
Chapter 1126

Chapter 1126
The spread of the magic marks in Qingfeng Old City has always been the biggest obstacle preventing Taiqing Pavilion from taking back its homeland. Originally, these magic marks would extend for several miles every hundred years.For this reason, the sect had to send elite disciples to the inner center to clear away the magic marks in some main strongholds, and at the same time strictly control the flooded area.

It's just that there have been news from the monks who went in recently, and the area of ​​the magic mark that was originally overwhelming seems to be shrinking every day.Moreover, the scope of this contraction seems to be extremely obvious. The large corridor originally set by the Taiqing Pavilion as the outer city wall is now almost invisible.As for the magic marks in the middle circle of the old city, they are gradually dissipating.

Only within a radius of [-] miles around the city lord's mansion, which originally belonged to the inner city defense, there is still obvious demonic evil spirit, but a mesh-shaped sealing array appeared around this area to restrict the evil spirit within.

In this way, after receiving the notification, the Taiqing Pavilion sect directly dispatched the sect's integrated monks to inspect it. After the search, it was concluded that the Heavenly Fire Sealing Demon Formation set up by the great sage Wuye earlier in Neizhong was opened again , In this way, the source of the original evil spirit is firmly restricted.

As for the reason for opening it is unknown, but at the same time a rumor began to spread among the casual cultivators.There are gossips that the middle and outer circles of the old city are now habitable. Although 8000 years have passed since the battle against demons, there are many relics left by the ancestors.

This can be regarded as blowing up a hornet's nest, and those casual cultivators who were originally in Qingfeng New City swarmed like hungry wolves who smelled blood.The sudden large number of casual cultivators directly put enormous pressure on the monks stationed in the Taiqing Pavilion.

The scope of the old city is so large, and the original protective barrier has shrunk to a range of fifty miles around the inner city, and there are many more undefended open spaces.It is impossible for the inspection department of Taiqing Pavilion to guard and take care of it, which directly made some casual repairmen a windfall.

As for those demonized mutant beasts, they are the first to be their prey, and even some potential demon cultivators use this to kill mutant beasts to collect magic cores to raise their cultivation rapidly under the battle.

This time, he stabbed Lou Zi even more, and the news spread throughout the spirit world in less than three days.The loose cultivators who came from the other two cities immediately overwhelmed the sky patrol ship.As for those who couldn't buy a ticket, they rushed here by their own flight, and they all wanted to get a share of the pie.

The Taiqing Pavilion also promulgated several decrees appropriately. In view of the changes in Qingfeng Old City, a large amount of manpower is urgently needed to help eliminate the demonized mutant beasts, so there are only three chapters for casual cultivators.

The scope of the inner city skyfire formation does not allow anyone to break into it without reason, and the sect dispatched four disciples in the distraction period to handle the four gates of the inner city in the south, east, and west.

In the middle circle, the original Zongmen Sutra Library, Yushou Temple, Lingzhi Garden, and the Four Great Secret Realms are also not allowed to enter at will.

The rest of these areas can be entered and exited freely, and people who come can use the demonized mutant beasts they kill to go to Qingfeng New City to exchange for corresponding merit points.

In addition, the top and bottom of the Taiqing Pavilion were also mobilized, and more or less of the five hundred inner disciples had received transfer orders. Except for those who practiced in seclusion, the rest had to go to Qingfeng Old City to report for duty.

After reading the Zongmen Communication Order in his hand, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the cave, curled his lips and threw the amulet on the ground, then took out the communication jade amulet and sent a message to Zhou Buer and the others: "Deputy Director Hua and I I am in retreat at the moment, and I believe that no one will leave the customs in 30 or [-] years. You decide to send Kazuto to Qingfeng Old City to return to life, and all the credits will be counted on the individual. But you must not make mistakes because of this. The planting task of Lingzhi Garden itself." After the order, he activated the Jade Talisman of Communication in his hand and sent it out.

To put it bluntly, I am not even interested in the situation in Qingfeng Old City now, if I hadn't forcibly activated the formation laid down by Patriarch Wuye at that time, which round would have gotten these people to mix it up.

But it's also good that the more chaotic the outside world is, the fewer people will pay attention to themselves.This time, after seeing the afterimage of the fight between Patriarch Wuye and Prince Qiu Yu, he deeply realized how big the gap was.

To put it bluntly, it is not worth mentioning in their eyes even if they have cultivated to the stage of distraction. Only when they reach the stage of integration will they attract their attention.

But I remember seeing that Ji Xuanyuan had also visited at that time, but he didn't go in.Afterwards, he must have seen the fact that Patriarch Wuye was divided into two, but he didn't know how shocked this senior brother would be.

Through this exploration, I am the biggest beneficiary. Just getting the 'Lucky Equal to Heaven' talisman pen is already a great opportunity.After returning back, I carefully checked the ancient books of Lihuo Palace, and it was recorded in it that this talisman pen was originally the treasure of the palace of Lihuo Palace.

Originally, it was an exclusive spiritual weapon that would be passed on to the disciples of Fu Dao, but Patriarch Wu Ye took it and kept it by his side during the battle of exterminating demons. Unexpectedly, he did not bring it out of Qingfeng Old City in the end.

As for the imprint on this talisman pen, it is naturally not easy to return it if it is replaced by myself.It's just that my own talisman attainments are far inferior to those of refining weapons.In my heart, I thought about looking for an opportunity to find Qing Lianyun to exchange the talisman secret art in her hand.

After coming out this time, in order to deceive others, I specially explained to Hua Yulin, the content was also relatively vague, and most of my things in Qingfeng Old City were omitted.In the end, he repeatedly asked him not to go out casually in the near future, it is best to practice in closed doors in the cave, and not to accept the talisman edict passed down from the sect easily.

Hua Yulin, who had been with him for a long time, naturally knew that there was something in this remark, and immediately said that he would play by ear.Afterwards, when the Qingfeng Old City incident happened, he saw it clearly in his eyes, and within a few days, he went to the Zongmen to report that he needed to retreat and practice.

On the other hand, Yi Tian and Hua Yuxin had a very tacit understanding and both announced retreat after returning to the cave, entrusting all matters in Lingzhi Garden to Zhou Buer and others to handle at their discretion.They are only allowed to come forward to report unless they encounter extremely difficult and difficult matters, which is completely irrelevant.

As for Cui Fuling, there is no need to worry about it. With her status, the only ones in the sect who want to assign tasks are the senior brothers in the distraction stage or the elders in the fusion stage.But even if something happened, Qing Lianyun would be the first one to make a move, and it was never the little girl's turn to come to the stage.

In this way, when the outside world was making a fuss about the Qingfeng Old City, Yi Tian ushered in a rare peaceful time to concentrate on cultivation.

Witnessing the fact that Patriarch Wu Ye had been recruited, Yi Tian was deeply jealous of the Zen of Good and Evil in Buddhism.I didn't expect that even a monk in the Mahayana period would be enlightened, and if I met him in the future, I would be slaughtered by others.

I don't want to be divided into black and white because of this, but I heard Ao Li mention that this exercise is the secret technique of Leiguang Temple.Right now I happen to have the Great Sun Sutra in my hand, if I study thoroughly, maybe I can find a trace of Zen enlightenment.

(End of this chapter)

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