
Chapter 114 Gathering

Chapter 114 Gathering
The Nine Heavens Building in the main street of Fanxing City is a top-level meeting place for monks. Basically, every visiting monk in the foundation period of the sect will go there to communicate with the disciples of other sects.

After leaving the Zongmen station, the three of them went straight there. Today, Ning Ning also made an appointment with the alchemist of the Xuanling Sect, so she was in a hurry along the way. Wu Xing just went to see it by the way, thinking about how to get out Woolen cloth.

After arriving there, Wu Xing saw Yi Tian, ​​who was wearing a bamboo hat in the distance, entered a small tea house named Ya Ke Lai at the end of the street, and then apologized to Ning Ning and Huo Jiawei. He still had some private affairs to deal with, so he resigned first up.

The two were having a heated chat, and it happened that Wu Xing, the light bulb, also knew each other. Huo Jiawei showed a smug expression, and after walking slowly, he invited Ning Ning into the Jiuxiao Tower.

This elegant guest house can be regarded as an alternative, there are not many people in the whole tea house, and Wu Xing didn't see Yi Tian when he went in.I was looking around, when I saw a young man coming forward and said that there was a guest who asked to wait for the disciples of the Chiyang Sect to come in and lead them to the box.

Wu Xing forgot that he was still wearing Zongmen clothes, so he nodded and followed the boy up to the second floor.When he came to the door of the box and saw the servant making a gesture of invitation, Wu Xing also put on a look of a foundation-building cultivator, strode in, and then ordered the servant to close the door.

In the private room, Yi Tian sat at the table and slowly sipped tea. When he saw Wu Xing coming, he poured him a cup, and then cast a spell to open a soundproof barrier.Before I opened my mouth, I heard Wu Xing asked excitedly: "Yi Tian, ​​where have you been for the past seven years, so that we can't find anyone, do you know how many things have happened in the past seven years?"

Seeing that Wu Xing is now a monk in the foundation-building period, Yi Tian was also relieved for a while. After taking a sip of tea, he motioned for Wu Xing to sit down first, and then said slowly: "I offended a big man in the sect seven years ago, and now I have been assigned to do it. The task, the deadline is ten years."

After hearing Yi Tian's words, Wu Xing suddenly realized that it was no wonder that since Yi Tian established the foundation, he had only met once and then there was no news. He couldn't even find out in the mission hall in the Zongmen. It turned out that there was such a thing.

After taking a sip of tea, Wu Xing also adjusted his mentality, and said slowly: "Huang Ziang and I both succeeded in building the foundation in the second year after you went out, and we just entered the 30th hurdle of foundation building. Tang Lin compared Fortunately, he succeeded in building the foundation in the second year, and he is exactly [-] years old, and now he is still consolidating his cultivation in the blessed land."

Yi Tian was also relieved to hear that the two brothers had advanced. He really did not misunderstand the person back then. All five of them succeeded in building their foundations before the age of 30. Although Huashi City was a bit regretful, it was not completely hopeless.

Then Yi Tian also asked about Ning Yuxuan. After learning that he succeeded in building the foundation for the second time, he couldn't help sighing. Although Ning Yuxuan had a high starting point, the surrounding environment killed him , there shouldn't be many real battles, and the flowers in the greenhouse always rely on people to support them.

Looking back at Wu Xing in the past few years, he has not changed at all, he is still the same little boy back then.

Then Wu Xing said: "Dantang was invited this time, so Ning Ning and I were sent as representatives to discuss skills with everyone."

"So that's the case, that's reasonable, but what about that Huo Jiawei, is he considered a bodyguard?"Yi Tian asked with a puzzled look.

This is Wu Xing who laughed: "I heard that the head of Qi Palace wanted to betroth Ning Ning to you, but who would have thought that Chiyang boy Huo Jiawei would get in the way, and you should also know his backstage. Bai Qingsong, the elder of the Hall of Merit, so Ning Shouzuo did not express his opinion, and let Ning Ning decide everything. That Huo Jiawei has been in the limelight in recent years, and he and Qu Yifeng are collectively known as the Chiyang Shuangjie. The inner disciples also let it go They got three points, so Huo Jiawei is fine, Qu Yifeng is the head of the sect, and he is a Chiyanghuo, so he is ready to practice, everyone said that they have a strong backstage, and secondly, they really have real kung fu."

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, didn't care about the earwax after listening to it. Wu Xing was speechless when he saw it. Suddenly, Yi Tian popped out: "You're only half right. Their backstage is hard, and I can't afford to provoke them. But my hand skills are not as good as you said."After finishing speaking, he looked at Wu Xing's disbelieving expression, and said, "Qu Yifeng's injury is not serious this time, so let's practice in seclusion after returning to the sect."

Wu Xing nodded when he heard about it, then looked at Yi Tian in surprise, and asked, "I heard that he and Shen Peiqi were plotted against by two mid-stage foundation-building monks when they went out this time. Then the three of them worked together to kill another one, could it be that you saved him?"

Seeing Yi Tian drinking tea on his own, Wu Xing knew it in his heart. This is the real fierce man in front of his feelings. That Qu Yifeng is not capable of overstepping the challenge. It's just Feng's follower.

After drinking a cup of tea, Yi Tian felt that the aura in this tea was no less than that of the middle-grade hairy needles of the Chiyang School. After drinking it, his lips and teeth were fragrant, and his spiritual power was also abundant, so he signaled Wu Xing to drink a few cups before chatting.

After the two were silent for a moment, Yi Tian said slowly, "I'm in some trouble this time, and I may need your help."

Wu Xing choked on the spot with a sip of tea, and coughed uncontrollably.I saw Yi Tian smiled and continued: "Don't worry, I don't want you to help fight, this time is the way you are best at managing."

After finishing speaking, he chatted with Wu Xing about the things he had encountered recently, and then the two of them summed up the time. Yi Tian asked Wu Xing to go to work first, and he had to rest here.After Wu Xing left, Yi Tian looked at the alchemy furnace on the table and smiled wryly. I haven't seen Wu Xing for so many years, so I still can't suffer from the same old way. If I ask him for help this time, I won't return him as a fourth-rank intermediate Pill Furnace really couldn't justify it.After laughing, he put the alchemy furnace into the storage bracelet with a wave of his hand, put on the bamboo hat, ordered the servant to settle the bill, and left Yakeju in a big way.

From this day on, Wu Xing began to go shopping every day, but he only picked the street stalls and small shops in Fanxing City for shopping.It is often to buy some primary materials, even the raw ore. It is also spread among the alchemists that Wu Xing, the alchemist of the Chiyang School, is buying a large amount of Mithril ore and copper essence and iron essence. People talk.

Even Ning Ning and Huo Jiawei who came together asked Wu Xing several times, but Wu Xing was greeted with that naive smile and only said something useful.

Half a month later, Wu Xing had spent more than 4000 spirit stones. Fortunately, he is also good at management. It is a trivial matter to bargain with others. When he counted, the materials purchased were [-]% more than expected.

In the box of Yakeju, Yi Tian looked at the materials in the storage bag and really admired Wu Xing's ability. No wonder he was confident that he could revive the family. This alone was much better than monks from other aristocratic families.

After collecting the materials, Yi Tian directly added two layers of enchantment to the private room without hesitation. Wu Xing on the opposite side looked awe-inspiring. This is the rhythm of inspection.

After the preparations were complete, Yi Tian took out four alchemy furnaces from the storage bracelet.The first three are middle-rank spirit weapons of the fourth rank, and the fourth is a high-rank spirit weapon of the fourth rank. They are respectively named after Xuanwu, the green dragon, the white tiger, and the vermilion bird.The colors of the four alchemy furnaces are also in line with the true colors of the four spirit beasts, blue, white, red and yellow.The furnace cover of each alchemy furnace is engraved with the appearance of spirit beasts.

Pointing to the three alchemy furnaces of blue, white and yellow, he asked Wu Xing to choose one, and Yi Tian took the crimson Suzaku furnace in his hand to observe.Wu Xing is in such a good mood now, looking at the three alchemy furnaces in front of him, and then at the one in Yi Tian's hand, his gaze reveals a naked possessive desire.To be honest, Wu Xing really wanted to keep all of them in his storage bracelet, especially the Suzaku stove that Yi Tian was playing with.

Under Yi Tian's urging, Wu Xing directly chose the cyan one, held it in his hand to observe for a while, and put it on his mouth after taking a few breaths and wiped it with his sleeve a few times.Yi Tian rolled his eyes when he saw it. Why is this exactly the same as his grandfather when he got the gold bar for the first time, and he almost bit his teeth.

After Wu Xing put it away, Yi Tian asked if the remaining two five-star statues could be sold to the alchemist in Jiuxiaolou.The requirements are not high, as long as you have enough [-] spirit stones, any extra will go to Wu Xing.

I didn't expect Wu Xing to say something directly, so it's better to sell it to him directly, anyway, it's no problem if the price of friendship between brothers floats up a level.Hearing Yi Tian blowing his beard and staring, it seems that he still doesn't understand the market, and he was just holding the mentality of collecting enough spirit stones to buy materials, and this is obviously a great opportunity to make money off-the-shelf.

Yi Tian also made full preparations this time, and divided the star sand left on his body into four parts. The three blue, white and yellow statues all used one catty, and the extra two catties were cast into the Suzaku furnace.Moreover, he also used up all the star iron on his body. If it weren't for enough materials, how could it be possible to refine a fourth-rank mid-to-high-level alchemy furnace.

After half a month of refining, the materials on his body were almost used up, and all the materials stolen from the trip to Meteor Mountain seven years ago were filled in.This time, Yi Tian held the attitude of success or benevolence, and worked carefully. As for Wu Xing's original alchemy furnace, it was directly melted as a material.

Seeing Wu Xing's greedy look, Yi Tian was also speechless for a while, and after a few words of kind persuasion, he put away his things.After ordering the boy to settle the bill, the two went to Jiuxiaolou together to find a buyer.This kind of thing still needs to find someone who knows the goods. Although Wu Xing is greedy, he also knows the severity. The most important thing is to help Yi Tian tide over the difficulties. There will be more opportunities in the future for this alchemy furnace.

Along the way, Yi Tian heard Wu Xing chattering about the Chiyang Sect's double masters of alchemy. He Huang Ziang is a guy with a vain reputation.After asking a few words, Yi Tiancai couldn't help but burst out laughing. Wu Xing and Huang Ziang have both risen rapidly in the Hall of Pills and Qi in the past few years.

Wu Xing's level of alchemy is even higher than that of Liao Fan and Liao Li brothers. If it is not uncommon for the two of them to refine alchemy at the same time, it is not uncommon for them to refine alchemy at the same time. Wu Xing's ranking has been higher than that of the Liao brothers for five consecutive years, otherwise he would have been able to participate in the alchemy conference this time.

And Ning Ning's ranking also surpassed the Liao brothers. According to the head of the Dantang, her talent and her own cultivation are the top choices, so both of them are now candidates to make up the true biography, and the competition is still very fierce.

What Yi Tian didn't understand was that Huang Ziang's achievements in Qidian are not a good thing, who knows that Wu Xing looked at Yi Tian before saying: "That guy is also lucky, Ning Yuxuan, who is better than him, is still in retreat, are you I have been away for many years, and there was He Xinsheng before, but it was a pity that I fell into the trial of the six sects." As he spoke, he secretly knocked on Yi Tian, ​​and heard a sentence saying less nonsense.

Knowing that Yi Tian didn't want to mention those things, Wu Xing had no choice but to continue talking. In the past two or three years, Huang Ziang and Wan Rui were more famous in Qidian, both of whom entered the sect in the same group as Yi Tian.It's a pity that Wan Rui didn't pass the trial of the Ice Soul Cave, and had been doing odd jobs at the starting point for more than a year, so the establishment of the foundation was three years later than Huang Ziang's.

Unexpectedly, after Wan Rui established the foundation, he would be appreciated by Pei Ming. In the past few years, he has been catching up with him, and he seems to be coming from behind. If it weren't for Qi Haosi's help, the new foundation-building cultivator of the Qi Palace would really be worthless. Man is Wan Rui's opponent.Now, these two people are playing the leading role in the annual meeting of the Qidian Annual Meeting to discuss the Foundation Establishment cultivators. This has been going on for three or four years, and the head of the Qidian has not appeared in the past few years. Everything is done by Pei Ming and Qi Haosi It was discussed.

After listening to it, Yi Tian also thought for a while, this Pei Ming turned his gun now, since He Xinsheng was planted in the secret realm, he went directly to Wan Rui.Both of them should be wearing a pair of trousers now, and Wan Rui is the second He Xinsheng.This is Pei Ming's own death, and when he returns to the Hall of Qi in the future, he will find someone to take care of them together.

Then he called Wu Xing and went straight to the Nine Heavens Tower.

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(End of this chapter)

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