
Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129
Jingjiang City ushered in the annual New Year's Eve, Yi Tian and Qing Lianyun naturally blended into it and celebrated with the mortals around them.As for the fact that the neighbors mentioned that the white lotus was shining with Buddha's light in this world at night, the two of them rushed to the Dalin Temple in the capital of Jingjiang to offer incense early in the morning of the second day.

Originally, according to Qing Lianyun's idea, the two of them could go to investigate quietly while the night was dark.But under Yi Tian's best efforts to stop him, he still stepped into the Dalin Temple with the crowd of pilgrims during the day.

Speaking of this temple, Yi Tian also saw the foothold of the Buddhist sect for the first time in the spiritual world.Although it occupies a small area, the layout of Dalin Temple is exquisite and everything that should be there seems to be in place.It is known from other people that Dalin Temple was built 5000 years ago, which is almost longer than the current Jingjiang Dynasty.

However, it sounds like everything has changed in Yitian [-]nd Middle School. A temple can go through several dynasties in itself.And when I stepped into it, I felt like going home, just like entering the Banruo Temple for the first time in the lower realm.

He secretly felt that there must be something weird in it, and turned to look at Qing Lianyun still with a look of disdain.At the moment, he quietly reminded: "Old lady, we are here to offer incense, so don't put on a straight face. You will also see the Buddha's light shining in the thousand-year-old temple later, maybe your mood will change accordingly."

Qing Lianyun rolled her eyes, and said with a calm face: "Then hurry up, I will open a shop when I get back later, what can I eat if I don't do business."

It seemed that she was not too interested in her title in her tone, Yi Tian just smiled and apologized, then reached out and led Qing Lianyun to run through the bustling crowd to the depths of Dalin Temple.

After a while, the two passed through the monk's room to the outside of the meditation room in the apse, but Yi Tian's expression changed several times, and finally he sighed.Just now it seemed that I noticed that the thunder-patterned wooden fish in the hand of the Nascent Soul Spirit Body in Niwan Palace trembled slightly. Although it was not obvious, I did feel it.

But after following the direction, the Leiwen wooden fish didn't feel any sense. Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a noisy sound coming from the square near the front hall of Dalin Temple.After Yi Tian calmed down and listened carefully, he turned around and said, "Go, go to the front hall quickly, this time Bailian is about to appear in the light of Buddha in this world."

Qing Lianyun looked at it for a while, then sighed and said: "Okay, okay, old man, let's go."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned for a while, then continued to hold his hand and rushed towards the front hall with a speechless expression, completely ignoring the shyness on Qing Lianyun's face at this time.

Half a quarter later, they arrived at the square of the front hall, only to find that the place was already crowded with people, and the two of them finally found an open space in the long corridor far away and watched from a distance.

After the sound of gongs and drums, a great monk walked out of the main hall with about 30 disciples behind him.A group of people came to the entrance of the whole store and sat on the futons that had been placed and began to chant sutras. At this time, the mortals around them also sat down quietly and waited for the next article.

Not long after, only the chanting of the monks was heard on the square. After one side of the scriptures were finished, the abbot who took the lead stood up and bowed three times to the Buddha statue in the main hall. The monks behind him also painted gourds to sing Worshiped, but there seemed to be no vision after that.

Just when Yi Tian was wondering, suddenly a white aura descended from the sky and condensed into the shape of a sixth-grade lotus platform over Dalin Temple.Then there seemed to be a golden light and shadow faintly appearing on the lotus platform, and then the golden Buddha's light sprinkled towards the crowd.

Many people around shouted excitedly: "It's the white lotus that appears once in ten years, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, God bless Jingjiang country."

Although Yi Tian didn't boo with these people, there was a knowing smile on his face.At this moment, the Leiwen wooden fish in Niwan Palace seemed to have a sense here, but the object was the sixth-grade lotus platform.

It's a pity that the white lotus's present state lasted less than ten breaths before disappearing, and at the same time, the thunder-patterned wooden fish in her body returned to a calm state again.

After the annual consecration ceremony of Dalin Temple, Yi Tian took Qing Lianyun to the side and donated some sesame oil money.At the same time, I had a little chat with the monks in the temple.

After returning to the shop, Qing Lianyun directly let Qing Lianyun watch in the shop, while he hurried back to the wing room in the backyard.Just as he closed the door and was about to sit down and rest, he saw Qing Lianyun walking in right behind him.

His face froze for a moment before he had time to ask questions when he saw Qing Lianyun slowly come forward to look him over, then sat beside him and asked quietly: "You have something on your mind, and it has something to do with Dalin Temple, right?"

Yi Tian shook his head and was about to distinguish a few words, but Qing Lianyun spoke first: "Most of the people in the world don't know the origin of Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, but some people have done investigations. He was originally born in the right way, it was a coincidence The one who fell into the devil world."

"You know all about it, why do you still ask me?" Yi Tian asked back.

"I knew you were not simple. Now I can be 100% sure that even if you didn't activate the Skyfire Formation in Qingfeng Old City, it has something to do with you," Qing Lianyun said with a faint smile.

"Didn't I say that this matter has nothing to do with me?" Yi Tian was determined to stick to it anyway.

"You didn't choose this Jingjiang country by chance. Until today, after seeing that white lotus shining in the Buddha's light, I can be sure that you must be looking for some important clue," Qing Lianyun said with a smile.

The only blame is that I did it too obviously, and this time I was really unable to get out of Qing Lianyun's entanglement.In this case, with a smile on his face, he leaned over and put his arms around the other's waist and said, "Since your ability to perceive words and emotions is so strong, old lady, then I will tell you."

In the middle of speaking, Yi Tian tilted his head and gently hugged Qing Lianyun, and slowly moved his mouth close to her ear, as if he was about to continue talking.

I saw that Qing Lianyun still had a hint of struggle at first, but under Yi Tian's close contact, it seemed that he had no intention of resisting at all.After smelling the man's body odor, his body shook slightly and then recovered, but there was an unpredictable look in his eyes.

Yi Tian hugged her waist lightly with both hands and didn't dare to do too much, but whispered in her ear: "I have practiced Buddhist Zen and I also know the predecessor of Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil. This time I chose Jingjiang country for a special reason. The purpose, because I feel a little opportunity here, maybe I can find some clues."

"Then you dare to treat me so frivolously," Qing Lianyun's expression darkened and he shouted in a cold voice.

After hearing this, Yi Tian hurriedly let go and took a step back to look at it, then sneered and said: "You are in the world, but I don't dare to offend Senior Sister again, this is the last time," he turned around and hummed a little tune regardless of Qing Lianyun's reaction He hurriedly slipped out of the room.

The six senses of a cultivator have been tempered a long time ago, and after leaving the door, Qing Lianyun seemed to hear Qing Lianyun muttering in the room: "Next time, I will ask for my permission."

(End of this chapter)

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