has a volume of the secret method of Buddhism as a gift, please don't decline it."

After finishing speaking, he reached out and took out a prayer bead and gently sent it over, saying: "This is a prayer bead left by an arhat in the Buddhist world, and it contains the most basic skills of his cultivation. Today, I see that the Taoist friend is a predestined person, so I will give it to you as a gift." , I hope you can comprehend the true meaning of it, it is also a chance for you and me to get acquainted."

"Since it is a Buddhist bead left by an arhat, it is naturally extremely precious. It is a bit too flattering for Master Yizhen to give this object to someone who met me by chance. Besides, the master doesn't even know my surname, isn't it too much?" Hasty?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

Monk Yizhen said again: "Amitabha, that's a friend of Taoism. Since you can learn my Buddha's Prajna Kuchan and Tianlei Eight Sound Secret Technique, you are naturally destined. The name is just a code, I I feel that you and I will definitely have a chance to meet in the future, and maybe we will need your help in the future." After speaking, he turned his head and flew towards the magic fog area marked on the map without waiting for his reply.

It was so inconvenient for Yi Tian to keep him, but he just looked in the direction where he was leaving, and then reached out and took the arhat Buddha bead, held it in his hand and looked at it gently.Immediately, a burst of Buddhist power slowly passed into him from above, and the real body of Asura appeared behind him involuntarily.

At this point, Yi Tian was so excited that he immediately took back his body skills, and put the Buddhist beads into the storage ring.Later, cold sweat broke out on his back, and he thought to himself: "What's the situation, it seems that I have never encountered a situation where Asura's body skills are automatically displayed.Most likely it was pulled out by the power of the Buddhist sect on this bead. '

But then I had doubts in my heart, I have practiced Prajna Kuchan for many years, but I still can't automatically use my body skills like today's situation.It seemed that he had to find time to study this Buddhist bead carefully, and then the figure flashed and galloped in the direction of Scarlet Rain City.

And the monk Yizhen I met before was rushing towards the magic fog area at this time, and suddenly seemed to sense something stabilizing his figure in the air.

Looking back towards the direction where I met Yi Tian just now, it took a long time before I said in my mouth: "Sure enough, it is him, but unfortunately I still have something important to discuss with him in detail. Regardless of whether you and I got married today, There will be a time to meet each other in the future, I hope that time will not come too late." After ten breaths, he turned around and flew forward in a hurry.

Three days later, Yi Tian rushed back to Feiyu City in a hurry. After performing Qianmian, he went to the city again in a daze, and then returned to his sect's resident to report.

Although it has been seven days since the last big search in the city, Yi Tian just went to buy treasure materials in the city, so he got confused about his whereabouts in the past few days.Anyway, the inspection department couldn't find his record of going out of the city, even if he encountered trouble, he insisted that he just stayed in the city and never went out.

Fortunately, this time I took the lead and set an example. After returning to the residence, the acting deacon of the Zongmen handed out his share of achievements together.Not to mention other things, but the inquiry right of Scarlet Rain City Archives is already very attractive.To be honest, I have long thought of this to inquire about Qian Lingzi, an inner disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect 3000 years ago.

If you take advantage of others, you must figure out the ins and outs of it, or you will know how to deal with it in your heart if you encounter it in the future.

Later, after the Zongmen resident was removed, they rushed to the archives with the longest history in Scarlet Rain City.After showing the identity jade badge and the newly obtained certificate of merit, he went to the third floor of the archives as he wished.All the materials kept here are some old materials, such as the outbreak of the last evil disaster and the historical record of evaluating the evil disaster.

However, Yi Tian's goal this time is the mission records belonging to Scarlet Rain City 3000 years ago.These materials are no longer classified as confidential records today, and they can be browsed at will again as long as they obtain the right to inquire.

Shaoqing found the inspection department's mission log in a place on the bookshelf on the third floor. When he took it out and put it in his hand to read it, he suddenly noticed someone staring at him.Turning around, she turned out to be a young woman in her late teens, wearing the costumes of the sect, but she didn't look like a disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.

She stared at her for a long time without uttering a word. At that moment, Yi Tian just pouted and took the jade slip and walked out from the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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