
Chapter 1123 Inner Palace

Chapter 1123 Inner Palace
After opening the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, a sharp gust of wind blew out from it, and at the same time brought out a large amount of devilish energy inside.The black hurricane that blows out mixed with spiritual pressure blows past Yi Tian's side, and the violent wind blows directly to push people three feet away to stabilize his figure.

Ao Li, who was cast aside by Yi Tian, ​​was much better than himself, but retreated a distance of one and a half feet.Later, when the two looked at each other, they could see the shock in their eyes.

I had a further recognition of Ao Li's strength, even with his current cultivation base, if I didn't have the suppression of the binding rope, I am afraid that I would definitely not be able to withstand his three moves.

On the contrary, it was the shock in Aoli's eyes that made him a little confused, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

A little later, the two corrected themselves before slowly walking into the inner hall of the City Lord's Mansion. As soon as they entered the door, they heard a "clang" sound behind them, and the gate of the City Lord's Mansion automatically closed. Appeared to isolate this place from the outside world again.

After a little investigation with his divine sense, Yi Tian found that it was not as messy as a battlefield as he had imagined.Moreover, the final battle of the War to Exterminate Demons 8000 years ago may not have been as described in the sect dossier, where Patriarch Wu Ye fought with Prince Mo Sheng for several days and nights and finally suppressed him.

In fact, the environment here has not shown the slightest sign of chaos, and the architectural furnishings in the hall are also intact.It's just that there are messy magic marks all over the ground, judging from the direction of their extension, they go straight to the depths of the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

The spiritual pressure fluctuation here gives people a strong sense of depression, even after 8000 years, the spiritual pressure fluctuation is still the same.It is conceivable how strong the situation would be back then, Yi Tian also aroused his desire for unlimited cultivation at this moment.

Suddenly, the patterns on the surrounding walls flashed with spiritual light again, and then the big skyfire formation in the entire hall was slowly operating again.At the same time, the remnants of the magic marks on the ground were directly refined after being ignited by the true flames emerging from the formation.

Slightly different from the Buddha sect's power purification, the sky fire formation directly extracts the spiritual power from these magic marks and forcibly peels them off, and then burns the remaining evil spirit points.

Walking to the depths of the city lord's mansion, I can only see the magic marks and the pattern of the sky fire formation on the surrounding walls.Judging from the patterns here, it seems that Patriarch Wuye didn't intend to directly refine the devil prince Qiu Yu, but blindly focused on banning.

Since I have received the true biography of Patriarch Wuye, I have already understood the patterns of these patterns.Ao Li on the side looked at it, shook his head and said: "It seems that the great sage Wuye brought his disciple Ji Xuanyuan to come here to trap our lord to death. The power of the underground spirit veins in the entire Qingfeng City was used to maintain it."

"Why do you see it?" Yi Tian asked back, although he had already noticed it in his heart, he also wanted to see how well Ao Li understood this formation.

He pointed to the spirit pattern on the wall and said, "The formation here was laid by the Great Sage Wuye more than 8000 years ago. According to reason, if these formations are not activated, these formations will not be protected by spiritual power sooner or later. I also feel the vitality contained in the pattern, although a lot of spiritual power has been absorbed by the attached magic mark, but the life is still very vigorous."

It turned out that Yi Tian was overjoyed, why didn't he notice this? Originally, he thought that the source of the magic marks in Qingfeng City was the forbidden Demon Saint Prince.From this point of view, it seems that the existing magic marks would flood out after continuously absorbing the Heavenly Fire Sealing Demon Formation.

This is also easy to solve, as long as the sky fire formation is restarted or completely destroyed, the problem of the overflow of magic marks in Qingfeng old city can be solved once and for all.

Suddenly a thought flashed through my mind, since the matter is so simple, why didn't Patriarch Wuye or Ji Xuanyuan do this back then.Turning around and looking at the depths of the passage, Yi Tian found that all the mysteries should be solved in the deepest part of the City Lord's Mansion.

Then they called Ao Li and the two speeded up and walked quickly in the passage corridor. The road was only three miles long, but the evil spirit around them became stronger and stronger, so the two had to gradually tighten the protective cover. Dare to move on.

And Yi Tian did feel that the remaining spiritual pressure in the surrounding air was getting stronger and stronger, and it took the two of them more than an hour to walk to the last room of the City Lord's Mansion at the bottom.

Looking at the words on the door, Yi Tian's pupils froze, only to see that it said, 'Those who enter without our sect will die'.There is no signature left below, but according to my own estimation, it should be a warning left by Patriarch Wuye.

He could go in by himself, but Ao Li couldn't. Since only monks from Lihuo Palace can enter, he had to be fully prepared.After thinking about it, he turned around and said, "Ao Li, you should go back to my beast control bag first, it's not easy to come and go in here."

"Well, although I feel my master's breath remains behind the door, I'd better listen to you to be on the safe side." After speaking, the figure flashed into a red halo and flew into the air, then turned around and turned towards Yi Tian He wanted to see the beast sac specially reserved for him fly in.

After he fully entered, Yi Tian gently sealed the beast-controlling pouch with one finger, let alone a monster in the early stage of distraction, he couldn't come out at will even in the later stage.Without his own permission, he could only stay in the beast sac for the rest of his life.

After doing all this, Yi Tian slowly walked forward and stretched out his hand to sacrifice a ray of natal real fire, and raised his index finger to write slowly according to the strokes of the eight characters.

Sure enough, it was similar to what I expected, and the real fire of life lit up the warning words one after another after flashing across them.And when I traced the last character, the eight characters instantly flew up in the air and turned into eight hexagrams, which sank into the gate one after another.

After three breaths, only the sound of "咔咔咚" sounded, and a spirit pattern appeared on the gate, and then it began to turn. Loosen it to reveal a gap more than a foot wide, just enough for myself to slip through.

Seeing this, Yi Tian found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations from the inside actually made him feel cold all over his body, and his whole body was agitated, and he hurriedly practiced his kung fu to resist to stabilize his figure.

Taking a closer look at the spiritual pressure inside, it turns out that the coefficients are full of dead energy. It seems that as Ao Li said before, the devil prince Qiu Yu should be completely dead.If it is suppressed there, such a situation will not happen.

Just as he was about to go forward and try to enter the door, suddenly the patterns on the door changed again.This time the door was not closed, but a void scene appeared in front of him.

The only person who appeared this time was Patriarch Wuye, who stood outside the gate and looked up at the direction of the main gate on the stone steps.In front of him was a black figure, whose face was exactly the same as the one he had seen under the saffron tree when he had become a demon.

(End of this chapter)

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