
Chapter 1119

Chapter 1119
After entering the Inspection Department, Yi Tian found that the surrounding environment here is a bit weird, and the temperature here is obviously much higher than the outside world.After opening the main hall door, they felt a wave of heat mixed with evil spirit rushing towards their faces. The four of them were so frightened that they directly opened the protective cover and set up the spiritual weapon to block in front of them.

After ten breaths, when the heat wave dissipated, Yi Tian opened his eyes and saw black and red magic marks everywhere on the ceiling, wall and floor in the hall.Going forward and scanning it carefully with divine sense, his expression changed drastically: "The spiritual power above contains a lot of fire elements, and there may be some fire demons suppressed in it."

"What kind of demon clan do you think it will be?" Hua Yulin asked nervously.

"I don't know, I can only take one step at a time," Yi Tian shook his head and said, but a strange color flashed in his eyes after he reached out and caressed the magic marks on the wall.The magic energy in this magic mark seems to be a bit impure, as if there is still a little bit of energy contained in it.

This energy obviously has the effect of repelling the evil spirit, but I don't understand why there are such two corresponding energies mixed together.After leading everyone around the hall slowly, they came to the corridor of the apse. The feeling here was even more strange than that of the front hall. Although the surroundings were filled with evil spirits, there were bursts of putrid smells in it.

This rancid smell is like the smell that a thousand-year-old rotting corpse would have. Yi Tian found in his memory that only the thousand-year-old female corpse Cui Zhenzhen in the lower realm had the same smell.But in comparison, the age here is a little higher, and I thought to myself: "Could it be that there are some changes caused by the death and decay of the corpses of the demons after being suppressed." '

Not long after walking, Cui Fuling suddenly cried out: "If we go further inside, we may encounter the corpse of the first adult monster."

"Sister Fu Ling, how can you be so sure?" Hua Yulin asked puzzled.

"My spirit pet Jiaojiao is very sensitive to the breath of other monsters, even the remaining demon spirit power in the air can be detected clearly," Cui Fuling replied.

"Take out your spiritual pet and have a look," Hua Yulin approached and said.

"Okay," Cui Fuling rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand, and then a pink aura appeared in his palm. After the halo dissipated, a three-inch short-eared mouse appeared in front of the three of them.

Yi Tian immediately recognized that this should be a mutated species of treasure hunting mouse, and it was only a female mouse.Although this little thing is not strong, it is born with the ability to predict danger.I saw it curled up with only half of its head exposed, and its whole body was shaking non-stop.

With the strength of the sixth-level mid-level spirit pet, it must be a high-level monster that can make it feel threatened and tremble like an enemy, at least much stronger than the double-headed snake I met on the street before.

At this time, I saw it screaming non-stop, and stretched out its small hand to point at the corridor in front of it.Cui Fuling's expression sank after communicating with the spirit pet in private, "Jiaojiao said that there is a powerful aura deep in the tunnel, and she doesn't want to go there."

Yi Tian opened the map and looked at it, then frowned and said: "This day the corridor leads directly to the file room of the inspectorate, and the files needed for this mission are there."

"I think it's better to give up on this matter," Cui Fuling replied decisively: "There must be high-level demons or monsters there. It is an unwise decision to take advantage of our strength."

Now even Dehua Yulin agreed: "Yes, yes, ever since I entered the Inspection Department, I feel as if someone is secretly watching us."

"Husband, I also have the same feeling, as if someone is watching our every move in the dark," Hua Yuxin said with an uneasy expression as she stepped forward and tugged at her sleeve.

"Well, the three of you stop here for a rest, I'll go to the archives to have a look," Yi Tian said lightly, "I found something calling there, it might be the source of the magic marks here."

Seeing that they were so determined, the three of them couldn't persuade them.Yi Tian then walked forward alone, and walked through the corridor to the archives, only to see two thick iron doors closed.It's just that there seems to be some red and black spiritual energy overflowing from the gap in the door. Just standing here, you can feel that the temperature has increased a lot compared to the outside world.

After gently pushing open the iron door, a filthy magic flame rushed out, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless and hurriedly put the dragon scale shield in front of him to block all the magic flames that rushed up.

After the magic flame dissipated, Yi Tian stepped in, and then rushed to the oncoming powerful dragon power, which shocked him so much that he couldn't move anymore.After secretly running the exercises, he removed the restraint on his body, and then he glanced across the inner hall and found a pitch-black monster lying in the middle of the hall.

The head of this beast looks like a dragon with its eyes closed, and its whole body looks like a dog, but after careful identification, it is obvious that it has the blood of the dragon clan.

Quickly compared the shape of this beast with the appearance of the dragon clan and its descendants in his mind, and then blurted out in surprise: "Could it be Suanni, it should be a descendant with its blood. But this kind of divine beast Isn't it the guardian beast in the Buddhist sect, how could it be transformed into such a demon?"

It’s just that judging from the fluctuations in its demonic energy, it should be comparable to a monster like that in the later stage of the avatar. Yi Tian was startled and secretly praised that such a demonic monster has been suppressed for more than 8000 years and can still remain so powerful breath, how powerful it would be in its heyday.

Immediately in my mind, I thought that Master Jie Ding was originally a great power of Buddhism, and this monster was probably his spiritual pet brought from Leiguang Temple to the Demon Realm, but it was unknown whether it was dead or alive.

His divine sense swept over the dare cabinet behind it, and Yi Tian instantly locked it on the drawer cabinet on the top floor, where the documents he mentioned to take out in this mission were there.In the early years, a special forbidden barrier had been set up here, and even the invasion of the demons could not dismantle it.These barriers will only collapse after the spiritual power of the veins is exhausted, so if you want to get the file, you only need to open the barrier with a token according to the law.

But if he wants to open the enchantment, he must cross the Suanni monster in front of him, Yi Tian immediately showed a little unwillingness on his face.After three breaths, he gritted his teeth and tried to walk around the file room slowly.

The magic flame and real fire on this Suan Ni formed an enchantment to protect its whole body, and it was impossible for him to get close to the range of three feet of his body.

A moment later, Yi Tian carefully detoured behind it to the drawers behind the archive room where the materials were stored.Reaching out to take out the token, lightly inject spiritual power to activate it, and then took a photo of the enchantment on the sixth drawer on the wall.

After hearing a "click", the barrier restriction was broken, and the drawer inside popped out, until a jade slip flew out of it.Seeing the situation, Yi Tian hurriedly jumped forward and took the jade slip in his hand, and glanced at himself on the booklet that read 'Strange Records of the Spiritual World. '

Before he had time to be happy, he suddenly heard a voice mixed with deep Longwei: "You are not the master, why do you have the breath of the master on your body?"

(End of this chapter)

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