
Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115
The peaceful days passed like this for more than 20 years. During this period, Yi Tian stayed in the cave for retreat as usual.In fact, since Cuiweiju came back, it took nearly two years to relearn all the characters in Jinzhuanwen.

Afterwards, the full text of the Great Sun Sutra contained in the Leiwen wooden fish was extracted and re-written on the eighth-level monster skin.The stronger the technique, the higher the level of the rubbing carrier required.

At first, I wanted to engrave all the scriptures on the jade slips, but when I met them three times in a row, they couldn't bear the stress of the heaven and the earth and directly shattered.The last time I reported the loss when I wrote two-thirds of it, I had to re-select the eighth-level monster skin with a stronger bearing capacity afterwards.

After writing all the scriptures, Yi Tianyou translated the golden seal characters above into the spiritual world word by word, and after reading it carefully, he realized that the Great Sun Sutra seemed to be incomplete.There are only the previous three chapters of 'Xuyang, Asahi, and Zhongtian', and there are no corresponding supporting magical powers that can be used.

In this way, he is also extremely hesitant. Having the Buddha sect's exercises without using them is like practicing the supreme inner strength in the mortal world but without the corresponding moves to use.After thinking about it carefully, I don't have the only Buddhist secret magic power of Tianlei Bayin.For now, the only way to do it is to cultivate it first, and it won't be too late to find the corresponding mystic powers to cooperate with when you get the opportunity in the future.

In addition, if you want to practice the three exercises to a small success, you must at least finish the first two.And with the current progress of cultivation, even Xu Yang, who completed the first chapter, would take at least a hundred years.

However, this Great Sun Sutra also has its magical effect, even if it is refined into the first Rising Sun, it can completely shield its own information in the world.Even a master like Qing Tiansi can't use secret techniques to spy on his own information.

This is what I need most urgently now. I believe that many brothers from the same sect in the inner sect have received the wind after being listed on the earth's evil list.

For example, Xiang Dongchen had only come here once in the past 20 years, and he didn't come to ask for the treasures. Instead, he returned all the treasures he got before in spirit stones.

At first, Hua Yuxin was still kept in the dark, but after Ling Nong's suggestion, he realized the reason, and then counted Lingshi's subordinates without any fuss.But afterwards, according to the policy he set, he still told Xiang Dongchen that every five years, Lingnong would bring some Lingzhi to participate in private transactions.

Although Xiang Dongchen felt that it was a bit of a feng shui turn, when he heard what the Lingzhi deal roughly contained, he lost his temper completely.Usually, Lingnong will collectively sell some Lingzhi at a preferential price that is about [-]% lower than the market price. Of course, it also includes a small amount of Lingzhi Garden's specialty Chijing Ginseng.

In this way, it is extremely important for Xiang Dongchen to establish a good relationship. In the future, there is no need to pretend to blackmail, just go to the Zongmen Bazaar on time to buy.Anyway, everyone is seeking money and everyone has a profit and can explain it in the past.

It was Ri Yitian who was sitting cross-legged in the cave mansion silently comprehending the Da Ri Sutra. After these 20 years of training, he had grasped a little trick of cultivation.It needs to be based on the prajna bitter meditation. Every time you practice, the two exercises can complement each other.

And I also came to the conclusion that if the first chapter of the Great Sun Scripture is completed, it is almost possible to practice Prajna Kuchan to the ninth level.

Although this will cost me a lot of time, the effect of the exercises can be better reflected.Even the natal true fire, thunder, and purple flames that he sacrificed after he had cultivated to the sixth level of his own natal kung fu, Lihuo Nine Transformations, also completely eliminated the hostility.

Sacrifice on the finger looks like an ordinary flame at first glance, but the power contained in it has more than doubled.

The restriction outside the cave door slowly opened at this time, and a jade talisman of communication flew in. After Yi Tian reached out to catch it, his divine sense swept across the corner of his mouth and twitched: "It's finally out of the gate," the figure flew out in a flash The cave mansion moved towards the guard mansion at the foot of the mountain.

After three breaths, he walked into the hall of the guardian's mansion and saw Hua Yulin sitting on the main seat with his legs crossed.

Hua Yuxin sat on the side with an aggrieved face, still complaining about something.After seeing Yi Tian appearing, he hurriedly stood up and said respectfully: "My husband, please forgive me for being cynical all the time."

Yi Tian waved his hands to indicate that it's okay, and finally stepped forward to hold Hua Yuxin's hand to comfort him.Then he took her for a walk and sat down slowly. During this time, his eyes glanced at Hua Yulin, and he saw that his cultivation seemed to have reached the late stage.

No wonder it's so tugging now, feelings are showing off their muscles.With a faint smile on his face, he asked casually: "Yu Xin, do you think brother-in-law is better than Ou Jinglong?" Far from being Ou Jinglong's opponent, and the latter is in his own hands, the result is really self-evident.

After hearing this, Hua Yulin's eyes lit up and he shouted at Hua Yulin: "Brother, my husband is still in charge here, don't rely on the old and sell the old, hurry up and come down."

"Hmph, girls are extroverted," Hua Yulin curled her lips and said, "You turned your arms outward so quickly."

Then he stood up, looked at the two of them, and said, "Actually, I have something to say this time. It was because I had no choice but to allow you to be a concubine."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to stop his words and said, "I've decided to take Yuxin as my wife. But I can't report to the sect until her cultivation reaches the stage of transforming gods, and I can directly pull her into the inner sect. You should be satisfied with that, right?"

After hearing this, Hua Yulin showed a satisfied smile on his face and said: "Okay, I know that you are a kind and righteous man, brother-in-law, and my sister will definitely not suffer from following you. It's just that you mentioned what Ou Jinglong did, I heard He died more than 20 years ago."

Look at Yi Tian's understatement, but Hua Yuxin smiled maliciously.Hua Yulin only felt that there must be something strange in it.After the private sound transmission later, the arrogance on his face was gone, replaced by a look of admiration.The look in his eyes changed when he looked at the two of them.

Yi Tian reached out and opened a sound-proof barrier, and then said in a deep voice, "It just so happens that you're here and I'm going to take on the Qingfeng review task, and I'm short of a few people to form a team."

"Where are you going?" Hua Yulin's face twitched when he heard this. He also knew about the task of refreshing the breeze.The difficulty of the task mainly depends on where to look, and the reward after completing the task is also surprisingly high.

"The headquarters of the inspection department," Yi Tian said lightly.

"You're crazy, it's close to the central area of ​​Qingfeng Old City, and the level of danger is much higher than that of the Book Collection Temple you went to before," Hua Yulin shook his head desperately.

It seems that there is no way to talk about it without getting him done first, Yi Tian turned his head to look at Hua Yuxin and the two had already talked about this matter before and reached a consensus.

"Brother, I will go in with my husband, if you don't go, then we will go find someone else," Hua Yuxin said suddenly.

This time, Hua Yulin was put on the bar, and seeing this situation, she had no choice but to nod helplessly and said: "Well, count me in, you are so cruel that you even gave my sister's heart to you, and you are willing to go with you Take risks, I hope you will treat her well in the future."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to die," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "It's more troublesome to think about it. There is still one person missing in the mission. Do you have any candidates to recommend?"

"No, it's up to you to figure out what to do. The inspection department's task is not easy to do. No one will be so stupid as to go crazy with us," Hua Yulin said at this time, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.He agreed, but if he couldn't gather enough people, he couldn't blame him, and besides, he wouldn't take the initiative to ask Ying to find someone.

 Thank you and Xueyinke for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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