
Chapter 1124 Fall?

Chapter 1124 Fall?

After entering the door, Yi Tian saw the one-on-one scene between Patriarch Wuye and Prince Qiu Yu.It's just that it's a great pity that I can't hear their conversation at that time when I just saw their appearance.

In a blink of an eye, Patriarch Wuye took out a three-inch round wheel and held it in his hand. After a red light flashed on it, a true flame began to circulate.In an instant, under the rapid rotation of the round wheel, the body size increased several times, and became as big as a foot.

True Flame condenses with the help of the round wheel and directly illuminates the dark space around it, and the scorching high temperature above only radiates to a half-foot radius around it and then stops.

Yi Tian fixed his eyes and looked at the look of hesitation on his face. He could do such a trick by himself. It is unknown how Patriarch Wuye would underestimate the enemy back then.

But after taking a closer look, the suspicious look on Hui's face suddenly turned into a look of horror. The range of radiation around the light wheel is not large, but this space seems to have been completely isolated from the surrounding area.To put it bluntly, an isolated space has been formed around Patriarch Wuye, and even everything within it can be changed with the will of Patriarch Wuye.

As for the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu in front of him, he didn't seem to care at all at this moment, and stretched out his hands to make a fist out of thin air.Then two auras, one black and one white, condensed in his hands. This was a tactic he wanted to forcefully catch the opponent with just his hands.

Seeing this, Yi Tian also took a breath of air. He never thought that a monk in the Mahayana stage could use his physical body alone to shake Lingbao.But it's not surprising that he thought of the weapon left by the devil prince he saw in the magic fog area in a blink of an eye.He had no choice but to fight with his physical strength, but if the weapon of the Demon Saint Prince hadn't been lost, it is estimated that Wuye Patriarch might not be able to win the battle.

After the tricks in their hands were ready, their figures flickered, and they fought repeatedly in this room, which was only ten feet in size.Under the attack of spells, it seemed that the air pressure vortex was continuously created in the air, and it disappeared in a short while. The momentum of the moves seemed to be completely out of proportion to their strength.

Suddenly, there was a stagger as if there was a move. After the stagger, a trace of sparks splashed from the fire wheel of Patriarch Wuye floated out alone.After the sparks sputtered out, they flew past him and hit the stone wall not far in front, immediately piercing the wall and forming a hole about a foot in size.

It's just that when I scanned the thickness of the stone wall with my divine sense, my eyelids trembled. This stone wall is about one foot thick, and its material is also mixed with the essence of Wutu, the hardest in the spirit world.

To put it bluntly, it is estimated that in the spirit world, it would be difficult to find a rock that is harder than the wall in front of him.It is precisely this kind of thing that was melted by a spark to make a huge hole.Yi Tian stretched out his hand and gathered a ray of purple flames of thunder flames in his palm, then made a fist-sized ball of fire and hit the wall with all his strength.

After three breaths, he could only leave a fist mark half an inch deep on the wall, and he couldn't calm down at the moment, secretly thinking that the gap is too big.

Immediately afterwards, in the phantom scene, Patriarch Wuye and Qiu Yu seemed to be fighting inextricably, but both of them also controlled the spiritual power extremely precisely, and there was no trace of leakage.

After fighting with all his strength, it seemed that Patriarch Wuye was gradually at a disadvantage. No matter how exquisitely he manipulated the fire wheel, he couldn't break through the black and white aura of Qiu Yu's palms.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed on Qiu Yu's forehead, and Yi Tian was naturally very familiar with it. This was the power of the Buddha's light of the Buddhist sect.

Obviously, at the critical moment when the two were fighting, Master Jie Ding's Buddha-nature burst out suddenly and broke the deadlock.And the patriarch Wuye in front of him also sensed this opportunity and was not lenient at all, taking advantage of Qiu Yu being disturbed, the red light on the fire wheel flourished and forcibly broke through the defense of the black and white fists.

It took only a moment for the master to fight for victory, and the scene of the two people in front of him stopped after Qiu Yu was knocked back by one move.The whole room returned to a gloomy scene again, and Yi Tian looked in the direction of Qiu Yu's retreat, and it seemed that there were still a few rooms inside.

Presumably Qiu Yu retreated towards the back room after being hit at that time. Since all the clues were broken, he had to go inside to the end to find out the truth.

Then he gritted his teeth and walked towards Qiu Yu's retreating direction. He walked through the dilapidated stone room, walked through three rooms one after another, and finally came to a small room with a radius of five feet.After taking out the Ye Mingzhu to illuminate the surroundings, he found that he had reached the deepest part of the City Lord's Mansion.

There are two stone chairs by the wall here, and Qiu Yu is sitting on the one on the left.It's just that his body has been petrified, and there are still marks on his forehead that were seriously injured by Patriarch Wuye just now.His limbs, head and neck were handcuffed with arm-thick chains, which forcibly bound his body.

Even after 8000 years, his remnant body still exudes a strong evil spirit, and its power is no less than the spiritual pressure fluctuation in the later stage of the avatar.

Even if Yi Tian stared at the meeting, he felt very depressed. In the end, he could only forcefully exercise his energy to stabilize his mind before continuing to explore in the stone room.

It stands to reason that Mahayana monks have cultivated to the point of invincibility and invincibility, and Qiu Yu is obviously a Buddha and a demon, and he doesn't believe that he doesn't have any special skills to save his life.

Forcibly opened the pupil technique and searched his whole body, and found a bright golden talisman on top of his head, which turned out to be a soul-suppressing talisman written in golden seal script.

But in his heart, he couldn't figure it out, this talisman must have been suppressed by Patriarch Wuye, but the key is why it is the soul-suppressing talisman, not others.

Just as I was thinking about it, the aura around me suddenly turned slightly, and a mirror image appeared again in an instant.The patriarch Wuye who appeared in this scene seemed to be chasing him all the way.

At this time, Qiu Yu just returned to sit on the current seat, and saw that his breath was very unstable, as if there was a major mistake in luck.But he looked at Patriarch Wuye's appearance without any fear, and his hands quickly formed seals on his chest.

But what surprised me was that the seal method that Qiu Yu produced at this time turned out to be the secret method of Buddhism.It's ridiculous to say that the majestic devil prince used Buddhist esoteric techniques at the last moment.

Later, Patriarch Wuye also moved, and he naturally sensed something was wrong.If Qiu Yu is allowed to complete the printing method, of course he doesn't know what the consequences will be.

Qiu Yu also noticed it immediately, and also freed up his hands to condense the black and white energy in his hands into a ball and hit Patriarch Wuye.Once the two moves intersected, there seemed to be no huge impact as expected, but the black and white light ball directly passed through the fire wheel and hit Patriarch Wuye.

After the two were hit at the same time, Patriarch Wuye's body visibly swayed, and then the ball of black and white air penetrated directly into his palm and disappeared.As for Qiu Yu, it seemed that he had completed the imprint at the last moment, and his eyes faded before he collapsed.Afterwards, a black and yellow ray of light flew out from his forehead, avoided the fire wheel and flew out of the body from one side, and then directly disarmed him.

But Yi Tian shouted in shock: "Buddhist reincarnation method."

(End of this chapter)

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