
Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116
Outside the Zongmen station outside Qingfeng Old City, there was a long queue as always.Those who want to enter the old city and explore, whether they are Zongmen monks or casual cultivators, line up in order to wait for identification and then receive a pass token before entering the enchantment.

On the special passage of the Taiqing Pavilion Zongmen on the side, Yi Tian and Hua Yulin brothers and sisters seemed to be waiting there.The mission of the inspection department this time stipulated that there must be at least three monks in the transformation stage, and one of them should be in the late stage.

Hua Yulin couldn't refuse anyway, and seeing that his sister was so dazed by Yi Tian that she didn't even think about accepting such a task, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go together.

It's just that there are still 1 unwillingness in my heart, so I have to be passive and sabotage.Originally, he still had to rely on him to find a fellow apprentice brother as a helper, but he pretended to contact him.Afterwards, everyone was directly rejected for the simple reason that this character's risk factor is too high and no one is willing to take risks.

Faced with Hua Yulin's scoundrel, Yang Yitian didn't say much, and went out to find a helper himself.When he came back, he asked Hua Yulin to start preparations and go to the Zongmen station in Qingfeng Old City to wait three days later.

When the three of them arrived here, they didn't need to take Shi Yitian's message jade token to receive the news. After scanning it with their spiritual sense, they turned around and said to Hua Yulin, "The fourth person has arrived, so don't be passive and sabotage, or you will lose face." nice."

"Never mind him, this matter is for you to drive the ducks to the shelves," Hua Yulin said lazily, "I have something to say first, if you fail to complete the task after entering, you will be paid for all the compensation, which was agreed before. "

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin's expression became solemn, and she was about to step forward to say something, when Yi Tian stretched out her hand to signal, and then pushed it aside understandingly.

He just listened to Yi Tian and didn't answer, but looked towards the distant sky and said: "It's not slow to come," and then a spiritual light flew from a distance, circled in the air, and landed on the open space not far away.

After the aura dissipated, she revealed the appearance of a young girl in her twenties, wearing a Zongmen dress with the inner sect mark on the cuffs.After the woman arrived, she stepped forward to look at Yi Tian and the three of them, and then said coquettishly: "Why did you ask your aunt to help you and found a group of relatives and friends? What kind of decision will there be in it? I don't even have the right to speak." no?"

Yi Tian smiled wryly and shook his head, this is three to one, and he might be the leader who will be isolated at that time.Hua Yuxin, who was at the side, said with a smile on her face: "Sister Fuling, see what you said, we are the same enemy, and we will definitely not make things difficult for you."

The fourth person is Qing Lianyun's follower, Cui Fuling, and this time Yi Tian also took out a Zhiyan Token to trick her.Originally it was supposed to be given to Qing Lianyun, but it happened that she was in retreat so she gave it directly to Cui Fuling.

Afterwards, he explained the difficulties in front of him and hoped that she would act righteously to help make up the number. Cui Fuling's good face was provoked by him in twos and threes, and he actually agreed. With her joining, he finally gathered the personnel needed for the mission.

Cui Fuling sized her up and said, "Before you go in, let me tell you the ugly things first. If you can't complete the mission compensation, don't look for me. If you encounter a monster that is too powerful to complete the mission, then You can only consider yourself unlucky."

Before Yi Tian could answer the question, Hua Yulin stepped forward and said with a righteous look: "Sister Fuling is naturally my responsibility, and I will take care of all difficulties. Don't worry, I will be there for you." It will definitely not make it difficult for you, if you encounter those mutant beasts with your own strength, you will definitely let them run away, believe me."

Looking across Hua Yulin, Yi Tian took another look at his current appearance.He is not as lazy as before at all, and now he seems to have aroused infinite fighting spirit and righteousness, and it really looks like that.

But Cui Fuling just glanced at it and said again: "When did you Hua Yulin become so generous, yo, I almost forgot that you seem to be in the late stage of the advanced stage. No wonder the tone is a bit arrogant, don't move after a while Soft."

Hua Yulin didn't seem to feel it at all being taunted by her, and even stretched out his hand and said, "Brother-in-law, I asked you to accept the mission Yujian, I can go in after negotiating with the sentry post. Don't waste any more time."

After hearing this, Yi Tian hesitated for a moment, glanced over and saw Hua Yulin kept giving himself winks, and secretly said in his heart: "The magic power of love is so powerful, it can instantly turn a cowardly person into a tough guy." '

After taking out the task jade slip and handing it to him, he said helplessly: "Brother-in-law, you are the leader of the team, so it's up to you to negotiate."

This situation gave him enough face, and he wouldn't hide it after going in for a while.At least if Hua Yulin wants to lose face in front of Cui Fuling.

Cui Fuling looked indifferent, anyway, he is also an insider, and he has worked with Yi Tian before to know the depth of the mission.Afterwards, Qing Lianyun also chatted with her more or less, and with her eyesight, she naturally knew who was in charge. As for Hua Yulin's performance, she was just watching a show.

A moment later, Hua Yulin completed the formalities and the four of them entered the ruins of Qingfeng Old City directly from the exclusive passage of Zongmen disciples.

This time, the first landing point was unusually close to the hardest-hit area of ​​the magic mark. Once inside, one could feel the turbidity of the evil spirit all around.The magic marks on the ground look like they have been generated for a long time and have not been purified.

Yi Tian reached out and took out the map of the old city and looked around to find a striking landmark. After ten breaths, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the road in front of him: "We are lucky that this is Qinglong Street in the old city Dongshi. Go straight ahead for a hundred It’s the end of the street, and the old site of the inspector’s mansion is at the end of the street.”

"What's the luck? This is obviously the hardest-hit area of ​​the magic scars. Maybe there will be some mutated monsters suddenly rushing out from the corner of the street," Hua Yulin said with a serious expression.

"Why are you scared?" Cui Fuling said, "Who didn't the mutated beasts who said they were going to fight just now ran away?"

Hua Yulin also blushed when she came back from being bullied, and then held back her words for a long time: "I'll clear the way, brother-in-law will be after you break up."

Jokes are jokes, but when it comes to business, Hua Yuxin hastily jumped out and said, "Husband's trip is full of dangers, what do you think?"

Yi Tian showed a reassuring look in his eyes and said: "Let the uncle clear the way first, and I will hold the line to rest assured that we are a family and will not deliberately put him in danger. I am in everything."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin nodded and followed, even though her face was worried. As for Cui Fuling, she curled her lips and walked in the second position without saying a word.

Yi Tian slowly opened the divine mind, then took out the bowl and handed it to Hua Yulin, saying: "Using this thing to open the way will get twice the result with half the effort."

(End of this chapter)

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