
Chapter 1109 Discovery

Chapter 1109 Discovery
Sitting on the Yinyue sky survey warship, Yi Tian stayed in the cabin and did not hear what was going on outside the window, and devoted himself to cultivating.The road here is happy and leisurely, and no one comes to bother.

According to the plan, the Xuantian warship would have to sail for three days to reach the Silver Moon Valley, but Yitian found that he sat in the cabin for less than three days, but the scene outside the window was still over the wasteland.Looking out of the window, the environment on the ground showed no sign of approaching the Silver Moon Valley at all.

At this time, the hull seemed to slow down suddenly, and then the direction seemed to be corrected and deviated from the original channel.

Suspicious at the moment, he stood up, removed the restrictions in the cabin, and slowly walked out, thinking about the inner hall to check what happened.After coming out, he scanned his mind and found that many first-class monks also came out to check the situation like himself.

Walking into the hall of the main cabin, I saw the staff on the warship explaining to many people who came to inquire.Yi Tian calmed down and listened carefully for a while before he realized that under normal circumstances, the warship needs to fly continuously for three days, but now there seems to be some changes in the area passing by ahead, so at this time the captain is considering whether to change the course to go back to the bank. moon valley.

Logically speaking, such a situation should not have happened, but it happened to me.Immediately, Yi Tian felt that the boss was unwilling, but he inadvertently heard that the area that needs to be detoured this time turned out to be the magic fog area.

I was secretly taken aback in my heart, isn't this the place where Xi Tianying mentioned to himself that the sword of the Demon Saint Prince fell.And the last time I met the Buddhist master Yizhen when I came back from the Earth Dragon's Cave, I just said that I was going there, and I pointed the way for him at that time.

Thinking of this, I immediately became less calm. Speaking of this master Yizhen, I still have a good impression in my heart.Although he hadn't studied the Arhat Buddha Bead that he had given to him carefully, he could vaguely perceive its infinite magical effect just by holding it in his hand and trying to absorb the Buddha's light.

Then he walked out from the end of the cabin to the deck and turned to look forward, only to see an area about [-] miles to the right of the bow that was shrouded in black mist, with a range of about a thousand miles.

I thought it was the area covered by the magic mist, but this time it was obviously different from what I saw before.Surprised in his heart, he wondered if it was the change caused by the Yizhen monk entering the magic fog area.In this way, I indirectly affected this matter, and it seems that the unsatisfactory trip this time was also caused by the previous influence.

Just as I was thinking about it, a loud voice suddenly came out of my ears: "Passengers, in view of the unpredictable changes in the magic fog area ahead, this flight has decided to take a detour. The specific itinerary will be extended by two days. If passengers have any dissatisfaction, please wait for the battle." After the ship docks, the Silvermoon City Inspectorate will explain it."

It's not a big deal to wait for two more days, but Yi Tian's face turned cold and he cast his eyes of true sight to look into the magic fog area.After ten breaths, an inconspicuous golden light flashed in an instant, and it was really hard to detect it if you didn't pay attention.

There was something strange in his heart, and the figure immediately became blurred out of curiosity, and disappeared completely on the deck after three breaths.

After the sky patrol warship changed its course and accelerated its detour, a cyan halo appeared over its original position.It was Yi Tian who quietly flew out of it, and then the spiritual power all over his body flickered in the air and galloped towards the direction of the magic fog area.

After gradually approaching the magic fog area, the flying height is slowly lowered, and the surrounding evil spirit is mixed with the spiritual energy.Yi Tian had to open the protective cover to protect the whole body and then slowly fell on the edge of the magic fog area.Yi Tian frowned deeply as he looked at the magic fog area thousands of miles in front of him. It would be easy to lose your way if you were looking for someone inside.

He took out the sundial Luo Geng to confirm his position, then took a big step to prop up the protective cover and walked inside.After walking a few steps, a few crisp bells sounded in my ears. I turned on my spiritual sense and went forward to find that the black mist had the effect of isolating my spiritual sense.After probing forward for a while, he could barely find out what the three-mile radius looked like, so Yi Tian could only follow the sound of the bell and move forward slowly.

Walking and walking, he found that the strong wind in front of him was blowing urgently, and Yi Tian had to stop and prop up the protective cover to survive the strong wind first.Half a moment later, I found that the wind around me seemed to have weakened, and then I took a step forward and continued walking towards the central area.

An hour later, Yi Tian was walking on the road and found a broken spiritual weapon on the road in front of him. He walked forward and looked down at the copper bell, and the previous bell seemed to come from here.

Judging from the extent of the damage, it should have been dropped here a few days ago. I bent down to pick it up and looked down the rocker of the copper bell, only to see the inscription "Mahayana Leiguang Zen Temple Protector Yizhen" engraved on the end. .

"It really belongs to him," Yi Tian muttered in a low voice, "It seems that he has encountered some kind of trouble inside, and even pulled down this exclusive spirit weapon."

After putting away the things, Yi Tian quickened his pace and walked straight towards the depths of the magic fog area.It's just that the terrain here is flat and there is no precipitous terrain.

After walking a few steps, I suddenly saw a faint golden light flashing in front of me, more than a hundred miles away.After having a clear goal, Yi Tian hurriedly walked in this direction.

It's just that the faint golden light is flickering like a boat bumping in the sea that may capsize at any time.Lu Yitian, who was only a hundred miles away, immediately activated his spiritual power in his body, and then galloped all the way towards that direction.It seemed that he had traveled more than a hundred miles in a moment, but the golden light in front of him didn't seem to be getting too close.

While wondering, suddenly a faint cry came from all around: "This is the 'one flower, one world' of the Buddhist sect. Without special skills, it is impossible to approach the inner core area."

Yi Tian quickly ran through the word in his mind, and then found the source in the Prajna Kuzen. This "one flower, one world" should have been the Sumeru World or the Shrinking Land, which is similar to the Buddhist practice of spiritual practice. As small as an inch, if there is no corresponding technique to open the gap, it is impossible to enter it.

It's just that Yi Tian's face is full of doubts. It is reasonable to say that this is the place where the devil prince holding the magic soldier fell, and the evil spirit around here is also reasonable.But this 'one flower, one world' is clearly the Buddhist technique.And that true monk would not be so stupid as to perform this technique again for no reason.

Except for this point, it is the magic weapon that caused the situation here, but a magic weapon can use the secret technique of Buddha sect, which makes me a little puzzled.

No matter how much it is, Yi Tian then made up his mind and stretched out his hand to form a seal on his chest, and then opened his mouth to speak out the art of Tianlei Eight Sounds.

After the sound wave spread out from his mouth, it covered a hazy area in front of him. After ten breaths, a three-foot hole was opened in the void. Yi Tian didn't hesitate to get in through the hole without hesitation. .

 Thank you for the monthly pass at Zhonggukou
(End of this chapter)

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