
Chapter 1125 Tear

Chapter 1125 Tear
Standing in front of Qiu Yu's corpse, Yi Tian's face was solemn, but he didn't know what he was thinking about.Since Qiu Yu was able to use the Buddhist sect's secret technique to escape into reincarnation again at the last moment, he naturally considered the consequences.

At the same time, I also admired the great power of the demon race for being so decisive. You must know how difficult it is to reach the Mahayana stage of cultivation, and experience countless disasters during the period.

But Qiu Yu was able to say that if he gave up, he would just give up, even though the Buddhist sect's secret technique of reincarnation and rebirth is indescribable.But I have also checked the records in the Leiwen Muyu, this reincarnation and rebirth is not a one-off.

On the contrary, this kind of secret technique is the supreme supernatural power of the Buddhist sect. Those who have achieved it can eliminate the karma they suffered in the previous life one by one through reincarnation.

But this process does not happen overnight. The reason why the Buddhist sect's secret art is hailed as orthodox is that it is in harmony with the power of heaven, and it is a method of obeying heaven and responding to fate.

After performing the reincarnation method like Qiu Yu, he needs to go through at least nine reincarnations to eliminate the original karma on his body.At the same time, during this period, his original memories will naturally be dust-sealed, and only after re-practicing the corresponding Buddhist exercises can the memories of the previous nine lives be retrieved together.

Originally, this technique was tailor-made for those Buddhist monks who had exhausted their lifespan and could not advance an inch. After they reincarnated, there would naturally be Buddhist monks who came to guide them back to Buddhism.

And with Qiu Yu's appearance, no one can be his messenger, so the possibility of him being able to retrieve this dusty memory has become very slim.

Turning around to look at the figure of Patriarch Wuye, he put away the round wheel and stared at Qiu Yu's body for a long time.Then he reached out and took out a talisman to write a soul-suppressing talisman in golden seal script using his blood as a reference, and pasted it on the forehead of the corpse. This is the final appearance of Qiu Yu's corpse after it was frozen.

After finishing these, Patriarch Wu Ye took out a talisman pen and a bottle of spiritual ink and began to write the patterns of the Great Formation of Heaven and Fire on the surrounding stone walls.Yi Tian stared at the trace of the talisman pen on the hand of Patriarch Wuye for a while, and then easily found the last eye of the Skyfire formation.

It is obvious that this set of formations is nested with magic sealing formations and several other auxiliary small formations. After the last stroke was made, Yi Tian found that the eyes of the formations had landed on the ceiling in the middle of the stone room.

At this time, Patriarch Wuye put down the talisman pen and spirit ink bottle in his hand, and then began to slowly activate the formation with his hands.It's just that his state seems to be different from the mirror image, and it took a lot of spiritual power just to start the hand seal.Moreover, cold sweat continued to ooze from his forehead, and he lay down along his temples.

After arduously activating the three auxiliary formations and the magic-sealing formation, counting until the aura sealed the entire stone room and Qiu Yu's location, the strings of formation patterns climbed directly onto Qiu Yu's body like ants Several key points were sealed.Yi Tian was startled, but luckily he didn't mess with Qiu Yu's body, otherwise once he touched the magic sealing formation, he would be backlashed and the consequences would be disastrous.

Naturally, with his level of cultivation at the stage of becoming a god, he was vulnerable to the formation laid down by the Mahayana monks.

When Patriarch Wuye was about to activate the final sky fire formation, he suddenly stood there completely still, and later his whole body started to shake, and after ten breaths, his whole body started to tremble uncontrollably.

I saw a bewitching light flashed deep between his brows, and then split into two halos, one black and one white.At this time, his body also changed accordingly. The left and right halves, one bright and one dark, also became distinctly different from the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

It's just that the black and white halo he didn't see seems to be in the wrong place, the white light is on the side of the blackened body, but the black light is stationed on the bright side.

After a black and white spiritual light flashed, the Patriarch Wuye in front of him split into two people in an instant, and the black one was the one who taught his skills in Tianlan Realm.As for the white one, it must be Patriarch Wuye who is currently sitting in the depths of Lihuo Palace and is revered by thousands of people.

It was only now that I realized that the battle against demons back then ended in a loss for both sides.The devil prince Qiu Yu escaped into reincarnation and had the opportunity to reincarnate and re-cultivate, and once he was successful in cultivation and returned here to retrieve his previous real body, he could immediately return to the peak state of the fusion period.

But Patriarch Wuye split into two after he fell into the Zen of Good and Evil, and they fought against each other for 8000 years without ending.Now I am also being helplessly involved in this dispute, I really don't know if it is a blessing or a curse.

After the two Wuye Patriarchs in front of them were obviously separated, there was a big disagreement, and the black patriarch left without even activating the Heavenly Fire Formation below.As for the white one who followed Feidun out as if he wanted to catch up and say something, he cast a Taoist spell and hit the sky fire formation on the ceiling before leaving, and then the formation was half activated Everything that happened was recorded.

In this way, a mess was left. At this time, traces of devil blood slowly flowed out from the corpse of the devil prince Qiu Yu, directly seeping into the underground floor tiles.Apparently, the infiltrating black devil blood is the most direct source of the evil spirit in Qingfeng Old City. After the blood has polluted the underground spiritual veins, it will be diluted into evil spirit and leak out along with the spirit energy.

Therefore, the closer to the city lord's mansion, the more serious the pollution of Wumo evil spirit, which was originally a mess left by Patriarch Wuye.But in retrospect, he was also unable to complete the final activation of the formation seal after he was in the Zen of good and evil in his body.

Seeing the mirror image in front of him is considered to have completely dissipated, but Yi Tian's face was livid at this time, it is obvious that this mess in front of him must be dealt with by someone, and he is the one chosen by the two patriarchs to deal with the aftermath.

Fortunately, the two patriarchs hurried away and left the talisman pen, and Yi Tian found the pen on the ground following the last instructions of the mirror image.After gently picking it up, I held it in my hand and looked at it. After 8000 years, there is still a trace of spiritual power left on it.

Gently sacrificed a bit of spiritual power to inject it, and under the golden light, the talisman brush seemed to come alive, circled in the air for a few times, and then slowly landed in front of him.After scanning the pen holder, I saw the four characters "Hongyun Qitian" written in golden seal script on it, and the signature of Patriarch Wuye was left on the back.

This is obviously a heavenly spirit treasure that has now become an ownerless thing, but now it is cheaper for me.He stretched out his hand to sacrifice a trace of thunder flame and purple flame to cover the Hongyun Qitian Brush, and then quickly sacrificed it again.

After taking back Zi Yan, the words on the pen holder did change. After careful inspection, the original mark of Wu Ye Patriarch disappeared, and his name was engraved on it instead.

(End of this chapter)

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