
Chapter 1130 Encounter

Chapter 1130 Encounter
After the Buddha's light appeared in the Dalin Temple of Jingjiang State, Yi Tian focused his attention on the Dalin Temple in the city, and would look for opportunities to go in if he had nothing to do.

To be honest, the scene of Bailian in the world like the one at the beginning of the year is a miracle in the eyes of ordinary people, but it can't be hidden from one's own eyes.The white lotus illusion looks like a mirror image summoned by the monk after chanting sutras, but in fact there seems to be something inside.It's just that I was far away at that time, even if I used the pupil technique, I couldn't see the things inside clearly.

But after a few months, no further investigations and clues were found, so in the end, it had to be left alone.I just remembered this in my heart, and after asking around, I found out that this white lotus only appears once every ten years.It is impossible to see them in the usual New Year's Eve. After Yi Tian spent a lot of effort, he only got to walk around the main hall of Dalin Temple.

Fortunately, I also discovered a little bit in this way. This is the sixth-grade lotus platform where the Buddha statue is enshrined in the face value.It's just that the top is all carved from whole wood, even if I got closer and used my pupil technique to investigate, I couldn't see the clues, so I had to give up temporarily.

In the next few years, Yi Tian continued to run his own small restaurant with an attitude of joining the world. At the same time, he also found that Qing Lianyun's attitude towards him had also changed subtly after getting along with each other for these years.When ten years passed, Yi Tian took the corner seat at the front row by relying on the good reputation he had accumulated over the past ten years when he met the Dalin Temple New Year's Blessing Ceremony again.

This time, when the white lotus appeared in the light of the Buddha in the present world, he really saw the core of the flash in the sky. As expected, it turned out to be a brand of the sixth-grade lotus flower.As for the appearance of the phantom sitting on the lotus platform, it was more or less like the Master Jie Ding he saw back then.

It's a pity that this time, Bai Lian's appearance in this world only lasted ten breaths, and then Bai Lian's scattered phantom disappeared without a trace.It's just that Yi Tian inadvertently saw that the white lotus brand actually flew back to the sixth-grade lotus platform where the Buddha statue sat in the main hall of Dalin Temple.

In this way, Yi Tian thought about going to investigate, but the subsequent results were still the same as his previous years.This matter cannot be told to Qing Lianyun, she knows very little about the Buddhist sect.And after expressing his heart back then, he didn't want to mention this matter again, so he didn't talk to her any more.

After the second Bailian appeared in the world, Yi Tian had a plan in mind. He originally planned to stay in Jingjiang Kingdom for 20 years.There is still another chance, if you still can't find out the various reasons, you can only give up.

Fortunately, in the past ten years of running a hotel here, I have seen a lot of life in the world, which has greatly improved my mood.What's more, the bottleneck of my practice of the Buddhist sect's secret method, the Great Sun Scripture, has loosened a bit, and I might be able to enter the next stage based on crossing the natural moat.

Another ten years passed in a blink of an eye. During this period, Qing Lianyun seemed to have also integrated into the role as the proprietress of the hotel, getting up early and running in the dark every day.Yi Tian naturally knew in his heart that this was a forged appearance by using exercises, but he also deeply admired that she could give up her original appearance and come out to meet people with the appearance of such an old woman.

I also used the Thousand Faces Technique to age my face, and gradually turned into a gray-haired old man in his 50s.

After a full 20 years have passed and ushered in a new round of New Year's Eve, Dalin Temple needs to open the Blessing Hall again.Ri Yi Tian got up very early, after all, this is the last chance to investigate this entry into the WTO.

But before he went out, he heard Qing Lianyun's voice on the bed behind him saying: "You still don't give up, it's the last time anyway. I'll go with you."

After hearing this, Yi Tian gave a wry smile on his face, and he would not be absent from the blessing ceremony every year. This practice has lasted for 20 years.Thinking of the previous agreement with Qing Lianyun that after this year, the two of them will complete their training and return to the sect, they nodded slowly before replying: "Okay, there is a beginning and an end. No matter what the outcome is this time, I won't be entangled anymore. .”

"Then just wait," Qing Lianyun got out of bed after finishing speaking, got dressed and dressed up.

A moment later, the two supported each other out of the gate of the restaurant and walked towards Dalin Temple.The walk along the way was not slow, but Yi Tian found that this time Qing Lianyun actually stepped forward to help him, as if he was completely integrated into the state.

Then he asked softly: "We will go back later, what are your plans?"

Qing Lianyun waved her hands and replied: "I'll talk about the future, at this moment, I just hope that this road will never come to an end."

Yi Tian was shocked all over, but there was a slight smile on his face, and then he took Qing Lianyun's hand and walked slowly all the way to Dalin Temple.

The monks in charge of the ceremony at the gate naturally recognized Yi Tian and his wife. After seeing them, they sent someone to lead the way to the main hall square through the exclusive passage on the side.

While walking, suddenly Qing Lianyun's voice came from Yi Tian's ear: "I found a friend came, and the other party didn't recognize us yet, do you need to go and see?"

Frowning, Yi Tian thought in his heart that something was wrong, "Who would come here specially, since he knew each other, naturally the other party would definitely notice something strange." At the moment, the sound transmission replied: "The sacrificial ceremony is about to begin, why don't you meet that person first. I'll go check it out, and remember not to reveal my identity."

Qing Lianyun replied softly, then turned around and walked towards the other side, Yi Tian also quickened his pace and walked towards the front of the hall.Before arriving at the main hall later, he took the opportunity to go around the outside, and finally slipped in through the back door of the main hall.

At this time, there was no one in the main hall, and almost all the monks ran to the front of the main hall to participate in the chanting ceremony.

Yi Tian walked forward slowly and looked around the Buddha statue in the middle, and finally rested his eyes on the sixth-grade lotus platform again.When I was watching in a daze, I suddenly heard the sound of chanting sutras from outside, and then there was a slight change on the lotus platform.

A white phantom suddenly appeared and flew out of the gate of the palace, and in the white light was the appearance of the sixth-grade lotus platform.At this time, Yi Tian moved his brows and found that the Leiwen Muyu moved again.Just as he was wondering, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be someone visiting again in the hall.

This person's strength is slightly higher than his own, and he looks like he is in the late stage of becoming a god.He simply didn't show any flaws, and then he turned around and walked towards the direction where the person was facing away, pretending to be nonchalant.

After walking for a while, I suddenly heard the voice behind me: "Why is the old man here while the grand ceremony is being held?"

As a result, I had no choice but to turn around, and with flickering eyes, I saw that the person was a 20-year-old young man.The skin on his body is slightly red, it seems that he has practiced the extremely powerful fire-type kung fu, and after the true essence has been restrained, he looks like an ordinary mortal.

It's just that the Leiyan Ziyan on Yuanying's body in the Niwan Palace between the eyebrows fluctuated, as if sensing the aura of the same origin.Immediately, Yi Tian said: "The shopkeeper of the old Yijia Restaurant on North Street didn't know the way and strayed into the main hall by mistake, and he is guilty. The unknown guest is the eminent monk in the temple and sat down."

The other party's face remained unchanged, but he said indifferently: "The late Chi Wuji disturbed the old man," and stood in place after speaking and looked over.

(End of this chapter)

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