
Chapter 1122

Chapter 1122

In front of the city lord's mansion, Yi Tian and Ao Li arrived here, one man and one beast, and found that to enter the mansion, the ban of the Heavenly Fire Formation had to be opened.

And the premise of opening it is that three people need to work together to shoot at the same time. After turning into a human form, Ao Li searched around.He sighed a little later and said, "I can feel a familiar aura in the depths of the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, but unfortunately the aura is already full of death, even if we go in, we won't be able to find any survivors."

"No way," Yi Tian said in shock: "As far as I know, it is almost impossible for monks in the Mahayana period to completely kill them with immortal souls."

"Of course you can't deduce this result based on your realm," Ao Li said disdainfully: "But as far as I know, there are at least two Mahayana monks who participated in the battle of exterminating demons in the spiritual world, and they can suppress their spirits forever. Rely on the long years to slowly pass away until the lifespan of the Mahayana monks is exhausted."

"How come Mahayana monks have a limited lifespan?" Yi Tian said with emotion: "Even they haven't achieved immortality, but I don't know who can do it."

"If you cultivate to the Mahayana stage and become a flying immortal, you may be able to touch the next realm, but now our primary purpose is to go in and investigate, maybe the answer you are looking for can be found inside," Ao Li stretched out his hand One pointed at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

After Yi Tian looked at it, he stretched out his hand and patted the beast-controlling bag on his waist again, and then a blue light flew out and turned into a human form.Guagua Jiuxian said with sleepy eyes, "What else is going to disturb my sweet dreams? I won't do it if it's good for me."

"Yunmeng gas-eating toad," this time it was Ao Li's turn to exclaim: "It seems that it has not been long since its transformation, and there is even a trace of fire and phoenix essence and blood fusion in its body, but it is a pity that the cultivation base is too low to drive the talent ability at all .”

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, pretended to be nonchalant after hearing this, but he couldn't help but look at Ao Ligao in his heart.It's just a face-to-face who can see through Guagua and find that there is a trace of Mengxin's true blood in his body. Sure enough, the Dragon Clan is the leader of all spirits.

Yi Tiancai coughed lightly and said: "Quack is the spiritual pet I brought up from the lower realms. His progress in cultivation naturally complements my strength, and there won't be too much difference."

After hearing this, Ao Li's face darkened, as if his words touched his heart, and his face returned to normal after a while, "Okay, the three of you get together, let's break the ban and go in early." There was a hint of strangeness.

Being stared at by him like this, he hid behind him and whispered quietly: "Master, where did you find such a powerful person, standing with him feels oppressive."

Yi Tian knew in his heart that he was not afraid of Ao Li because he was protected by a spirit treasure and sealed by the chains of the Li Huo Sect, but Gu Gua, who was also a monster, was frightened by the dragon power on him.

Pointing at the three nodes, he said in a deep voice, "I asked you to come out to help break the restriction. You can go back after it's done. I'll give you another pot of wine."

"It's a deal," Guagua said without any hesitation, and walked directly to the node on the right to wait for the order.

And Ao Li walked to the far left node under his own instructions, and finally Yi Tian's figure flashed to the middle.Then he sacrificed his spiritual power with both hands to directly activate the formation seal pattern under his feet.

Gua Gua and Ao Li were not idle either, following the same example, they sacrificed their spiritual power to activate the patterns under their feet as well.The hexagram of Nanming Lihuo suddenly appeared on the entire gate, and the three of them aroused the three lines in the hexagram one by one.

There was only a "click" sound from Siye, and the pattern on the city lord's mansion seemed to be drawn by the Lihuo hexagram at the main entrance and gradually brightened.

At this moment, Yi Tian could see that the patterns on the walls of the entire city lord's mansion had been activated, and then saw a flash of fire in the middle of the Lihuo hexagram, and then two figures emerged.

To be precise, a piece of video was preserved, and Yi Tian recognized one of them as Patriarch Wuye at a glance.This video should be the scene where he finally set up the Heavenly Fire Array to seal the Demon Saint Prince here more than 8000 years ago.

Just looking at the state of Patriarch Wuye at that time, it seemed a little strange, and the people around him didn't know him.Turning his head to Ao Li, he asked, "Do you know these two people?"

"Isn't it Wuye and his precious apprentice Ji Xuanyuan?" Ao Li stretched out his hand and said, "I will never forget that he sealed me up back then."

"It sealed you who was demonized," Yi Tian added.

"Yes, yes," Ao Li said impatiently, "but don't think that Wu Ye really won the battle. In my opinion, he still lost half."

"Really," Yi Tian's face remained calm, but he believed in Ao Li's words in his heart. Based on the fact that Patriarch Wuye was divided into two people, half of them were suppressed in Tianlan Realm, so it can be guessed what happened back then. The Patriarch Wuye of the Battle of Extinguishing Demons is likely to be enlightened, so that he finally had to claim to the outside world that he returned to Lihuo Palace to cultivate for 8000 years.

I have no way of talking about these secret methods, and the only one who is well-informed here is Ao Li in front of me.At that moment, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to send Guagua back to the beast-controlling bag, and then turned his head and said to Ao Li: "Please ask Senior Ao to clarify, I found that there seems to be something wrong with the Great Sage Wuye under the influence, but look at it again." Nothing comes out."

"For the sake of your humility to ask for advice, let me give you some advice." Ao Li said with a proud face, "I heard that there is a Zen method called "The Book of Good and Evil" in Leiguang Temple. Heart'. This technique was originally handed down from the fairy world, a heaven-level kung fu practitioner who can cut away the two thoughts of good and evil in his heart, which is similar to the legendary method of those Taiyi Jinxians who cut three corpses."

"The skills in the fairy world are naturally extremely sharp, but what does this have to do with the state of the great sage Wuye, and it is impossible to use this Buddhist sect's secret technique to deal with people," Yi Tian replied.

However, Ao Li waved his hands and said decisively: "My master, Master Jie Ding, originally practiced the meditation method of good and evil, and when he got into a demon, he would naturally demonize this practice. I think the Great Sage Wuye must have been tricked." Afterwards, the good and evil thoughts in his heart will definitely be differentiated and become incompatible. In severe cases, he will go crazy, or ",
"Or become two people, good and evil?" Yi Tian said.

"Actually, I don't know what will happen. I decided that I also had these two thoughts of good and evil in my heart back then. In the end, the evil thoughts suppressed the kindness and fell into the devil world," Ao Li sighed.

Yi Tian smiled wryly and said: "When I think of Buddha and Demon, I believe that with the concentration level of Master Jieding, good intentions will not be suppressed by evil thoughts for no reason. There must be some unknown things happening in this."

(End of this chapter)

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