
Chapter 1118 Cooperation

Chapter 1118 Cooperation
Following Yi Tian's words, the three people behind them stretched out their spiritual consciousness and stretched towards the front not far away, and after three breaths, all of them showed surprise on their faces.

Three miles away in front of him, there seemed to be another strong evil energy gathered. There are only two possibilities for such a situation.One is that there are a large number of mutant beasts gathering, or there is a super powerful mutant beast blocking the road in front of him.

Faced with such a situation, Yi Tian also cheered up 12 points, and encountered almost no decent obstacles along the way.Before, I made myself feel that the trip was unexpectedly smooth, and I wondered why the sect would set this task as a team of four.

Now it seems that we really need everyone to join hands to continue walking. Just as I was thinking about it, a sharp howling sound came from not far in front of me.The four of them were wondering that a cry came again.It's just that these two voices obviously came from the mouths of the two demonized mutant beasts.

Yi Tian's pupils flickered, and judging by the power of the roar, he was afraid that he would face two top-level seventh-level monsters at once.At the same time, the ground began to vibrate rhythmically, and after the sound of 'dong dong', a shadow more than two feet tall swam out of the alley on the right three miles away.

When I looked closely, it turned out to be a demonic snake. Its body was comparable to that of an earth dragon rhinoceros pulling a cart, but there were four legs under its body. It didn't look very big, so it was ignored just now, but behind it should be the tail But another snake head appeared, obviously it was a double-headed snake mutated after being polluted by the evil spirit.

After being poured into the body by the demonic energy, there was a foul smell all over his body, and his two heads and four eyes watched the uninvited guest coming.Suddenly I saw its two heads raised up and opened its mouth, spit out several black fireballs and hit everyone.

"Let's dodge and shoot together," Yi Tian called out, reaching out and pulling Hua Yuxin to fly to the eaves on one side.Turning around, he saw many fist-sized fireballs flying towards him, which seemed to be controlled.

At that moment, he reached out and took out the dragon scale shield and put it in front of him. After three "bang bang bang" sounds, the fire bombs hit the shield and were bounced off one after another. The remaining fire bomb fragments fell on the houses on the surrounding streets in an instant. Set the building on fire.

Facing this mutated beast blocking the way, if you want to move forward, you have to step over it.Yi Tian sacrificed several Spirit Seeds again.This time they were all ghost-faced flower seeds. After a few "swish swish" sounds, tree roots and vines sprang out from the ground again, entangled with the double-headed snake.

On the other side, Hua Yulin and Cui Fuling also shot at the same time, and the two seemed to have found a tacit understanding through their previous cooperation.After the shot, the flying swords of the two stared at the snake's head to greet them.

Several sword lights flew over in an instant and stabbed straight towards the seven-inch place. There were several "click" sounds, and several sparks flashed under the flying sword's fierce thrusts, which were all blocked by the snake scales on the neck of the double-headed snake. No, I didn't expect that the strength of this two-headed snake would improve a lot after being demonized.

After looking at the situation, Yi Tian turned to Hua Yuxin and said, "Go help Cui Fuling with the glazed beads you took."

"Husband, don't worry," Hua Yuxin nodded and replied.

Then Yi Tian yelled at Hua Yulin: "Brother, come here, let's join hands."

"Okay," Hua Yulin heard that his figure flashed in the air and crossed with Hua Yuxin, and then exchanged positions.

Then Yi Tian reached out to take out the alms bowl, and Hua Yuxin on the other side sacrificed the glazed Buddhist beads.After the two of them muttered something at the same time, they said in unanimous agreement: "Go."

I saw the alms bowl and the prayer beads left their hands at the same time, hovering in the air, covering the front and rear heads of the double-headed snake respectively.Yi Tian shot a golden light from the alms bowl controlled by Yi Tian and shone on the snake's head, and suddenly a "Zla" sounded, forcing out the devilish energy from it.

After changing in the air, the glazed Buddha beads flashed a few rays of light, and directly turned into a chain as thick as an arm, and wrapped it around the neck of the snake head at the tail.Hua Yulin and Cui Fuling seized the opportunity and raised their spirit swords to stab at the demon snake's celestial spirit cover.After being weakened by the Buddha's light, its armor scales became less hard than before.

After two sounds of '噗嗤', the two spirit swords accurately hit its head and firmly nailed the double-headed snake to the ground.When Yi Tian saw it, he chanted words and mantras to display the eight tones of heavenly thunder, and immediately several golden light waves came out from his mouth, and then directly covered the two-headed snake to purify all the evil spirits.

After continuing to read for half a quarter of an hour, the two-foot-long magic snake has shrunk to five feet long, and the evil spirit on his body has been purified like a skeleton.

Seeing that everyone put away their spirit weapons one after another, Hua Yulin went forward and cut open the two heads of the mutated snake, took out the demon core inside, and burned its body to ashes with a fire.

After doing this, the four of them went on the road again towards the headquarters of the Inspectorate. After the battle just now, the mutant beasts around seemed to smell some danger and retreated towards the surroundings. They didn't encounter any decent ones along the way hindered.

It took a total of less than four hours for the four of them to arrive at the main entrance of the Inspectorate, which was much smoother than expected.Except for the mutant beasts blocking the way before, they didn't encounter any decent obstacles.

Standing outside the gate, Yi Tian looked at it solemnly for a while before saying: "I noticed that the evil spirit here is extremely strong, maybe there is some remnant of the demon clan imprisoned inside."

"Then what should we do?" Hua Yulin asked hastily. The fight just now made him fully aware of the danger of this place.If he encounters any demons here, it is definitely not something he, a late-stage cultivator, can handle. On the contrary, only a powerful cultivator like Yi Tian who possesses strange magic can maintain the overall situation.

Cui Fuling also had a troubled expression on her face. She seemed to feel that the devilish aura emanating from the inspectorate's gate was unimaginably strong, so there was no need to think that there would definitely be demons suppressed inside.

Turning around and looking at Yi Tian, ​​he said, "It seems that the interior of the inspectorate is the source of the evil spirit here. Are you sure we want to go in?"

"We've come here, do we still have to retreat?" Yi Tian twitched his mouth and said, "Don't worry, I'm ready."

After speaking, he handed the alms bowl to Cui Fuling directly, and then took out a stack of talismans and handed them to Hua Yuxin and his brother and sister, saying: "After going in for a while, you all muster your spirits up to 12. If you get scattered, don't panic, just stick to it and wait for help." All right, I'll try to find you."

"Do you use this broken talisman?" Hua Yulin said disdainfully.

"Buddhist Vajra Amulet, return it to me if you don't want it," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Having something is better than nothing," Hua Yulin said without further words after hearing this and pocketing the talisman.

Then Yi Tianyi waved the door open and strode into the inspection department's front gate compound.

(End of this chapter)

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