
Chapter 1113 Intention

Chapter 1113 Intention
A few flashes of spiritual light flashed in the teleportation hall in Qingfeng New City, and then several figures appeared. These were the monks who had just been teleported from the prefecture-level city Yinyue Valley.Ordinary prefecture-level cities may not have teleportation formations, but Silver Moon Valley is a special case.

After these monks left the main entrance of the teleportation hall, they hurried out and seemed to be busy, leaving only one person walking out of the teleportation hall leisurely.This person is Yi Tian who came back through the ultra-long-distance teleportation array through the Silver Moon Valley.

Returning to the site of Taiqing Pavilion again, I immediately felt relaxed. This place is my own sect's site anyway, and I have changed into inner sect clothes on my body.As long as the monks around have a little brain, they will not be so stupid as to come forward to cause trouble.

Walking on the streets of Qingfeng City, Yi Tian first sent a message to Hua Yuxin to give her a hug, and then he was not in a hurry to go home, but made a detour to the mission hall in the city to have a look.

Now that I have the spiritual weapon of the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu, who is also the Dharma Protector of the Leiguang Temple, and send it back without letting it play a role, wouldn't I be too sorry for myself.

However, Qingfeng Old City must have hidden secrets in the place where the seal was used to suppress the Demon Saint Prince.My general understanding of the old city is still at the point where the demons had not yet invaded ten thousand years ago.Then, under the leadership of Qing Lianyun, I looked up the other parts of Qingfeng's revival mission. What surprised me was that, except for the last batch of missions, which could only be received in the distraction stage, the rest were all in the transformation stage group. Only the team can accept it.As for the identity of the successor, there are also clear regulations. It must be the inner sect disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion, and only a non-zong sect disciple is allowed to participate in a team of more than three people.

These harsh requirements have greatly delayed the progress of Qingfeng's revival mission, but it seems that the sect's senior officials are not in a hurry about it, and letting the inner sect disciples choose the right at will is regarded as a trial.

After arriving at the mission hall, Yi Tian showed his identity jade badge and could directly enter the side hall next to him.After taking a jade slip from the lobby, Yi Tian found a vacant room by himself and stayed in it to check carefully.

There are thousands of tasks included in this jade slip, but most of them are not within the scope of my consideration.The first one hundred tasks are all marked with a special mark, and you need to use the Zongmen identity jade card to unlock it to see it.

This matter is not difficult for me, I think these are the tasks of the Qingfeng Revival series.Reaching out to take out his identity jade badge and injecting spiritual power, he took a photo of it.Afterwards, the marks in front of the task marks slowly disappeared.

His eyes slowly swept upwards along with the task directory, and after the task was unlocked line by line, he could read the brief introduction of the content until the first five tasks.Needless to say, the previous self is not qualified to deal with it for the time being, so I don't feel depressed when I think about it, I just look down from the sixth item.At the same time, he also carefully read the brief description of each task, and after an hour, he closed the jade slip with a solemn face and couldn't help but think in his heart.

Before, how can I say that I have completed two missions of Qingfeng revival, one is to remove the demon marks in the Temple of the Royal Beast, and the other is to go deep into the temple of the collection of books.And for the second time, the nodes of the Skyfire Great Formation were additionally activated. Although the main credit was attributed to Qing Lianyun in order to deceive people afterwards, there were not a few merit points in the end.

After reading the profiles of these characters, I generally have a clear understanding of the scope of the magic marks in Qingfeng Old City.Take out the map of the old city and spread it out on the table, and then mark the destination of each task on it after scanning the eyes.It is not difficult to see later that the tasks after fifty are all dealing with those auxiliary facilities.

Between [-] and [-] are buildings that are relatively close to the original city lord's mansion within a hundred miles. As for the buildings that are further ahead, they are to clear the missions near the nodes of the original Tianhuo formation or to search for special buildings in the four major secrets within. Treasure task.

Like before, the task of cooperating with Qinglianyun was almost in the [-]th place. Going forward, with my current cultivation level, I can receive the highest level task, which is to go to the former headquarters of Qingfeng Old City Inspection Department to retrieve a top-secret file.This thing may be related to one of the most direct reasons why the demons invaded the spirit world back then.

But to take on this task, there is also a rigid requirement to form a team of at least four people, and all of them must be disciples of the sect.

It is very interesting to see Yi Tian's face pondering over this task. Now that he has come into contact with the tip of the iceberg, it is best to be able to probe down.But now it is not easy to assemble a four-person team. The only person in the sect who can make a name for himself is his uncle Hua Yulin.

And the intensity of this kind of task is not strictly stipulated that it needs to be accompanied by brothers in the late stage of transformation, so Yi Tian has a care in his heart.Since the task has no restrictions on the cultivation of the participants, it is still possible to find someone to make up for it.Counting Hua Yuxin, there are already three people, as long as Hua Yulin finds a way to find a familiar senior brother, they can be dispatched.

Thinking of this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then copied the content of this task on the blank jade slip.After closing the jade slip and handing it back, Yi Tian left Qingfeng City confidently and flew straight towards the territory of Taiqing Pavilion Zongmen.

Fortunately, I have not been in the sect for a long time, and I know very few brothers in the inner sect.After returning from a long trip this time, he didn't attract too much attention from others.After flying to Xishan Lingzhi Garden, he opened the formation restriction and dived in.

After returning to the sky above the guarding mansion, the spiritual sense searched and found that Hua Yuxin was dealing with many things inside at this time.Yi Tian said to her through voice transmission: "Yu Xin, I'm back, I have to come to the cave first to explain something to you." After speaking, he flew straight to the cave without stopping.

Half a moment later, in the depths of the cave, Yi Tian briefly described what happened after the two separated, but in the middle, he still passed on the incident of Tuyu Yizhen's sneaking into the Demon Falling Land.These things are related to the whole spiritual world, Xin Mi Yihua Yuxin's current situation, it is better not to let her know for the time being.

After telling her own experience, she also specifically asked Hua Yuxin to be careful when meeting Fei Yu Jianzong, especially Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi.Then it was mentioned: "I don't know how the uncle is doing now, I have a task at hand and I need to ask him for help."

"Brother is currently retreating and cultivating in the cave. Although the process of forcing poison more than a year ago cost him a lot of vitality, he has almost recovered now," Hua Yuxin said: "Before he even had a relationship with I sent a message saying that the cultivation base has not declined but has risen since the retreat, and now I am retreating in the cave to prepare to hit the late stage of the transformation of the gods."

"Oh, this is a blessing in disguise," Yi Tian said with a tinge of joy on his face, "That relationship is good for us to act after his cultivation has improved and consolidated, anyway, I have to count the gains during this time. "

(End of this chapter)

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