
Chapter 1121 Go to

Chapter 1121 Go to
After walking out of the gate of the inspection department's archives room, the three people outside hurriedly surrounded them. When the ban on the archives room was opened when they fought against Ao Li just now, the outsiders naturally couldn't perceive what happened inside.

At this time, Yi Tian's eyes flashed brightly, and seeing the three of them there, he stretched out his hand and handed a jade book to Hua Yulin, saying: "I got the thing, so it's safe and sound, and the magic marks inside are also gone." I wiped it all out."

As a result, Hua Yulin scanned the jade book with his spiritual sense and put it away, and then went to the archives room to check it before he breathed a sigh of relief: "There is no trouble inside, the sudden ban just now made us all very nervous."

Turning his head to look at the faces of the three people with worried expressions, Yi Tian smiled and said: "Okay, it's all right. This time, everyone can get a lot of rewards after successfully obtaining the mission items. I decided to use I and Yu Xin's task rewards are exchanged for a quota in the inner sect, and Yu Xin can officially transfer to the inner sect to enjoy the corresponding treatment in the future."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin sobbed with tears in her eyes: "Thank you for your support, my husband, I will serve you wholeheartedly in the future."

After reaching out his hand to gently wipe away her tears, Yi Tian said: "Okay, this matter is over, you have to practice hard after that, don't forget that you represent my face."

Hua Yulin also had a burst of joy on his face, and immediately stepped forward to pat Yi Tian on the shoulder and said: "I knew you are a good brother-in-law, and Yu Xin will definitely not suffer from following you."

On the other hand, Cui Fuling said sourly from the side: "Okay, we are in a dangerous situation, let's go out first, let's talk about it first, if we want to celebrate, let's hold a celebration banquet later."

Immediately, the four of them smiled and turned around and walked towards the loop, but Yi Tian said inappropriately: "The three of you go out and hand in the task first, and I still have something to do."

As soon as the words were finished, the three of them turned around and looked at them with strange expressions on their faces. Hua Yulin said directly: "Brother-in-law, what else is there for you? If you go deep alone, if there is any trouble, we will not be able to take care of it."

However, Yi Tian sneered in his heart and said, "I didn't see how you were doing outside the archives just now, but I got rid of the three burdens so that I can handle my own affairs." '

Just as she was about to distinguish, Hua Yuxin suddenly said: "Brother, let's go out first, there must be some deep meaning behind the husband's arrangement."

Seeing this, Yi Tian also nodded her head, she didn't expect that she would defend herself like this and excuse herself.

Hua Yulin had no choice but to nod when he saw it, and then turned his eyes to look at Cui Fuling behind him. Most of his thoughts were probably on the master.

Half a moment later, after seeing off the three of them, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and patted the beast-controlling pouch on his waist, and a red light flew out from it, transforming into a three-foot-sized 狻猊 in front of him.

Only Ao Li said: "Have you dealt with the matter? The next journey will not be easy. The place we are going to approach is the old lair of the Demon Saint Prince in Qingfeng City. To be honest, I have not Know where it is."

"What was your cultivation level before you were suppressed?" Yi Tian asked casually.

"According to the grading given by your spiritual practice, it's almost a ninth-level intermediate," Ao Li said indifferently.

Yi Tian shuddered when he heard this. Doesn't the ninth level correspond to the spiritual integration period?But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Qiu Yu, the holy prince of Zhaomo, was at the Mahayana stage, and it was understandable that his spiritual pet had a fusion stage.

It's just that the strength of the person who suppressed him is unmatched, and the strength of the monsters who suppressed the fusion stage is at least the same level or above.

Needless to say, those who shot back then were nothing more than the top few people in the spiritual world. Thinking of this, Yi Tian simply changed the subject and asked: "I saw the master of precepts under the saffron tree, and he turned into Qiu Yu after falling into the devil's way. The appearance of. Only one thing is unknown, "

"What you don't understand is why the god monk will fall into the devil's way and willingly accept the devil energy infusion to become Qiu Yu?" Ao Li interjected.

"Yes, is it true that there must be a certain reason for thinking of Buddha?" Yi Tian was puzzled.

"The most difficult thing to guess is the human heart," Ao Li said disdainfully: "I don't know the reason why the Master ordered to leave the Buddha and Spiritual Realm back then. These are all mysteries that you need to gradually solve in the future."

Then Yi Tian took Ao Li towards the avenue facing the City Lord's Mansion, this world was shrouded in layers of demonic evil energy, so walking forward, one could find that its source was probably floating out from the depths of the City Lord's Mansion.

There are demonic marks spreading on the surrounding buildings, but there are even streaks of spirit patterns attached to them.Yi Tian just glanced at it and recognized that these formations were the rest of the Tianhuo Great Formation.Judging from the direction of the spirit pattern on the ground, the place where the eyes gather is in the City Lord's Mansion.

Just standing thirty miles away and looking at the block in front of you, you can feel an ancient and desolate coercion floating from a distance. If Qiu Yu's real body is really suppressed there, I don't know what he can do with his Mahayana monk body. Can it withstand this spiritual pressure?

When he was hesitating, Ao Li came forward slowly and said, "Get on my back, and I will carry you there."

In an instant, he saw that his originally three-foot-long body swelled to Zhang Xu as if it had been inflated.Also don't allow yourself to think too much, Yi Tian jumped up and rolled onto Ao Li's back.

Then Ao Li kicked his feet and rushed straight to the mansion of the city lord with Yi Tianchao on his back.The evil spirit around suddenly rolled up and surrounded him, but the red light all over Aoli's body flashed suddenly and then turned into a flame to firmly protect his body.After the evil spirit invaded, it immediately collapsed and dispersed when it encountered the fire, and the most front part was purified.

Yi Tian looked in the center of his eyes and was delighted. It seems that this Ao Li is worthy of being the temple guardian spirit beast of Leiguang Temple. Although it has been filled with magic energy, the Buddhist power contained in its origin is still there.

Later, as long as you try to use the Buddhist power of the Great Day Sutra to purify its soul, it will soon be restored to its original state.

Just as he was thinking about it, a low growl came from his ear: "We are here, and I can feel the remaining breath of the owner deep in this house."

Yi Tian turned over and stood firmly in front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and then carefully looked at it.On the main entrance, there are several spirit patterns painted on the formation extending to the surroundings and sealing off the whole house.

In the square outside the main entrance, there are three pattern nodes in sequence together with these pattern patterns. Yi Tian walked over and looked at it, and immediately showed a bit of embarrassment on his face: "This is the core of the Tianhuo Great Formation. If you want to open it It takes three people to activate the node at the same time."

"Three of them shot at the same time?" Ao Li turned around after hearing this, and several red halos flashed around him, covering his body.After ten breaths, when the halo dissipated, a strong man with a height of eight feet appeared.

Presumably this is exactly what he looks like in disguise, so that he only needs to find one more person to try to open the sealing formation.

(End of this chapter)

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