
Chapter 1117 Obstruction

Chapter 1117 Obstruction
After entering Qingfeng Old City again, everyone in the team had different expressions, and Hua Yulin, who was the pioneer, had a bitter look on his face at this time.Although he didn't want to show the slightest timidity in front of Cui Fuling, his face couldn't help shaking when facing the evil marks everywhere on Qinglong Street in the east of the old city.

But I can't open my eyes and talk nonsense. I promised to be responsible for opening the way. If I retreat now, I am afraid that Cui Fuling behind me will not agree.

And seeing how she was invited to come here this time, she had some ideas, and then Hua Yulin walked in the front with a sword in her right hand and a bowl in her left hand, and began to search around.

Although the speed of advancement was a bit slow, it still led the people to move forward slowly. It took only an hour to walk ten miles, which really made the people behind them start to criticize.

Although Hua Yuxin is the lowest in the four-person team, she naturally understands the situation better than the others when she has been with Yi Tian for a long time.Cui Fuling is also a person with supernatural powers. Even though she is in a dangerous situation, she has no panic on her face. Besides, she has also communicated with Qing Lianyun about the mission of Qingfeng Old City, so she will accept it.

Yi Tian, ​​who was at the end, was the most relaxed person, with a relaxed expression, he looked like he was on vacation.After leaving for a while, I stared at Hua Yuxin for a few moments and said privately: "Yuxin, I found that your cultivation base has not improved much, but your strength has indeed made considerable progress. I don't know what's going on?"

Hua Yuxin paused for a moment, then turned around with a look of surprise and replied via voice transmission: "Husband, you just realized that, in fact, my strength is not what it used to be. I have made great progress in the Nascent Soul Realm, but your cultivation base is too high. It's easy to miss."

"That's true. I remember why those crystal powder butterflies were not hostile to you when you escaped from the crypt. I still can't understand this point," Yi Tian asked.

Hua Yuxin turned her head and showed a smug expression, but she took out a three-inch cocoon in her hand and replied via voice transmission: "This is the colorful butterfly you gave me back then, my husband. Gu. It didn’t cocoon last time, and those crystal pink butterflies seemed to sense its existence and thought they were all of the same kind, so they made way for it.”

It turned out that it was so easy for Yi Tian to realize that what he did casually back then inadvertently opened up a way to escape.

Hua Yulin, who was thinking about walking in the front, stopped and said in a deep voice, "Okay, stop chatting, we have trouble in front of us."

Everyone followed his words and looked forward, only to see that private person was already deep into the magic mark mutation area, and there were four or five stray dogs on the street in front of him, eating a beast bone.

Not long after, the stray dogs turned their heads to stare at the four people who broke into the territory, and then stopped to eat and slowly surrounded them.I saw that their eyes were blood red, and nearly half of their bodies were affected by the evil spirit and became a little swollen.After careful examination, it was the consequence of infusing the body with devilish energy.

Hua Yulin held up the spirit sword in his hand, ready to go, and shouted: "Let's go together, this group of demon dogs seems to be around level six, but there is no guarantee that the demonized mutated beasts will not produce any moths, hurry up!" It’s good to have a quick battle.”

"There are six in total," Yi Tian pouted and said, "Yu Xin and I will deal with the three on the left, you can deal with the one on the right."

After speaking, regardless of whether Hua Yulin agrees or not, he stretched out his hand to grab Hua Yuxin and pulled her behind him, and then flicked with five fingers of his left hand to shoot several seed bullets into the soil.

After a while, several emerald green shoots broke through the ground and rolled towards the demonized mutant beasts.Those magic dogs don't seem to be easy to mess with, relying on their small size and super fast speed, they even shuttled through the firepower net formed by many vines.

Encountering such a situation, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless, and after stretching out his hand to make seals, he kept manipulating the vines to break through the ground and roll towards them.Hearing the sound of 'pop', the vines had already touched the mutant beast and bound its limbs tightly.What's more, golden rays of light shone from the vine veins. The faces of those bound mutant beasts were distorted, and their mouths kept screaming wildly.

The screaming only lasted for half a quarter of an hour, and then stopped dumbly. The vines also have the effect of purifying evil spirits to deal with these mutant beasts, which is just right.

Turning their heads and looking back at Hua Yulin and Cui Fuling who were on the side, although they did not have the purification power of their own, their strength was still there.The spirit sword in his hand stabbed at the mutant beasts, and Hua Yulin's main attack cut them off.

Cui Fuling, on the other hand, took a pearl hairpin from her hair bun and stretched it against the wind, turning it into a three-foot green front, and then picked out those that were missed.

The tacit understanding between the two was also abnormal. Although they were not as restrained as their own skills, it took less than a quarter of an hour to solve the trouble in front of them.

Looking back, Hua Yulin also took into account the situation here, and said directly after cleaning up: "Brother-in-law, your skills obviously have a restraining effect on these mutant beasts, wouldn't it be faster if you knew you would clear the way. "

Yi Tian glanced at it and said lightly: "Didn't you take the initiative to ask Ying to clear the way just now?" With one sentence, Hua Yulin was turned back.

Fortunately, he was also surprisingly thick-skinned, and immediately said with malicious intentions: "It's time to change after a while, brother-in-law, I will replace with you, don't worry if I hold the line."

Seeing that he could say things like this, Yi Tian couldn't help it. His advance speed was too slow before, and it would take a whole day to walk to the headquarters of the Inspection Department.

Immediately said: "Okay, I'll clear the way, Yuxin, you are behind me to fill in the gaps. Cui Fuling, you are in the third position and ready to shoot at any time, brother-in-law, you should be at the end."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to take back the alms bowl in his hand, then put it on his left hand and strode forward.Opening the way by myself is not as cautious as Hua Yulin's. After unfolding his spiritual sense, he can figure out the situation within a radius of ten miles.

Then, relying on the power of the Buddha Sect's spiritual weapon, wherever there are mutated beasts haunting, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the alms bowl in his hand, and a golden light just shined on it.

Those mutated beasts that were hiding were immediately purified and a hole was formed after being hit by the power of Buddha sect in the alms bowl.The remaining Buddha sect's power could continue to purify the mutated beast, and the sound of "cracking, crackling, crackling" was heard all over the street for a while.Then there was a riot of chicken and dog jumping. After investigating with divine sense, it was found that there were basically no living things left in the ten-mile radius.

In a blink of an eye, the speed of advancement was much faster than before, and after an hour, they had traveled seventy or eighty miles.

When Hua Yulin saw it, he shouted from behind: "Brother-in-law, you have special skills in dealing with these demonized mutant beasts, and you really have a way."

Cui Fuling and Hua Yuxin just shook their heads helplessly and didn't say much, but Yi Tian who was walking in the front suddenly stopped and said in a deep voice: "Don't be too happy, our troubles are coming. "

 Thanks suns34 for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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