
Chapter 1106

Chapter 1106
When Yi Tian ran into Ji Xingzhu in the archives of Scarlet Rain City, Yi Tian couldn't be happier.He was someone who had been avoiding Lihuo Palace all this time, but it was a coincidence that he was caught right here.Moreover, the other party was actually a descendant of the current Palace Master of Lihuo Palace who had a close relationship with him.

Facing Ji Xingzhu's questioning, Yi Tian didn't want to be too wordy from the bottom of his heart.Before the other party becomes suspicious of him, it is better to go 36 times.

After thinking about it, he turned around and cupped his hands at her and said, "I am here mainly to inquire about the literature on the evil disaster under the order of Senior Sister Qing Lianyun. My disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion are now busy revitalizing the old city of Qingfeng. It is such an apology." .” After speaking, he changed hands and walked towards the exit with two jade slips.

Ji Xingzhu, who was behind him, showed a look of hesitation when he saw it. After three breaths, he frowned slightly and then walked towards the bookshelf on the other side.

It's just that Yi Tian's ears seem to vaguely hear her muttering: "This person is a bit interesting, such a strong sense of symbiosis."

Trying to calm down, Yi Tian quickened his pace and walked to the reception desk of the archives, spending some merit points to copy the jade slips in his hand.Then he took the two jade slips out of the archives and rushed back to the Zongmen's residence.

Now if you stay a moment longer, you will have an extra crisis. For the time being, only the Zongmen's resident in Scarlet Rain City is relatively safe.After making up his mind to go back for a while, he explained to the deacon elders and went directly back to Qingfeng City. Only there could he feel at ease.

When they returned to the Zongmen's residence in the south of the city, they suddenly found that the central gate was wide open, and there were also a group of disciples from the Inspectorate of Crimson Rain City waiting outside the courtyard.Seeing that Yi Tian's face turned slightly dark, he was about to turn around and walk around the side hall corridor.Suddenly someone shouted behind his ears: "So it's Daoist Yi who came back, so I found you."

You don’t need to listen to the voice, but it’s Duan Yi, the deputy commander of the inspection department. Yi Tian greeted him in his heart immediately, then turned around and forced a smile on his face, and said, “It turns out that Fellow Daoist Duan is visiting, I’m sorry. Didn’t you say that before?” Are you going out of town to do errands, and this can be done in just a few days?"

Duan Yi stepped forward and said carelessly: "Don't mention it, it's really troublesome to go out this time. Brother Jian and I met Xi Tianying, the boss of Pojunshan Qijie."

"Oh, there is such a thing, brother Jian must show his might to overwhelm that fellow Xi Tianying," Yi Tian replied, but a delicate look flashed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this guy Duan Yi is also a guy who wants to save face. He sighed and said: "Junior Brother Yi, you don't know, that Xi Tianying is really good. Brother Jian and him are evenly matched in every move. Standing beside me With the assistance, he was finally forced to break out of the encirclement and run away."

'Did you really forcefully break through the siege and run away? Yi Tian felt a burst of contempt in his heart, and he estimated that Jian Shaoqing would not get any benefit from Xi Tianying's hands this time.According to what Duan Yi said, if the two of them fought against each other even if they were equals, they would all have water.

Now that he was caught, he couldn't pretend to be stupid anymore, Yi Tian had no choice but to follow Duan Yi into the main hall slowly.Looking up, Qiao Chunlai, the elder of the resident deacon, was sitting with Jian Shaoqing as guest and host, and the two seemed to be discussing something.

Seeing Duan Yi and Yi Tian walking slowly into the hall, Jian Shaoqing stood up and arched his hands together: "Junior Brother Yi is back, and I happened to be discussing with Elder Qiao about seconding Taiqing Pavilion disciples for help. That's not right about you."

Surprised in his heart, Yi Tian looked at the current situation and complained secretly, but he was thinking about how to get out of the matter as soon as possible.Unexpectedly, the people from the inspection department came to the door again. Could it be that he showed some flaws and was targeted by them to find fault.

In the blink of an eye, a smile appeared on his face and said: "Thanks to Senior Brother Jian's love, as a disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion, I will naturally follow the arrangement of the sect."

This statement revealed that Qiao Chunlai, the deacon stationed at the seat, was naturally overjoyed. Taiqing Pavilion still respects him here, and everything needs his consent.Yi Tian in front of him still puts the sect first in everything and pushed him to the table, which is of course giving enough face.

Qiao Chunlai coughed lightly to attract everyone's attention again, and then said, "Since the inspector Si Jian came to ask for help in person, I, Taiqing Pavilion, naturally cannot stand by and watch."

"Thank you so much, Senior Brother Qiao. The Inspection Division will pay for the cost of the secondment. I will definitely not make it difficult for Senior Brother." Jian Shaoqing also said something nice on the stick.

Seeing that Qiao Chunlai sold himself out like this, Yi Tian was a little frustrated, but he still put on a dignified look on his face.Only Jian Shaoqing said: "Actually, I came here this time to ask Junior Brother Yi to make a move. Junior Brother Duan told me that you are an expert in formations. This time there are distinguished guests who need to borrow the real field of fireworks in the center of the city. And the maintenance formation has been in disrepair for a long time, and Junior Brother Yi needs to be checked before it can be used to avoid incalculable consequences caused by the instability of the formation."

It turned out to be such a trivial matter as checking the formation, but is there no monk in the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect who knows the formation? Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help but hesitated in his eyes.

Maybe he guessed what he was thinking. Jian Shaoqing continued: "In fact, there are also formation masters in the sect, but those who are at the level of transforming gods are all traveling outside. As for the higher-level distracted monks, it is naturally inconvenient to disturb their cultivation. So At first, I had to trouble Junior Brother Yi to make a move."

And Qiao Chunlai, the deacon elder at the side, said out of nowhere: "Since Junior Brother Jian has invited you, Junior Brother Yi, you can take action once. Afterwards, I will count this as a second-class task and report it to the sect. In addition to the achievements, the Zongmen will also do the corresponding task settlement. That is, you can get two merit points in one shot, you should be satisfied with this."

"Junior brother dare not, since Elder Qiao spoke, I will accompany Senior Brother Jian for a while." Even though he said so, his heart was beating drums. Could it be that the honored guest Jian Shaoqing was talking about was Li Huo whom he saw in the archives. Gong Ji Xingzhu.

This woman can't avoid it by herself, if it's really her, she should take it easy.After thinking about it, he turned around and said to Jian Shaoqing: "In this case, we might as well hurry up and make arrangements, and ask Brother Jian to lead the way."

Duan Yi who was on the side stepped forward at this time and said: "Junior Brother Yi, don't worry, I will take care of it this time, just follow me later."

Gently replied: "Then there will be Senior Brother Lao Duan," but Yi Tian had a hundred thousand reluctances in his mind.Even facing Jian Shaoqing is better than following Duan Yi, since he has fought against Duan Yi at the Dilongxue, this person has a subtlety but will be recognized by him if he makes a slight mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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