
Chapter 1112 Farewell

Chapter 1112 Farewell
In the space of one flower and one world in the magic mist area, when the saffron tree in the middle disappeared, it turned into a half-foot-sized thunder-weave wooden fish.The surrounding scene also changed, and a huge crack suddenly appeared in the space originally protected by the mask in the distance.

Then the black evil spirit rushed in frantically, immediately polluting the surrounding green grass.The corner of Monk Yizhen's mouth twitched and he hurriedly shouted: "Yi Daoyou quickly cleared the way with a thunder-grain wooden fish in hand, and rushed out of this broken restricted area, otherwise we will not be able to return to the spirit world once this world collapses."

Seeing the seriousness of what he said, Yi Tian also knew that this matter could not be done to others, so he stretched out his hand to take the Leiwen wooden fish in front of him, and then gently injected a trace of the Buddhist power of Prajna Kuzen.All of a sudden, a golden light flashed across the Leiwen Muyu, protecting himself and rushing towards the crack automatically.

On the other hand, the monk Yizhen behind him also sacrificed the Zen staff in his hand at this time, jumped up and followed.

No matter how fierce the evil wind blowing around, it was quickly purified in front of the Leiwen Muyu.Yi Tian continued to inject the power of Buddha Sect, and the thunder-patterned wooden fish led him along the way to break through the void and file out from that passage.

Not long after the two escaped from the trap, the gap above the void slowly closed.Returning to the outside world, Yi Tian set his head on the cloud and stood firmly on the ground. Looking around with his spiritual thoughts, he found that the originally entangled magic fog seemed to have weakened, and the magic fog seemed to disappear at an accelerated rate after disappearing from its source.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian turned his head and shouted to Monk Yizhen: "Master, I will leave quickly. I don't think this place will become a place of right and wrong soon after the magic fog clears. The three major sects have so many eyes and ears that they found something here. Changes will definitely send the elite of the sect to investigate, and then we will be in trouble."

"What Master Yi said is true," Yizhen nodded and replied, "The poor monk is not very familiar with this place, please ask Fellow Daoist Yi to lead the way."

He took out the jade slip on the map and checked that the nearest city was Silver Moon Valley, which was the destination of the trip.In this way, after entering the magic fog area, they can go straight to it, which may be faster than going around with a sky patrol ship.

Put away the Leiwen wooden fish, and then sacrificed the assault boat to invite Monk Yizhen to board the boat, and then drove towards the Silver Moon Valley.

It didn't take a day for the assault boat carrying the two of them to arrive a hundred miles away from Yinyue Valley.After putting away the vehicle in the air, Yi Tian and Monk Yizhen slowly descended to the top of the mountain below.

According to Yiyi's true meaning, he has completed his mission to the spirit world this time, and as for the matter of escorting the Leiwen Muyu, it still falls on him.Whoever said this was the instruction of Master Jie Ding, with a true character, he would never dare to disobey it.

Yi Tian knew that he had no shirkable responsibility, so he could only bite the bullet and agree, but he couldn't help sighing when he thought of sending this object to the Leiguang Temple in the Buddha Spirit World.

Yizhen saw this appearance, but he scolded him from the sidelines: "You don't need to worry too much, Master Yi. Since it is the fate of the master and uncle, it makes sense. I think you should concentrate on cultivation and break through to the stage of distraction, so that you are eligible Go through the door of the interface passage to the Buddha Spirit Realm."

Speaking of the channel gate of the interface, Yi Tian is very excited, thinking that Luo Ziyan came from the channel of Asura Realm.Now that there is an interface channel for the Buddha and Spirit Realm, what about the other realms?Immediately asked respectfully: "Master, how can I pass through this interface channel? And it seems that only monks in the distraction stage can pass through it."

"That's not necessarily the case. As far as I know, monks from the Lihuo Palace in the spirit world, the royal family of the Asura clan, or ghost dead warriors in the underworld can safely pass through the interface channel in the late stage of incarnation. In addition, my Buddhist sect has practiced the Mahayana mystical supernatural powers The disciples of the glazed golden body can also cope with the tearing force of the interface channel and thus safely travel between the two worlds.

After hearing this, Yi Tian was very satisfied, it seemed that he was blessed with such convenience.It's just that it's not the best time to go to the Buddhist and spiritual world at present, and there are still a lot of things around me.Coupled with the fact that the trip to Langhuan Cave is about to start soon, it is impossible to miss such a good opportunity that has never been seen in a thousand years.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said, "Master Yizhen rarely comes to the spirit world. I am really ashamed of taking care of me this time. If the master is lucky enough, can you come back to the Taiqing Pavilion with me so that I can do my best as a landlord."

After listening to Yizhen, he shook his head and said: "The kindness of Master Yi is appreciated by the poor monk. It's just that the monks travel around the world to increase their knowledge. At the same time, the most important thing in Buddhist practice is to enter the world. Now that the spiritual world has something to do, I have to rush back The sect has been reinstated, and at the same time, it is necessary to make plans for future cultivation. I will not go to the city with the benefactor here today, and I will meet you someday."

Seeing that it was inconvenient for Yi Tian to stay, he immediately asked about the specific location of the gate of the interface channel and the specific location of Leiguang Temple in the Buddhist and spiritual world.

Monk Yizhen also unambiguously took out two blank jade slips and depicted the specific locations of the two places on the map.After finishing all this, I said goodbye to Yi Tian directly, but before leaving, I told him: "Master Yi, you have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, but remember to remember the Buddha and demons once, and you must be forgiving and forgiving. I use the Buddhist sect to hope Zhizhi has checked your future, although there are ups and downs, you can still pass it, but if you can reduce the karma of killing, it will definitely benefit you a lot."

Yi Tian's complexion changed and he said inwardly: "Fozong really has something superior, and the divination that Daozi Tongyan gave him back then coincides with it. Since Master Yizhen told me to kill less, there is naturally a reason for it."

After thinking about it for a while, he replied with the courtesy of Buddhism: "Master, don't worry, I will only repay the natural cycle of karma, and I will definitely take this as a warning in the future."

Seeing that Yi Tian answered straightforwardly and sincerely, he smiled knowingly, and then said: "This poor monk is leaving, next time Master Yi comes to the monastery, just report my name and you will be happy." The doorman will recommend it." After speaking, he reached out and took out the Zen stick, sacrificed it, jumped up and stood on it, then slowly set it up and flew towards the door of the interface channel.

After sending away Yizhen monk, Yi Tian swept away the Leiwen Muyu in the storage ring with his spiritual thoughts, and immediately showed a helpless expression on his face.The magic weapon that the prince of the devil sage never leaves his hand turned out to be a spiritual weapon of the Buddha sect. If this is revealed, I am afraid that others will really treat him as a different kind.

Reminiscent of the legend in Qingfeng Old City that the true soul of the Demon Saint Prince was suppressed there, but I don't know what the situation there is.And where did the two souls of the lost demon soul prince go, there is no conclusion in the spirit world for 8000 years.The three major sects didn't want to, but they couldn't find it.

Now that I have taken the magic weapon of the Holy Prince and learned the mystery of his real body, maybe it won't be long before those two souls will notice it.Thinking of this, I felt a chill on my back, and my heart began to feel uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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