
Chapter 1128

Chapter 1128

When the excavation work of Qingfeng Old City was in full swing, a middle-aged couple came to the capital city of Jingjiang, tens of thousands of miles away.He looked about 35 years old, and bought a shop at the market entrance in the north of the city as soon as he arrived in the capital.

A few days later, more than a dozen carpenters were recruited to start renovating the shop, and a plaque was erected at the door, with the words "Your guest is coming" written on it.The sudden opening of a liquor store in a market place is nothing new.There is an endless stream of people doing business in Jingjiang City these years, more than a dozen new stores open every year, and many businesses go out of business at the same time.

The proprietors of this store are naturally Yi Tian and Qing Lianyun, fortunately, their cultivation has already reached the state of subtlety.Changing one's appearance is a breeze.

This time, Yi Tian is completely planning to experience the experience of the world with a relaxed attitude, the most important thing is to let himself go further in the cultivation of the Great Sun Scripture.

But she never expected to be entangled by Qing Lianyun, and based on her understanding of herself, she seemed to have found a breakthrough.The strange thing is that she just clicked to the end, and then suggested to join the WTO together to temper her state of mind.

At the beginning, Yi Tian directly teased her that if she wanted to go with Qing Lianyun, she would have to stay in the world for 20 years pretending to be a husband and wife with herself.

Thinking of all kinds of human relationships and sophistication in the world, coupled with the fact that she wanted to pretend to be a husband and wife, Qing Lianyun was stunned.But then he agreed without any hesitation, and this time he put himself on the bar.

What a man and a man said one by one, would not count, and finally he had no choice but to take her with him.

Fortunately, it was agreed before that after entering the WTO, everything should be obeyed by oneself, so after arriving in Jingjiang country, they turned into middle-aged couples.Before entering the city, he robbed a bandit den in the mortal world and collected the silver to start a business before entering the city.

Reminiscent of how I used to be a gang before my cultivation, and there are several skills that I can best use at present, but considering the premise that I need to be low-key after entering the WTO, I chose the wine making business to be more convenient.

Of course, it was also the first time for Qing Lianyun to see his own wine-making technology, and he was relieved when he thought of the time when he had brewed Ziyun Baihua honey wine.They are all monks who have lived for thousands of years, and naturally they have learned a lot of those unorthodox skills at hand.

After the wine shop opened, it naturally attracted many passing merchants. Simply opening the shop this time, Yi Tian only used ordinary raw materials to make wine.It's just that there are some improvements in the processing technology, and the quality of the brewed wine is slightly higher than that of other hotels in the city, so it didn't cause any major sensation.

If the wine is good, the price of selling wine will be slightly higher, and the business is also ups and downs with the middle-aged proprietress dressed as Qing Lianyun, and finally it can be maintained.

After March, the wine shop can be considered to have entered the official operation channel, and Yi Tian and his wife have also gained a firm foothold in Jingjiang Kingdom. In addition to managing the government's money, there is a [-]% profit from selling wine.

The two of them get up early and finish late, and they are also busy, just like the others around them, except that they will be a little bit awkward after resting at night.During this period, Yi Tian fully demonstrated the rascal energy he had when he was in the White Horse Gang.Several times, I have repeatedly said that since I have joined the WTO, everything must follow the way of ordinary people. As a hotel owner and the proprietress, there is no reason why they have different rooms.

At the beginning of the period, Qing Lianyun had an angry face after hearing this, and kept a straight face, and didn't speak for several days.However, this was just what he wanted, and that night Yi Tian directly used this as an excuse to move from the east wing in the backyard to the west wing to sleep.

But within two days, Qing Lianyun moved directly into the west wing room with the quilt and bedding, and slept on the same bed with Yi Tian in a grandiose manner.It's just that this time I kept an eye out and found that Qing Lianyun took a bowl of water and put it in the middle of the bed at night, so the two of them could only sleep on the left and right sides respectively.

Obviously she meant the ex-husband and wife, the relationship behind the scenes is as clear as a bowl of water.Yi Tian also understands that there is no need to point out the matter of people, so it is also beneficial to him, at least he looks like a real mortal couple.

After more than a year passed so smoothly, until one night when the two of them were resting in bed, they suddenly heard some crackling noises in the yard of the neighbor's house next door.

Qing Lianyun got up and pushed Yitian, and then said: "The head of the house goes to see what's going on, maybe the yard next door is on fire."

Yi Tian calmed down and listened carefully, then waved his hands and said: "Isn't it just to light firecrackers during the Chinese New Year, and there is no need to be nervous if there is some commotion."

Obviously these words seemed to arouse Qing Lianyun's infinite reverie, she sat up straight and quietly moved to the window to open the slit and glanced outside.Then he turned around and asked, "Shouldn't we just make do with this big Chinese New Year?"

"Isn't it just a new year? I was tired of playing when I was young," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"Then didn't you say you were going to join the WTO? Since you have this opportunity, why don't you go deep into it," Qing Lianyun asked back.

"Joining the WTO is one aspect. Aren't we living a good life now?" Yi Tian replied lightly and continued to sleep curled up on the bed without any fuss.

Later, I found that there seemed to be movement behind me, and I randomly realized that it was Qing Lianyun who leaned forward gently.Then he said in his own ear: "I only know that you are not an aimless person, so why did you choose this place?"

Yi Tian was stunned and said inwardly: "Sometimes a woman's intuition is really terrifyingly accurate." To be honest, there is no clear goal for this flight, but deep down in his heart, he feels that there seems to be something strange in this direction.Especially the closer to Jingjiang country, the stronger this feeling, but when I got here, that feeling came and went, and I may not be able to get rid of it now.

Only the Leiwen Muyu in the Niwan Palace seemed to be giving self-reminder signals continuously.If these words were said, Qing Lianyun would not believe them, in order to avoid suspicion, it is better not to talk too much.

At this time, a neighbor outside the courtyard wall shouted: "Look at Bai Lian's appearance, this year Dalin Temple will definitely descend the Buddha's light again." Then there was a burst of loud cheers.

"People in the world are ignorant, how can they know that Taoism is still the main thing in the spiritual world. Although the Buddhist sect is authentic, it may not be able to penetrate the hearts of the people in the spiritual world," Qing Lianyun said.

In a blink of an eye, Yi Tian's face showed an incomparably dignified look, and he said, "Go and have a look." In fact, most of his heart has been confirmed, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger after practicing the Great Day Manual .Jumping up from the bed, he hurriedly put on his shoes and rushed out the door. Qing Lianyun behind him didn't say much after seeing it, turned over and got up and went out together.

(End of this chapter)

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