
Chapter 1105 Encountered

Chapter 1105 Encountered
The episode in the archives did not make Yi Tian feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, he found the 3000-year-old record file of the Inspection Department of Feiyu City.

After finding a reading room in the archives, Yi Tian went straight into it. After unlocking the room, he slowly walked to the stone table in the middle, spread out the jade slips in his hand, and searched them one by one.

As the gaze continued to sweep down, the expression on his face became more and more solemn.The identity of this Qian Lingzi is roughly the same as what he guessed, he was originally a leader in the inner sect of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect more than 3000 years ago.His identity is the No. [-] figure in the Inspection Department of Crimson Rain City, almost the same as Duan Yi now.

And at that time, the entire inspection department was divided into several groups of forces, and Qian Lingzi relied on his talents to form a branch of his own and was not attached to any other forces.The key is that he has a powerful master as the backstage. This person is named Kou Ji, who was a well-known veteran distraction cultivator in the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect at that time.

Immediately there was a feeling of emotion in his heart: "No wonder Qian Lingzi can ignore other people's opinions. It turns out that the backstage is hard."It's a pity that back then he also rashly attacked alone in order to monopolize his achievements.Judging from the situation of the Inspection Department, there must be two people walking together every time they go out, so that they can support each other, so it seems that Qian Lingzi really didn't fit in well in the Inspection Department back then. '

Following Qian Lingzi's task record, Yi Tian's eyes swept down all the way and stayed on the last unfinished task.I saw the description above: "After investigation, Luo Que, a distracted monk of the Asura tribe, broke into the gate of the world privately, and visited several ruins of the evil disaster after arriving in the spirit world, but failed."Although this person is of a foreign race, he is powerful and does not deliberately provoke monks in the spirit world. However, his purpose of action is suspicious, so Qian Lingzi, the inspector, is urgently sent to follow along the way.But something abnormal was reported to the inspectorate immediately. '

It seems that this was the order of Qianlingzi Street back then, but afterward he found out what Luo Que was chasing and wanted to take it for himself, and finally concealed his superiority and chased Luo Que to the lower realm.

It's a pity that I never came back after this trip, and finally fell into my own hands.There is no follow-up record in this mission record. The last record I read only said that he was ordered to track down the wasteland and then disappeared forever.

After regaining his senses, Yi Tian studied Qian Lingzi's personal information again. This person's cultivation base was stronger than his own now, which is probably the appearance of the late stage of Huashen.What he learned was the Lingyaohua Qianshu directly handed down by the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. If he hadn't fallen, he would still be Jian Shaoqing's uncle in terms of seniority.

Now that I have learned his true secret art, I can be regarded as having a relationship with Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.But judging from the news I got now, this is not a good thing, on the contrary, it will have many constraints on myself.Once the cultivation technique is revealed in front of Jian Shaoqing and others, they will definitely investigate it to the end.

After reading the information, Yi Tian put away the jade slips, opened the restriction, and walked to the depths of the bookshelf on the third floor again.Just now, I glanced at the bookshelf and saw that there are special records of the disaster. Many of those documents are the letters left by the monks who participated in the last disaster.

Over the years, I have been exposed to a lot of hidden things, so I just took this opportunity to learn more.Presumably the files kept here in Scarlet Rain Sword Sect will be different from those in Qingfeng City.

The documents about the disaster records are the most in the archives, but nearly [-]% of them record the situation at the end of the disaster.At that time, the army of the Demon Saint Prince was besieged in the spirit world and waiting for help, but the interface channel was firmly in the hands of the human race.Therefore, the following millennium encirclement and suppression campaign left the most document records.

Many of them are the records left by Ling Xiu, who was responsible for clearing out the demon strongholds at that time, after completing the task.As for the final siege of the demon sage prince's army in Qingfeng Old City, the Great Sage Wuye from Lihuo Palace personally led the team into a battle to settle the evil disaster.

I think the records of Qingfeng Old Town will be kept in more detail in Taiqing Pavilion or Lihuo Palace.These are not the results I want to find, but the situation in the magic fog area makes me feel lingering fear.

I remember that Xi Tianying once mentioned that it was probably his master who warned him about the hidden dangers left by several disaster-prone areas in the spirit world.But whenever you encounter these places, you basically need to go around to avoid being affected.

He walked to the bookshelf and let go of his spiritual sense to search them one by one. After skimming over [-]% of the documents and letters, he locked two jade slips in several corners of the bookshelf.The logo on this clearly indicates that the time recorded in the literature is in the early stage of the catastrophe.

When Yi Tian saw it, Daxi hurried forward and took out the two jade slips and held them in his hands.Gently flipping through the quotation on the homepage, I searched and thought to myself: "Sure enough, someone has recorded the cause of the evil disaster, the defeat of the human race in the early stage, and the fall of Qingfeng Old City."

Although these are some disgraceful records, they will be placed in an inconspicuous corner.But for someone like me who was eager to know the details of the evil disaster that year, it was a timely rain.

After taking the two pieces of jade slips, Yi Tian turned around and was about to return to the reading room, when suddenly he glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that the female nun was standing in the distance and sizing him up again.He secretly thought that something was wrong, it seemed that he was being targeted by someone, but he didn't know who the other party was and why he paid so much attention to him here.

Suddenly the female cultivator walked towards her, and stopped when she was three feet in front of her. Then Jishou said, "May I ask where you are from? I'm going to be polite to Ji Xingzhu from the Palace of Fire."

The voice that sounded like the sounds of nature in other people's ears at this time made him feel like a cry for death. After calming down, Yi Tian stared at the other party for a while.But in my mind, I kept thinking about where I showed my feet to attract the other party's attention.

And isn't Ji Xingzhu the descendant of Lihuo Patriarch Ji Xuanyuan, who is also the true biography of Lihuo Palace, will naturally feel for him.After thinking about it, he secretly used his skills to take the Leiyan Ziyan from Niwan Palace into Yuanying's mouth.

Then he slowly stretched out his hand to return the salute: "It turns out that the genius refiner of Lihuo Palace has disrespected me. Xia Yitian is currently guarding Taiqing Pavilion Xishan Lingzhi Garden. I don't know what advice Master Ji has in person?"

"Genius refining master is just a false name given by others. To be honest, I don't dare to give advice. It's just that when I face fellow Taoists, I feel a strange sense of intimacy." Ji Xingzhu explained: "I don't know how good you are in cultivation. Fire Element Kung Fu."

Yi Tian was startled and secretly said: "Come here, I guess Ji Xingzhu's perception of Lihuogong's skills is far superior to that of the same level, so he will notice the strangeness in himself." To be honest, all these years in order to avoid being targeted by Lihuogong I am always careful in dealing with things, and when interacting with others, I am also cautiously walking on thin ice.

After forcibly suppressing the exclamation in his heart, he pretended to be indifferent and replied: "I have practiced some fire-type exercises, but most of them are based on the true fire of Samadhi. Wood-type exercises are the main ones, otherwise I wouldn't have taken the post of guardian of Zongmen Lingzhiyuan." After speaking, he took out his guardian status jade badge and waved it in front of Ji Xingzhu.

(End of this chapter)

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