
Chapter 1131

Chapter 1131
Yi Tian never dreamed that he would meet Chi Wuji in this way in the main hall of Dalin Temple in the capital city of Jingjiang.To be honest, countless thoughts flashed through my mind when I heard him declare his family name, but fortunately, I calmed down in an instant after going through a storm.

In fact, when all the monks were praying and chanting scriptures outside, it was a very unexpected thing that he suddenly appeared in the inner hall.It doesn't matter if you meet an ordinary mortal, or it doesn't matter if you are a monk.He can instantly wipe out the opponent in half a breath.

But it can't be done for Chi Wuji, even if he is not afraid of him in his heart, he doesn't need to take action.Also, the timing of his appearance was chosen so well, it happened that after the appearance of the sixth-grade lotus platform, he had infinite reverie about his identity.

The most likely thing is that he followed some kind of guidance to find this place, or maybe the things here have some kind of connection with him.

Slowly walked towards him, and after three breaths, he staggered past his position and walked out towards the side door.

I didn't want to expose my identity, so I had to restrain my spiritual thoughts. Fortunately, I have been able to fully integrate into the mortals after entering the world in the past 20 years.During the daily training, all the breath is contained in the sea of ​​​​qi, and the spiritual power is also gathered in the Niwan Palace.

At first glance, he just looks like an old man with slightly stronger muscles and bones. In addition, after he has cultivated the Great Sun Sutra, he will inadvertently reveal a peaceful atmosphere of Buddhism, which dissolves the original murderous hostility. Ordinary people You will feel very close when you see them.

As expected, Chi Wuji only frowned slightly and then showed a suspicious look on his face.He seemed to see something but couldn't be sure, and finally just watched Yi Tian walk out of the inner hall.

After a few breaths, there was only a burst of noise erupting from the crowd on the square outside the main hall. Yi Tian didn't need to listen carefully to know that the spectacle of the white lotus illuminated by the Buddha's light in this world must have appeared again.

He quickened his pace and quickly walked to the side beside the main hall, then raised his head and squinted to see the scene in the sky.I saw the sixth-grade lotus platform appear again, and this time it lasted for ten breaths before collapsing.The faintly invisible phantom of the lotus platform flew back from a window of the main hall with white light.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel a trace of Buddha power flashing in the hall, and Yi Tian hurriedly mixed in the crowd and rushed to the door of the whole store.At this time, the abbot, the abbot, returned with a group of monks and sat down on the futon in the main hall to continue the next chanting in the main hall.

It's just that when my eyes turned to the lotus platform under the Buddha statue in the middle, I noticed something strange.At that moment, I understood in my heart that Chi Wuji must have taken away the sixth-grade lotus platform just now.

Feeling regret for no reason in my heart, I turned around and walked towards the exit.From now on, the white lotus in Dalin Temple will never be able to appear in this world again, and it seems a little melancholy to think of this.After all, I have stayed here for 20 years. Although I have ulterior motives, I don't want Dalin Temple to lose its miraculous incense and gradually decline.

After thinking about it, he simply dodged into the side aisle, and quietly returned from the back door of the main hall while no one saw him directly using the shadow body technique.Then he took out the Hongyun Qitian pen and injected the power of the Great Sun Sutra into it, and then quietly pasted it on the sixth-grade lotus platform to write the Buddhist mantra.

In the future, as long as the abbot of Dalin Temple leads the crowd to recite sutras here, he can bless the Buddha's power for this mantra and keep the Buddha's light once a year in the world.

After doing all this, Yi Tian walked out from the side door again, but this time he felt a sense of relief spontaneously.The sixth-grade lotus platform is not his own, so there is no need to worry about gains and losses.What he did to heal himself allowed the Dalin Temple to continue to be maintained, and it could be regarded as a meritorious deed.

With a bright mood, I suddenly felt that the bottleneck that had troubled my heart seemed to have been broken through unintentionally.Then I realized that my state of mind seemed to have obviously become more stable, and I said to myself secretly: "If you are willing, you can only gain if you are willing. It took me 20 years to realize the truth after taking pictures. This makes sense."

A moment later, Yi Tian strolled back to the entrance of Dalin Temple and saw Qing Lianyun waiting there.He stepped forward and said, "Old lady, let's go. We're going back."

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun just nodded and hummed, and then looked at the next one who was hesitant to speak, and finally didn't say anything.

The two walked hand in hand on the street for a while and then heard her say: "You seem to have changed a lot, and your mood is much higher than when you came this morning."

"Is that so?" Yi Tian was slightly shocked to conceal the joy in his heart, he had noticed a change in his state of mind, but it was a different situation when he said it from Qing Lianyun's mouth.

"I have learned to be willing to change my mood naturally," Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Didn't you say that you will meet friends? What about people today?"

"Oh, it's Ji Xingzhu from Lihuo Palace, I just had a face-to-face chat with her," Qing Lianyun said casually.

"Oh, it's a coincidence that I met Chi Wuji, and he is responsible for my breakthrough," Yi Tian said thoughtfully.

"What's going on?" Qing Lianyun asked quickly.

Knowing that this matter must not be hidden from her in the end, Yi Tian simply told the whole story.Qing Lianyun's face was full of astonishment when he heard it, and then he thought for a while and asked: "Do you think Chi Wuji came here by accident or came here on purpose?"

"His purpose is very strong, and he definitely didn't find it by accident," Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "And now I have some doubts about Chi Wuji's identity."

"Why is there still a problem with the identity of the successor of Li Huo Palace?" Qing Lianyun asked in a low voice.

"His background must be clean and there are no flaws. I mean there is something wrong with his spirit. He might be the reincarnation of the devil prince Qiu Yu for dozens of generations," Yi Tianyu said surprisingly.

This time it was Qing Lianyun's turn to show a face full of shock, looking at Yi Tian for a long time, unable to say a word.

Knowing that his speculation would be difficult for people to accept, but he knew in his heart that the sixth-grade lotus platform belonged to the precept master.A monk like himself who has practiced the Great Sun Scripture could not take it lightly, but Chi Wuji was able to take it away in just a few breaths, so his identity is naturally extremely suspicious.

It's just that Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, has been influenced by the spirit of the master of precepts from beginning to end, and now he can't conclude that Chi Wuji is the reincarnation of the soul of evil thoughts in Qiu Yu's heart.In other words, after thousands of years of reincarnation, the Zen method of good and evil that he originally practiced has baptized his soul again, and he didn't know it.

Facing the speechless Qing Lianyun, Yi Tian had no choice but to calm down, and then changed the subject: "We don't need to think too much, just look at what's in front of us," and then gently took her hand and continued walking towards his shop.Half a day later, the Yijia Hotel in Beishi officially changed hands. Others heard that the old couple rushed back to their hometown and sold the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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