
Chapter 1108

Chapter 1108
On the way back from the real field of fireworks in the center of the earth, Duan Yi didn't say much, but the way he looked at him changed a little, which made Yi Tian feel a little uncomfortable.The reason is also very simple. It was Ji Xingzhu's words that made him a target of public criticism.

In this way, there is nothing I can do, seeing Duan Yi's smirk, I don't get angry at all.Flying in the air while flying, he asked carefully through sound transmission: "Senior Brother Duan, what do you think Ji Xingzhu's words mean, I feel like she is staring at her."

Unexpectedly, Duan Yi laughed loudly and said: "Brother Yi, apart from other things, it is really not easy for you to enter Ji Xingzhu's eyes. You must know that this aunt has a lot of background, and we dare not offend easily. "

Yi Tian pondered for a while before saying: "After returning to the city, please brother Duan keep his mouth shut. I don't want to put myself at a disadvantage because of this matter."

"Are you afraid of offending Chi Wuji?" Duan Yi glanced over and said, "Actually, don't be afraid, Ji Xingzhu is not Chi Wuji's Taoist partner. They are just brothers and sisters, otherwise Lihuo Palace wouldn't Deliberately holding a concubine selection ceremony to choose a wife for Chi Wuji."

"Even brothers and sisters are closely related." Yi Tian shook his head and said, "But I'm more curious about what kind of concubine selection ceremony will be held in the Lihuo Palace. You should know that it's too late for the monks to hurry up and practice. How can we have time to talk about love? of."

Duan Yi slowed down the escape technique and then slowly revealed the details. It turned out that Chi Wuji had been practicing in the Lihuo Palace since he was a child.Since Lihuogong trained him as his successor, he will naturally try to make up for these shortcomings.

This Concubine Selection Ceremony is one of the most important items, and helping Chi Wuji find a Taoist companion can speed up the maturity of his mind.

Hearing this, Yi Tiancai finally understood that Emotional Chi Wuji is a child raised in captivity.Ji Xuanyuan took great pains to train him as the successor of Lihuo Palace.But is it really useful?All kinds of thoughts linger in my mind, making me puzzled.

It stands to reason that with Chi Wuji's current appearance, even if he is brave and diligent in cultivation, but because his state of mind cannot keep up, he has never experienced life, old age, sickness, death, joys and sorrows in the world.The bottleneck he will face in the future will be greater than that of ordinary monks. I really don't know how Ji Xuanyuan plans.

Even if we find a Taoist partner for Chi Wuji to improve his mood now, it will take two to 300 years to show the effect.In contrast, people such as Jian Shaoqing and others who work in the Inspection Department or Xi Tianying who have experienced outside, as long as they don't fall in the future, they will get up one step faster and enter the distraction period.

Apart from Chi Wuji, it was Ji Xingzhu who was the most difficult to deal with. After two contacts, it was obvious that she had become suspicious of herself.It may be a problem with the induction of the exercises. Everyone is practicing the Lihuo Nine Changes exercises from the same origin.In this way, it is better to meet each other as little as possible so as not to cause unnecessary disasters.

After thinking about it, he secretly decided to go back to Feiyu City, bid farewell to the station deacon and return to Qingfeng City early to avoid disaster.In this way, the two rushed back to Feiyu City to bid farewell, and Yi Tian went straight back to the Taoist sect's residence, which happened to be that the elder deacon hadn't retreated yet.

After Yi Tian handed over the task at hand, Qiao Chunlai even handed out all the rewards for this task.After getting back his identity jade card, Yi Tian said slowly: "I have almost finished dealing with the trivial matters in Feiyu City, so I need to rush back to the sect to deal with the Lingzhi Garden. After all, I have been away for a long time and I don't know if there are any people below Neglect farming."

"Junior Brother Yi should be concerned about the sect, so I won't keep you," Qiao Chunlai said slowly after hearing this, "I'm just afraid that Junior Brother Yi won't be able to leave immediately."

Frowning slightly, Yi Tian froze for a moment, maybe something happened.At that moment, he looked suspiciously at the look of hesitating to speak.

Qiao Chunlai smiled and waved his hands and said, "Actually, it's not a troublesome thing. It's just that the ultra-long-distance teleportation array here has to be re-inspected and repaired every hundred years. It's all the masters of the scarlet rain sword sect's distraction stage formation. The construction period is one month, so if Junior Brother Yi is in a hurry to go back, he has no choice but to choose another route."

It will take a month, and I secretly think in my heart that it is not a solution to be in Scarlet Rain City now.Even if he was retreating at the Zongmen's residence, Ji Xingzhu might come to the door after he came out of the Firework Realm in the center of the earth.Seeing or not seeing, and seeming unable to get on the stage made it difficult for the deacon and elder to explain.

After thinking about it for a while, he made up his mind that it is better to leave here first, besides, this ultra-long-distance teleportation array is not limited to Crimson Rain City.Those prefecture-level cultivation cities nearby must have corresponding facilities, so it's better to go back to Zongmen as soon as possible to be at ease.

Immediately stated his plan, Qiao Chunlai also expressed his understanding after listening.It's just that the nearest prefecture-level city, Silver Moon Valley, is more than [-] miles away. The fastest way to get there is naturally to take a sky survey warship.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian resigned from Qiao Chunlai, and then hurriedly left the Zongmen's residence and walked towards the airport in the west of Feiyu City. After traveling all the way, he arrived outside the airport not long after.After paying a large amount of spirit stones to buy a first-class ticket, Yi Tian boarded the sky patrol ship Silver Moon as he wished.Although the ship is still several hours away from sailing, with the first-class ticket, you can enter the cabin to rest early.

After entering the cabin, Yi Tian opened the restriction in the cabin, and then sat cross-legged in the cabin and silently practiced his skills to run Xiao Zhoutian.Anyway, if you are idle, you will be immersed in cultivation immediately after you are idle.

It took half a day for the whole Silver Moon to move slowly. Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the cabin, opened his eyes and looked into the distance through the cabin, and saw the buildings around the airport slowly moving backwards. The Silver Moon departed from Hong Kong.Now I feel a little more at ease in my heart, leaving the place of right and wrong is also less of a potential crisis for myself.

At this moment, Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi were sitting face to face in the secret room of the inspection department's headquarters, but there were four burning tokens on the stone table in front of them.Jian Shaoqing stretched out his hand to caress the token, then turned his head and asked, "Have you been in close contact with that Yi Tian, ​​is it possible to be sure that it is the person next to Xi Tianying?"

Duan Yi thought for a while before replying: "His own formation skills are not shallow, similar to the formation master who blocked us last time. And his cultivation base is also on par, but I checked the records of the four gates leaving the city, it seems No information about him."

"It's not unusual. Now that your cultivation has reached such a level, it's not difficult to hide your whereabouts," Jian Shaoqing said with a sneer, "How sure are you that it's him?"

"It's hard to say, at most [-]%," Duan Yi shook his head and replied, "I guess we have to find a way to try him again. But this time, something unexpected happened."


Duan Yi said seriously: "Yi Tian and I met Ji Xingzhu after we came out of the Firework Realm in the center of the earth. This girl seemed to care about him very much, and she even said that she remembered him."

"Is this really the case?" Jian Shaoqing's eyes lit up and said: "The little girl who can enter is not easy to see. I can be sure that nine times it is him. Let us wait and see, and see what he intends to do."

(End of this chapter)

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