
Chapter 1110 Secret News

Chapter 1110 Secret News
After entering the gap in the mask, Yi Tian found that the appearance inside was quite different from the outside world.There is no demonic spirit all over the sky here, but a sunny look instead.

Walking on the ground, I found myself in a prairie, turned around and looked around at the endless lawn.The breeze was blowing in the sky, and the rising sun slanted down, making people feel extra warm.

It's just that Yi Tian's face sank, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart, and when he stretched out his hand to make a seal, he immediately showed his eyes of truth.After the blue light flashed, he glanced around and suddenly found that the world he was in was real.Now his face became unnatural, looking back, the back road has been closed, and now he has to find another way to go out.

While wondering, I suddenly heard the sound of chanting scriptures in the depths of the grassland. Following the sound, I found a lonely old tree standing a hundred miles away, and the sound came from under the tree.

So Yi Tian stepped forward and walked towards the tree, but he also kept his mind on it.It's not the first time I have encountered such a technique that shrinks the ground into an inch. Don't look at the target not far away from me, but if I know the way, I'm afraid I may not be able to reach it in my whole life.

The pace under his feet gradually accelerated and after walking for a while, he found that he hadn't shortened the distance much.At that moment, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he performed the pupil technique again to see if there were traces of formation nodes around him.

But after searching for a long time, I didn't find anything. When I was wondering, I suddenly heard the Buddha's name again.This time the voice was obviously familiar, it was the voice of the monk Yizhen I met last time.After three breaths, I heard him say again: "The benefactor really has the wisdom root to enter the secret realm of the Buddhist sect. But if you want to come under the saffron tree, it depends on your understanding. Don't be confused by the fog in front of you. Use Only by looking at the world with the eyes of your heart can you find your way out.”

'Heart', Yi Tian secretly said in his heart: "So there is still a way to find here, but I didn't find the right way." After arching his hands, he shouted: "Thank you, Master Yizhen, for your guidance, let me think of a way."

After finishing speaking, he sat cross-legged on the ground, then slowly closed his eyes, and took back all his spiritual thoughts.Then the body silently runs the Prajna Kuzen exercises to open up the six senses to feel the surrounding environment.

Sure enough, when the mood is calm, relying on the practice of Prajna Kuzen can directly map the surrounding environment into the mind.

After carefully distinguishing, there is actually a winding path leading to the front in this endless prairie.Then he slowly stood up and moved forward along the road relying on the instructions in his mind.

It was strange to say that I had been walking on the grassland for a long time but I couldn't get close to the target, but after walking along this path for a long time, I saw that I seemed to be very close to the saffron tree deep in the grassland.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked ahead, realizing that he had already walked more than a hundred miles. At this time, the tree seemed to be close at hand but far away in the sky.When I was very puzzled, I found that the monk Yizhen was sitting cross-legged under the tree, but at this time he was entangled in the roots of the tree and couldn't move out.

Seeing this, Yi Tian held his breath and walked slowly towards the saffron tree along the traces of the path he saw with his mind.

After a while, he came not far from the tree alone, but what caught his eyes was that the lower half of the monk Yizhen's body was tightly entangled by the tree roots.

Naturally, he didn't dare to act rashly when he didn't understand the situation, but fortunately, the upper body of Monk Yizhen could still move.At the moment, Yi Tianji said: "Why is the master trapped here, and whether I can help you, please feel free to speak."

Monk Yizhen moved his body with difficulty and adjusted his posture, looked at Yi Tian, ​​and then showed a gratified smile on his face and said: "The owner is indeed related to my Buddhist sect, the poor monk is just a few words on demand, you can understand the mystery so quickly , This understanding alone is better than the vast majority of people in the Buddhist and spiritual world."

"Don't dare," Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "In the Taiqing Pavilion, Yi Tian, ​​this time it was just a coincidence that he got the master's guidance to solve the predicament so quickly, how dare he compare with many eminent monks in the world of Buddha and spirit. "

"Master Yi don't need to be humble, even with my guidance, you have to rely on yourself to find the correct path in this Huayi world," Monk Yizhen said.

Looking around, Yi Tian showed an incredible expression on his face, pointed at the saffron tree in front of him and said, "I really can't believe that this is the place where the magic soldiers fell from the hands of the Demon Saint Prince. Is it obviously a Buddhist weapon?"

Monk Yizhen sighed and shook his head, "Indeed, this 'one flower, one world' is one of the most profound exercises of the Buddhist sect."

"Then why did it become the weapon in the hands of the Demon Saint Prince?" Yi Tian's expression sank, and he rushed over with some ominous premonition.

"The devil sage prince was originally the Dharma protector of the Arhat Hall of the Leiguang Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm, and he was also precepted by my master uncle and eminent monk," Monk Yizhen said helplessly.

"It turns out that the predecessor of the Demon Saint Prince was actually a powerful Buddhist sect, so how could he fall into the Demon Realm?" Yi Tian became uneasy when he heard about this matter.

"Hey, one thought of the Buddha and the devil," the monk Yizhen sighed and said, "You Daoist Yi doesn't know that this master uncle prescribes that he gave up his post as a guardian of the Leiguang Temple 5000 years ago and still fell into the devil's way. There is an extra devil prince, Qiu Yu."

This was also the first time he heard about the real origin of the Demon Saint Prince, Yi Tian's expression changed several times and he became silent immediately.In his heart, he couldn't help thinking about why the eminent monk's precepts fell into the devil's way.The truth of the implementation will definitely not be as simple as Yizhen's one-remembrance of Buddha and Demon, and there must be hidden secrets in it.

But I don't care so much at the moment. The monk Yizhen is trapped so far and it is still important to save people.Stretch out your hand and take out the Taiyuan Sword to offer sacrifices to the sword light, and then cut towards the entangled tree roots on the ground.

"Bang bang" sounded a few times, the original Lingyaohua's extremely sharp sword thread slashed on the root of the tree, but it couldn't move a bit.And not even a trace was left.

On the contrary, his attack seemed to arouse the counterattack of the saffron tree, and the roots on the ground slowly stretched out and rolled towards him.Yi Tian was shocked when he saw it, this thing was so hard that his sword moves had no effect on it.And it can also firmly entangle the Yizhen monk who is in the distraction period.If I am trapped, I am afraid that it will be impossible to escape.

But these tree roots appeared from all directions in an instant as if they had eyes, and then surrounded themselves in a space with a radius of three feet.And these branches are still moving slowly towards the central area, forming a solid tree cage in a blink of an eye.

I only heard the monk Yizhen call out the Buddha's cry and said: "Yi Daoyou concentrates on calming down, and uses the Buddhist sect's secret technique to protect himself. You must know that the scenes in this 'one flower, one world' are all seen from your eyes." The appearance of the world, only remembering the Buddha and demons can have a chance to get out of trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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