
Chapter 1114 Combination

Chapter 1114 Combination
Staying in the depths of his cave, Yi Tian briefly sorted out the gains from this trip, and found that he had nothing to gain except some precious materials in the black market.In addition, I also lost a dragon tooth blade and a glass dragon soul.But the result is that Xi Tian deserves the benefits, and in the Qingfeng City, he also found out that the ranking of masters in the new issue of the earth evil list has also changed.

Xi Tianying has jumped to No.2 now, while Jian Shaoqing is still ranked third.If you exclude Luo Ziyan who has already returned to the Asura world, Jian Shaoqing still loses one.

And the reason for this fall is also well known in his mind. In Feiyu City, Duan Yi just said that Jian Shaoqing and Xi Tianying were equal after fighting to save face.But a discerning person only needs to look at the ranking to know the actual situation.

In addition, after the death of Ou Jinglong of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, his ranking has risen one place from tenth, so this can be regarded as his masterpiece.As for the most unexpected thing, his own name appeared on the top of the ranking list.At first glance, it seems that it is not low and directly ranked 72nd, but what makes me feel lingering is that this ranking is already the highest in the middle stage of Huashen.There are also a few late-stage cultivators behind him. As for the ranking of his brother-in-law Hua Yulin, he is still in his early eighties.

It is impossible to think that I will become the target of public criticism, or enter the vision of some people.Originally, he calculated that with his own strength, he should have been on the list a long time ago. As for the reason for his delay in being on the list, it was due to not having survived the thunder disaster of entering the world.

But now it seems that the Zongmen Qing Tiansi who Xi Tianying mentioned seems to take extra care of him. After hiding it for so long, knowing that the paper can't cover the fire, he reluctantly found himself an inconspicuous position on the earth evil list.

It stands to reason that if he killed Ou Jinglong, he should be ranked in the first group. Maybe Yan Daozi made this arrangement for the sake of protecting himself.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, stretch out your hand and the restraining barrier to cover yourself in it, and then take out the Arahant Buddha bead and put it in your palm.This Buddhist bead was given to him by the monk Yizhen. He once said that he needs to meditate and understand in order to discover the inner mysteries.

So Yi Tian didn't talk too much, gently held the beads in his hand, then closed his eyes and secretly practiced the practice of Prajna Kuzen for seven or 49 weeks, and finally gathered them on the beads in the palm of his hand.

Every time the halo on the Buddhist beads is blessed by the Kuzen Kung Fu, it will increase by one, until I open my eyes and find that the Buddhist beads in my palm have been wrapped in golden light.At the same time, Yi Tian found that there seemed to be something in his storage ring that was sensitive to the Buddhist beads.Spiritual Mind went deep into it to investigate and then took out the Thunder Pattern Wooden Fish.

With a 'swish' sound, the two spiritual weapons seemed to come out of their hands and pull each other in the air. Yi Tian was surprised when he looked carefully.It turned out that the head of the small hammer of the Leiwen wooden fish was empty, but under the attraction of the Buddhist beads, the wooden pole came out and was directly glued together.

It turned out that this was not a Buddhist bead but the hammerhead of the Leiwen Muyu. At the moment, he was speechless. Monk Yizhen would mistake all these things.But after three breaths, he suddenly came to his senses, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Presumably, Monk Yizhen should know the origin of this object. It is not accidental that he gave this object as a gift after meeting him for the first time.As a Buddhist monk, he should only be able to meet him, and it was not a coincidence to meet him halfway, but he made a special trip to block himself.

Could it be that he is so sure that he can go deep into the flower world of the magic mist area to rescue her? If this is the case, then the monks of the Buddhist sect are too scary.Later, after this thought went through in his mind, he was directly denied. With Yizheng's cultivation base far above his own, if he knew that this trip would be difficult, he would definitely be fully prepared, and he would never put his life in danger. Entrusted to a person who met by chance.

At most, he was entrusted by the powerful senior of Leiguang Temple to come to the spiritual world to find the whereabouts of the Buddhist soldiers in the hands of Master Jie Ding.Moreover, he didn't take the things back directly, but let himself send them back in person, which proved his open-mindedness.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian suddenly showed a relaxed look on his face, anyway, since the Buddhist soldier is already in his hands, it is better to learn from it and understand its magical effect.Maybe something amazing will be discovered.

After closing his eyes again, he slowly invaded the Leiwen wooden fish with his spiritual thoughts and began to investigate.After scanning the divine sense this time, there seemed to be an extra text description in my mind.Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a Buddhist exercise, but all of it was written in golden seal script.With my current cognition, I can only understand [-]% to [-]% of the appearance at most, but I can recognize the few words on the first page at the end of the whole article.

Surprised in his heart, he thought to himself: Isn't the "Dari Sutra" the unique learning of the Leiguang Temple.Unexpectedly, this exercise was recorded in the Thunder Pattern Wooden Fish. It was obviously a gift from Master Jie Ding, but he was not sure whether to practice it or not.

Just saying that I don't know all about the golden seal script, it's difficult to read the whole text.But it would be a waste of money to say that there is a lot of high-level exercises in front of you and not use them.

After much deliberation, Yi Tian still gritted his teeth and wanted to learn all the golden seal scripts, and then make a decision after reading the Great Day Sutra.After all, it would be a pity to miss such a great opportunity.

But if you want to learn golden seal script, you have to ask someone for advice. After thinking about it, I only know that only the senior sister Qing Lianyun in the inner sect has studied this aspect.After much deliberation, he had to go to see Qing Lianyun in person to show his sincerity, so after putting away the Lei Wen wooden fish, his figure disappeared in the cave in a flash.

A moment later, according to his memory, Yi Tian came to Cuiweiju again, reached out and took out a communication jade talisman, wrote a few words, then activated it and sent it into the restraint.Not long after, I saw a small opening in the barrier outside the main entrance, and then Cui Fuling poked her head out and looked outside.When he saw Yi Tian's figure, he strode out and shouted: "Why are you here to harass my lady again. Don't think that you can go out and drag you out after you have gone in once."

Yi Tian smiled wryly and did not want to be as knowledgeable as her, so he walked up to Jishou and bowed, "I am here to ask for advice on Jinzhuanwen. It would be best if Senior Sister Qing is free. Now it seems that Senior Sister has no time to be a clone, so I am also here." Sorry to bother you," he said, pretending to leave.

"Wait, my lady won't leave the closed door after 40 to [-] years of practice," Cui Fuling hurriedly called out, "But since you are the person that Miss values, I can't be rude. Since you want to practice gold Zhuanwen, this one, that one." Then he reached out and took out a jade slip and handed it over.

"Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Cui, and also send my regards to Senior Sister Xiaqing," Yi Tian took the jade slip and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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