
Chapter 1120

Chapter 1120
Although he had already obtained the final item of this mission, Yi Tian's face was full of tension at this time, and he didn't even have a trace of joy in completing the mission.

The voice just now was undoubtedly made by the Suanni in front of him. It turned out that he had been pretending to be asleep until he got the file after he went deep before speaking.And at this time, the door of the archives closed with a "bang", so that in this space, only you and the other party are one-on-one.

After feeling his dragon prestige, Yi Tian secretly exercised his skills to carry out the Prajna Kuchan and then mobilized all the Buddhist powers obtained from the Da Ri Zhen Jing that he had practiced tightly in his hands for emergencies.

After collecting the records of strange news from the spiritual world, Yi Tian tried his best to calm down and turned around and said, "Who are you suppressed here?"

"Young junior, I'm the one who's asking you now," Suan Ni yelled wildly and then struggled to turn her head away to stare at Yi Tian. At the same time, the red light in her eyes flashed sharply, and two balls of magic fire flew out to hit him head-on.

Seeing the power of such spells, Yi Tian's heart sank, and he didn't dare to hold it up immediately. He stretched out his right hand in a hurry and sacrificed the true flame of his life, and wrapped it on his palms. It catches.

After the fierce collision of the two flames, one black and one purple, they did not stand still as expected. Yi Tian was slightly pushed out two steps, then adjusted his pace and took it hard.The natal real fire fused with the power of Buddha sect in his hand swallowed the two balls of magic fire ruthlessly, and within ten breaths of the magic fire burned all over and disappeared completely in his hand.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed, he didn't dare to play tricks in a hurry and had to show his real kung fu, but he didn't expect to be able to defeat the enemy directly.On the opposite side, the Suanni showed a look of surprise on his face, and then said sharply: "You actually learned the secret scripture of the Buddhist sect, who are you?"

Being able to say these words, it can be seen that its birth should be the guardian animal of the Buddhist sect, and most of it has a close relationship with the devil prince.

Immediately, Yi Tian settled down and said: "I was entrusted by the eminent monk Master Dingding to send the Leiwen Muyu back to the Leiguang Temple in the Buddhist spiritual world to redeem his sins of ten thousand years. Who are you? It also mentioned the Sutra of the Great Sun of the Buddhist School.”

"The name of Jie Ding seems to be a name that has not been mentioned a long time ago, and it is also Aoli, the Dragon Clan," the Suanni said to himself.

"Since you know the Sutra of the Great Sun, you must have come from the world of Buddha and spirit. Why were you imprisoned here by the magic energy?" Yi Tian asked.

"My master is Qiu Yu, Prince of the Demon Saint. The name Jieding popped up in my mind suddenly, and I don't know why I mentioned it for no reason. I also seem to have seen the scriptures you performed before, but I have no way of knowing." Think about it," Ao Li said one after another.

Faced with such a situation, Yi Tian carefully judged whether it was fake or not, and it was some of his actions that reminded him of the dusty memories deep in his mind.

As soon as he stretched out his hand to take out the Leiwen wooden fish, the dazzling golden light flashed immediately, and the traces of magic energy from Ao Li's body were directly purified.

"Assistant, what are you doing? Why is the true power in my body rapidly draining," Ao Li shouted.

Yi Tian looked at it in a blink of an eye, and sure enough, the golden light emitted by the Leiwen wooden fish directly purified all the magic marks around it.After shining on Ao Jun's body, there was a "sizzling" sound. Fortunately, he was locked by the chain and couldn't move, so he had to let the Buddha's light draw out and purify the devilish energy from his body.

After a while, the black dragon scales on his body gradually receded, replaced by a fiery red scale covering his whole body.This Ao Li's strength directly dropped two realms from the late stage of distraction to that of the early stage.

So Yi Tian was so determined that he was completely powerless to resist after being four levels away. Now that he was two levels away and Lingbao was in his hand, he could completely stabilize him.

After ten breaths, the thunder-pattern wooden fish seemed to have drained eighty-nine parts of the demonic energy in its body, but there seemed to be a touch of black spiritual power between the head and eyebrows to lock its soul.

Yi Tian knew that this must be the key. This Aoli must have been sealed by the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu for most of his memories, and seeing the Buddha Treasure again now would cause the seal to loosen.

If you don't take this opportunity to defeat the seal in one fell swoop, it will take a lot of trouble to find a way in the future.After thinking about it, he silently operated the power of the Great Sun Scripture and slowly injected it into the Leiwen Muyu.In an instant, Lingbao seemed to be supplemented with matching Buddha power, and quickly absorbed its own spiritual power.

Before he could wait a little later, he controlled the Leiwen Muyu to shoot a golden light and hit Ao Li's forehead directly, defeating the black devil energy seal condensed on his forehead in one fell swoop.

In just half a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian realized that it seemed as long as ten years had passed, and almost all his spiritual power had been drained in order to drive the Leiwen Muyu once.Later, when he was preparing to store it in the storage ring, the wooden fish would turn into a golden light and escape directly into his Niwan Palace.

Looking inside at this matter, my three-headed and six-armed Nascent Soul just happened to have this Buddha treasure in her hand. After thinking about it, she sighed and then sat cross-legged on the ground, reaching out and taking out two bottles of brewed Baihua honey wine into her mouth. I poured it down.At the same time, the rapid exercise in the body dissipated the spiritual power in the honey wine to replenish the consumed spiritual energy.

After doing this, he turned his head to look at Ao Li in front of him, and saw that his body had shrunk to one-third of its original size, and his strength had dropped to that of the early stage of transformation.Now it is also in a state of collapse, completely without the power and influence just now.

It's just that the chains that originally covered his limbs also shrunk at this time, still firmly trapping him on the ground.Yi Tian walked up and took a closer look at the lines on the chain, which turned out to be the dragon rope from Lihuo Palace.

Overjoyed in his heart, he hurriedly uttered the mantra according to the sect's secret art record, and there was a "click" sound instantly, and the four chains were pulled away from the ground under his own urging, and then turned into four chains of imprisonment and were directly wrapped around Ao. in hand.

Struggling to stand up from the ground, Ao Li looked at Yi Tian in front of him with a melancholy expression, but he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

After being silent, he changed his mouth and asked: "Are you really entrusted by the commandment to send the Buddha treasure back to Leiguang Temple?"

After Yi Tian finished his work, he found that he had already refined his spiritual power, and then he looked at Ao Li and said: "So what, I think you are from the world of Buddha and spirit, and it should be after Master Jie Ding fell into the devil's way." Seal your memory and inject you with demon energy. But I don’t know how much you remember when the demon disaster invaded.”

"You guessed right, I know a lot of things, but what does that have to do with you," Ao Li said with a look of disdain.

Yi Tian showed a knowing smile on his face and said: "It seems that we have the premise of cooperation, but what is the condition of your cooperation?"

"Take me back to the Hualong Pond of Leiguang Temple in the Buddha Spirit Realm, and I will become a real dragon," Ao Li said without hesitation.

"make a deal".

(End of this chapter)

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