
Chapter 1127 Visit

Chapter 1127 Visit
The peaceful days are always very short. In the first ten years of Yi Tian's retreat, it was still peaceful, and the five team leaders of Lingzhi Garden didn't bother his retreat much.

During this period, Yi Tian recited the Great Sun Sutra from the beginning to the end, and then began to decompose and comprehend it word by word.In the end, I came to a definite conclusion, that is, if you want to practice the Great Day Sutra to the level of Dacheng, you must enter the world and hone it.

And this kind of tempering can't use any spiritual power. You must rely on your physical strength to experience all the hardships in the world in order to deepen your understanding of the Great Day Sutra.If you sit in the cave all day like you are now, you will never be able to see the mystery of the scriptures.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian secretly planned in his heart. There must be many mortal kingdoms within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles of Qingfeng New City where he is.It's also appropriate to go there by yourself and experience it, not to mention that a mortal in the spiritual world only lives for three or forty years.Excluding the teenage years and the inability to walk after old age and frailty, it is only 40 years that can be used to travel time.

In this way, if I go back once by myself, I can just catch up with the trip to Langhuan Cave, and then I can naturally show my strengths inside with my own cultivation.

Thinking about putting away the statue, the talisman pen in his hand and other spiritual tools, he took out the communication talisman and was about to notify Hua Yuxin.Suddenly a half-foot-sized hole opened in the restraint, and a Jade Talisman of Communication flew in.

Stretching out his hand to sweep them one by one, he frowned slightly after sweeping Yi Tian's divine sense, and then gently opened the hole door, and the figure disappeared in the same place in an instant.

After ten breaths, Dao's figure appeared above the guardian mansion of Lingzhi Garden, and it was Yi Tian's real body who had heard the news.Before slowly falling down to the main gate, the Lingnong team came up to pick him up on the first week, and kept muttering: "My lord, you are finally here, this matter can only be resolved by you personally, my little one." But I don’t have the guts to disobey my orders.”

Yi Tian knew what happened after seeing the messenger and meeting him, and it was actually very simple.In recent years, with the continuous re-discovery of the Qingfeng Old City area, the sect's internal manpower is tight, and naturally the required elixirs and spiritual weapons are also in short supply.

For this reason, the head of the sect's alchemy room issued a special edict to collect a spiritual plant at zero hour to refine the elixir for the sect's disciples to use.

He strode into the guardian mansion with a glance and found that the person in charge this time turned out to be Xiang Dongchen who was accompanied by an alchemist in the early stage of transforming gods, but obviously he also knew his position on the earth evil list and Xiang Dongchen Hui's reminder naturally did not dare to overwhelm others.

Seeing the person in charge arrived, Xiang Dongchen stood up and first bowed to Jishou and said, "I was ordered by the head of the alchemy room to come to the Lingzhi Garden to transfer thirty kinds of ground-level spiritual plants, five catties each, and half a catty of red ginseng to the alchemy room for later use. "After finishing speaking, he took out a copy of Fu Zhaoyu slip and handed it over.

So Yi Tian has to follow, after all, it is the fate of the first seat of the alchemy room.Holding the jade slip in his hand, he quickly scanned it with his spiritual sense, and after confirming that the content inside and the seal left by the head seat of the last alchemy room were correct, he replied: "It is the order of the head seat, and we will naturally go all out .”

Turning around and facing Zhou Buer, he said: "Order the five team leaders to open the warehouse immediately to pick out the prefecture-level spiritual plants with good quality and take them out to make up the required number for the alchemy room. In addition, take seven sticks of Chijing ginseng for backup. "

After hearing this, Zhou Buer's eyelids trembled, but Xiang Dongchen showed a thoughtful look on his face.Of course, he knew that one piece of Chijing ginseng would cost more than one or two taels, and if he took so much at once, he would be in suspense for the next hundred years of enshrining.

But Yitian's face didn't show any heartache at all, but took it for granted.Half a moment later, Zhou Buer came in with two storage bags, handed over the things, and then stepped aside.

After inspecting the materials in the spiritual plant bag, Yi Tian gently handed it over and said, "Thirty kinds of earth-level spiritual plants are five catties each, and the five chijing plants are mixed with half a catty coefficient. The two brothers can check it."

The alchemist who came with him had a weird look on his face and didn't dare to reach out to pick it up. He didn't know why the guard of Lingzhi Garden in front of him had made mistakes before and after speaking.

On the contrary, Xiang Dongchen stretched out his hand to take the two spiritual planting bags with a happy face, and after searching with his spiritual sense, he wrote down the number he had just reported on the edict jade slip, and finally left his The signature is signed.

Then Yi Tian reached out to take the jade slip and stored it in the log file of the tutelary mansion, without any hesitation or hesitation in his actions.With such tacit cooperation, the two people on the side were stunned.

Fortunately, Zhou Buer had seen such scenes before, and his face returned to normal after a while.As for the newly promoted alchemist, he received a private voice transmission from Xiang Dongchen, and his face was rosy at this time, and he looked at Yi Tian with a look of gratitude.

Later, a few people began to say some unnutritious polite words at one place and one place at a time.A moment later, Xiang Dongchen got up and resigned on the grounds that he was eager to reply to his order, and Yi Tian didn't spare his life, so Zhou Buer saw off the guests.

Sitting in the town guard's mansion after the people left, Yi Tian began to deal with the official documents piled up on the table. Although this time it was a zero-hour call for the Danfang, the tribute paid every hundred years could not be reduced too much.

Fortunately, after the last enshrinement, there are finally some leftovers in the warehouse of Lingzhi Garden, which should be more than enough for the next hundred-year enshrinement.

Taking advantage of this free time, I can make proper arrangements for my trip to the WTO, take out the communication jade talisman and write down my estimated itinerary, then activate it and send it to Hua Yuxin. During her absence, she can take charge of the spirit plant garden.

After the last Qingfeng Revival mission, Hua Yuxin's status was directly promoted to an inner disciple with her meritorious rewards. Now she is in charge of Lingzhi Garden and she deserves her name.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly realized that Zhou Buer was coming this way, but what surprised him was that there was another person behind him.He wondered secretly in his heart: "Could it be that he went to Dongchen and came back again? This guy took advantage of it. Could it be that he has a lack of heart and a snake swallows himself."

However, this idea flashed through his mind in an instant and was rejected by himself. The spiritual pressure fluctuations on the visitor obviously belonged to the same category as his own, and Xiang Dongchen could not reach such a strong level.

After thinking about it, he stood up and looked up to see a beautiful blue figure appearing in front of him.The person who came was actually Senior Sister Qing Lianyun, I saw her walking slowly into the inner court following Zhou Buer.

After looking around for the next four weeks, he turned his head and said first: "I didn't expect that the Lingzhi Garden where you are is in such a situation."

After stretching out his hand to screen back Zhou Buer, Yi Tian bowed lightly and said, "Then what should my office space look like in your imagination?"

Qing Lianyun didn't answer after hearing this, but only replied after opening the sound-proof enchantment: "Junior Brother Yi is indeed a dragon and phoenix among men, he can activate the formation in Qingfeng Old City, and he can sit still and stay out of it afterwards. Based on this, it is much better than those fellow sects who go to the old city to fight for merit in the current sect."

"Miss Master misunderstood, I don't have the ability to activate those formations," Yi Tian replied with a serious face: "In recent years, I have gained a little from closed-door practice, and I want to enter the world to temper my state of mind."

"It just so happens that we can walk together," Qing Lianyun continued with a faint smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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