
Chapter 113 Gap

Chapter 113 Gap
Seven days later, in the sky three miles away from Thousand Needles Stone Forest, Yi Tian said goodbye to Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng.

It took Shen Peiqi a full six days of meditation and exercise to heal her injuries before she recovered. During this period of time, Qu Yifeng changed her laziness before and took the time to practice.

The blow to him this time was too great, after seeing Yi Tian can defeat a monk who was one level higher than himself within a quarter of an hour, Qu Yifeng lost all mood for the competition.The difference is not one or two points. Only after fighting with that fat man Fan Jian did he realize how strong the other party is, and the stronger Zhong Yue fell into Yi Tian's hands. It's a shame that he wants to compete with Yi Tian It's a joke, no wonder Shen Peiqi reminded him not to play with fire early in the morning.

Seeing that Yi Tian stayed in front of that stone gate for three days and three nights, Qu Yifeng didn't dare to disturb him.In fact, Yi Tian figured out a way early in the morning, which is to reconnect the two opened spirit pattern chains. It is easy to do it with existing materials. The key is how to leave a way for himself.

In the next few days, Yi Tian took out the array material directly from the storage bracelet, first refined a trapped array, and then used two opened spirit pattern chains as the base of the array.

When refining the formation plate, Yi Tian was ingenious, taking out a trace of thunder spirit power from his dantian and injecting it into the formation plate. Unexpectedly, after consuming a trace of lightning, the seal could absorb its own psychic liquid to replenish the lost purple thunder. The price is that Yi Tian spent ten middle-grade spirit stones to recover his spirit power.

Although this made Yi Tian very depressed, the result was really good.When Yi Tian placed the formation plate in the middle of the stone gate and connected the two spirit pattern chains, the vast aura became quiet, just like the original three seals.After looking at the repaired seal, Yi Tian was also secretly delighted. Now, except for himself, it is very difficult for anyone to open this door again. Only those Nascent Soul cultivators can open it to such a strong degree.

What made Yi Tian feel the most was that in the past two years, after reaching the peak of the early stage of foundation building, there was no sign of a breakthrough, and Zilei became a little loose after absorbing spiritual energy to replenish it.It may be the result of fighting Zhong Yue and adding the refining array.

After sending the two away, Yi Tian flew to Country Fong alone, and needed to add some more materials. The array cost Yi Tian nearly half of the materials. Otherwise, the two spirit pattern chains could not be connected.

But after arriving at Country Fong, Lu Qihao happened to be out, so Yi Tian went directly to the deacon of the material library, trying to accommodate him.Who knows that people are determined to do it this time, it's just that Yi Tian took too much last time, making Country Fong have to supply it as planned within three years.Especially those craftsmen in Fangshi came here in groups to make trouble when they saw Yi Tian went to collect the materials again. Yi Tian took their quota last time, and this time he couldn't say anything.

In the end, the deacon expressed his attitude in the crusade of everyone, and Country Fong would never give Yi Tian any more materials, which calmed down the public anger.

After leaving the material warehouse, Yi Tian had no choice but to find a place to use the remaining materials first, as much as he could refine, and then find a way if it was not enough.One month later, Yi Tian processed all the remaining disk arrays, a total of forty disks, estimated at two for each node, and there are still forty gaps left.

In desperation, Yi Tian had no choice but to contact Shen Peiqi. The Thousand Needles Stone Forest was said by everyone and would not be told to outsiders. The three people knew about the sealed array. Yi Tian didn't think so much at the time, and directly embezzled some The materials, the missing parts, can’t be resisted by myself alone, these two back pads should be taken out when they should be taken out, unambiguous.

Listening to Yi Tian hugging the numbers, Shen Peiqi also felt dizzy for a while. The gap is not one point or two points. Even if the contribution points of the three people are filled in, there is no place to buy materials. Thirty catties of mithril and thousands of catties of copper and iron ingots would come to the Hall of Discipline within an hour, which seriously disrupted the normal operation of the Hall of Weapons.

After the two communicated and discussed, Shen Peiqi gave Yi Tian an idea. Since the Zongmen can't buy so many things, then go to Fanxing City, the center of Dongao Continent. There are more things there, and go to a few more shops. It's okay to buy it.

But Yi Tian also said that Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng can't stay out of the matter this time, and buy the materials by themselves, but both of them have to pay for hard work and the cost of purchasing materials.

Shen Peiqi is not good at negotiating, and she is embarrassed to be rescued by Yi Tian. In the end, she and Qu Yifeng agreed to contribute [-] sects to Yi Tian, ​​and they will pay when they return to the sect. Only then did Yi Tian dismiss the angry face.

After thinking of a solution, Yi Tian went back to the material warehouse again. This time, the guard deacon didn't give Yi Tian a good face. Fortunately, he got a better face when he learned that Yi Tian came to ask for a map to Fanxing City.

After taking out a sheepskin map and copying it to Yi Tian, ​​he urged him to leave quickly, staying here for fear of being misunderstood.Yi Tian learned from the deacon that there will be an alchemist trade fair in the Starry City in three months, and if he is lucky, Yi Tian can sell some spiritual weapons for a good price.

Looking at the deacon's sincere eyes, Yi Tian was also grateful for a while, but just as he left, he heard the deacon weakly say that the materials there are not cheap.

There are still about three months before the Alchemy Feast in Starry City, if you go too early, you may not be able to collect anything useful.The alchemists who actually participated in the past usually go a month in advance, and the trading volume generally increases with the arrival of the alchemists.

Now Yi Tian is thinking about how to take out the spirit stones from the pockets of those alchemists, instead of giving them spirit stones in the past.If the lack of materials for the formation is converted into spirit stones, each [-] spirit stones will not be able to come down, but Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng only give contribution points. Although it is a hard currency in Zongmen, they still need to rely on spirit stones in Fanxing City.

Looking at the more than 2000 spirit stones in his storage bracelet, this is all Yi Tian has.The immediate task is to enable Yi Tian to turn the 2000 yuan of spirit stones into 2 yuan within one year, and then buy enough mithril, copper essence and iron essence.

Thinking about what alchemists need most, it is nothing more than some alchemy furnaces. Even those monks who are new to alchemy want to have a high-grade alchemy furnace. Dan rate.But the demand for this alchemy furnace cannot rise without limit, and one person is the limit.

In Yi Tian's hands, there are still some Mithril and Copper-Iron Essence that have not been refined into array disks. They were originally prepared for emergency use, but now, Yi Tian can't control so much, and just use them first. .The star iron in the storage bracelet cannot be used to cast the alchemy furnace, that would be too wasteful.

But the refined star sand is different. Yi Tian looked at it and saw that it weighed about five catties, which was enough for five bottles even if it was purely used to cast the alchemy furnace.If it is paired with some decent materials, the effect will be better. Ten statues are appropriate, and each of the third-order peak alchemy furnaces counts as two thousand spirit stones, which is enough.

If you think about it, you have to do it. Country Fong does not have the conditions for auction, but it is not a problem to sell one or two in private.Then Yi Tian spent [-] contribution points to rent in Country House for a month, and divided up the materials in his hand, which was just enough for three statues. Let's practice first and then talk. If they can't be sold, they will be taken to Fanxing City.

One and a half months later, Yi Tian Yuqi flew in the air and headed towards Fanxing City. The storage bracelet was filled with [-] spirit stones worth of mithril and copper and iron essence.In the past month, Yi Tian found a few alchemists in the elixir shop in Country Fong, and privately revealed to them three top-tier elixir furnaces, and finally sold them with [-] spirit stones.

Then Yitian began to buy Mithril mines and copper and iron concentrates in Biguifang. If people are reluctant to sell them, Yitian will directly increase the price until the other party is willing to sell. For a while, the prices in the whole market are being fried by Yitian. Taller.The shopkeepers of those refining shops were miserable, but Yitian didn't care about buying them anyway. A few days later, the shopkeepers of Country Fong's refining shop jointly went to the town guard's house to file a complaint. If Lu Qihao from Country Fong hadn't personally God sent it out, this matter is really endless.

Considering the materials already collected in the storage bracelet and nearly 5000 yuan of spirit stones, this material is enough for half.Yi Tian is going to buy the rest in Starry City, where the market has a large volume of transactions, so he won't drive people away at every turn.

According to the plan, when Yi Tian arrives in Fanxing City, he will find an opportunity to use up all the star sand on his body, and then add some krypton gold to directly refine it into a fourth-level intermediate spirit weapon. Then selling two will be enough to use up all the materials Completed.

Looking at the map, this Starry City is located in the central area of ​​Dongao Continent, built in the central valley of the continuous Yuncui Mountains.Because it is in the area under the joint management of the six sects, each sect has set up a temporary station there. Generally, if the monks of this sect encounter any troubles in Fanxing City, they can directly ask the head of the sect station for help. dispute.

Before leaving, Lu Qihao specifically asked Yi Tian to go to Jin Sheng, the person in charge, if he had something to do there.Hearing the name of the person in charge, Yi Tian sneered in his heart, it would be nice if Jin Sheng didn't make trouble for him.You still have to rely on yourself in everything, so going to Jin Sheng is asking for trouble.

Ten miles away from Fanxing City, Yi Tian was stopped by the patrolling monks in the sky. After falling off the flywheel, he was told that to go to Fanxing City, he had to walk or drive. Only monks above the golden core stage were allowed to fly in.

The guards of Fanxing City are Feixing and Juxing, two Jindan monks.In Fanxing City, if Zongmen monks make trouble, it is usually handled by the guardian deacon stationed in the Zongmen. If there are disputes between casual cultivators, it will be directly managed by Fanxing City's law enforcement team.

Standing in the queue to enter the city, Yi Tian is waiting to pay the Lingshi to enter the city. There is a passage next to it for the disciples of the six sects, and the entry fee is also exempted, but those monks need to go to the Zongmen camp first. Report your whereabouts.

He didn't want to reveal his whereabouts for the time being, so Yi Tian had to change into a green shirt and wear a bamboo hat to mix among the crowds entering the city. Fortunately, there were not many foundation-establishing monks entering the city. Look at the long queue beside him, Yi Tian Tian Qingxin didn't use the breath holding technique to disguise himself as a monk in the Qi refining period, otherwise he wouldn't be able to enter the city after waiting in line for half a day.

Looking at the Starry City jade token in his hand, Yi Tian also shook his head, the entrance fee of Starry City is really cheap, and the foundation-building cultivator has to pay a fee of one hundred spirit stones.Now Yi Tian regretted not using his identity as a sect disciple of the Chiyang Sect. Looking back at the special passage, he suddenly saw a carriage coming out from the side, with three flames marked on it.Looking at it for a moment, isn't this the mark of his own sect?

Looking carefully at the people getting off the bus, two men and one woman all know each other. Wu Xing and Ning Ning are both alchemists, and it makes sense to come to this party, but what does that Chiyang boy Huo Jiawei mean by following him? Alchemist.

The three people sitting in the car were talking and laughing, but in fact it was Huo Jiawei and Ning Ning who were chatting, and Wu Xing was just like a companion.Seeing that the two were chatting happily, Wu Xing couldn't strike up a conversation, so he started looking around, and happened to see a familiar face.Seeing that Yi Tian shook his head at him, and then gestured with him, Wu Xing was secretly happy, so he stopped looking around and entered the city pretending to be chatting with someone.

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(End of this chapter)

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