
Chapter 1133 Dispatched

Chapter 1133 Dispatched
At the entrance of the illusory realm in Qingfeng Old City, a group of Taiqing Pavilion disciples gathered around the door and seemed to be discussing something, and the leader was Murong Feixue.

At this time, Yi Tian stood aside with a lazy look and didn't say much, watching the team members discuss how to act after entering, but he sneered at such an assignment in his heart.

Besides herself, Murong Feixue chose two teammates named Shi Yu, Shen Tujun, and Shen Tuyun respectively, and all three of them were more or less interested in her.He bluntly said that he had already been classified as an outlier by them, if it wasn't for Murong Feixue's face, he would definitely not have a good look at him.

And even now, the three of them seem to exclude themselves, they just inform them about something, and never allow themselves to express their opinions.

But this is also good, Yi Tian knew in his heart that his arms could not hold back his thighs, and now that the situation is stronger than others, he can only bear it for the time being.After arriving in the Illusory Realm, it's better to be careful, the exclusion of these three people is still insignificant, Murong Feixue's secretly waiting for an opportunity to attack is the most dangerous.This woman has a heart like a snake and a scorpion. I have already suffered a loss from her once. It is better to be careful in everything.

Not long after, I heard Murong Feixue say: "How is the discussion, brothers and sisters? Are you ready for the preparations? After we go in this time, our main goal is to get rid of the distracted snake turtle inside." , it is a heinous crime to occupy the illusory realm and wipe out all the invading enemies."

The other three nodded their heads one after another, saying that they responded, and they naturally absolutely agreed with Murong Feixue's words.Yi Tian, ​​who was standing on the side, started to calculate in his heart after hearing this, he had encountered many monsters in the distraction period.Not to mention trying to deal with them, even if he could escape from them, it would be enough.

I really don't know where they got this courage, and they don't know that they haven't figured out the details of this monster.Based on my experience in clearing the magic marks in the restricted area of ​​Qingfeng Old City several times over the years, I can see that this job is not easy.

Facing these three people helplessly, he has no right to speak at all, and Murong Feixue is inconvenient to speak out when he deliberately guides himself, so we will talk about everything after we get inside.

Seeing that there was no objection, Murong Feixue stared at Yi Tian and then told the three of them: "Let's hurry up and set off," and then took the lead to enter the gate of the Xumi space in the illusory realm.

After half a moment, Yi Tian only felt in a trance for a while, opened his eyes and looked around, only to find that he had arrived in a secret place.Looking up at the sky, it seems that there is no difference between day and night. After stretching out the divine sense, I checked the area below and found that there are traces of demonized mutant beasts everywhere.

Although there are almost no powerful beings among them, the number is surprisingly large.Moreover, the content of demonic evil energy in the air is dozens of times stronger than that of the outside world.

But I think it is also because the Heavenly Fire Demon Sealing Formation in Qingfeng Old City has been slowly running for 20 years after being activated by myself, and almost all the evil spirits in the outer periphery have been purified except for the most central area.

But it is different here, the large formation cannot extend into the secret realm, so it can only be handled slowly by manpower.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian turned around and asked: "What method do we use to deal with that snake tortoise? It's not easy to get along with monsters in the distraction stage, and they are the ones that have been demonized for a long time."

Murong Feixue chuckled, then took out four formations with her right hand, handed them over and said: "This is the formation of the Four Spirits Formation, we still try to lure the snake tortoise after setting up the formation. As long as it steps into the range of the formation, Junior Brother Yi, you will preside over the formation and try to trap it, and the three junior brothers and I will wait for the opportunity to suppress it."

Yi Tian simply responded, then stretched out his hand to catch the four spirit array disk, then turned around and threw the thing directly into the beast sac where Guagua was waiting.It's better to ask Guagua to deal with it first, to be honest, I always have a lingering feeling about the things that Morong Feixue has handled.

When Murong Feixue saw it, joy flashed in her eyes, and then she used her escape technique to fly towards the depths of the illusion, and the four people behind her jumped up and followed without saying a word.

The team of five flew in the illusory world for most of the day, tracking along the way with the intensity of the evil spirit.It wasn't until Murong Feixue, who was leading behind the valley surrounded by rivers, stabilized her figure in the air.

Later, she took out a map and checked it before she pointed to the valley below and said, "This is an ideal ambush point, and a thousand miles away is the nest of the snake turtle. Brother Yi, you can just set up an formation here, and we will I will try to attract that demonized mutant beast."

"How can I attract them from a distance of thousands of miles, and the territory of monster beasts in the distraction period is not limited to thousands of miles. Is the senior sister thinking about this matter too simply?" Yi Tian expressed a different opinion.

Based on my own experience, the five-member team is already relatively close to the territory of the monster. During the distraction period, the monster escapes so fast that it may not be effective to set up an formation here.

Everyone's lives were at stake, the Shen family brothers and Shi Yu also had solemn expressions on their faces, they were all interested in Murong Feixue, but they valued their own lives even more.

"Junior Brother Yi is right," Murong Feixue said, "Under normal circumstances, our decision-making is not reasonable. But this time, there is no need to worry."

"How do you say that?" Shi Yu asked.

"Because a large number of rogue cultivators entered the illusory realm and encountered this snake and tortoise beast last time, and they happened to encounter it to advance. Those rogue cultivators took the opportunity to reap benefits, but unfortunately they were not able to withstand the attack of the snake and tortoise beast, and they were ruined one after another. In the mouth of a monster," Murong Feixue wrote lightly.

After Yi Tian listened, he paid attention to the movement within a radius of thousands of miles, and soon realized that there had been several wars here.Although the snake tortoise won in the end, it wouldn't be any easier.

If this is the case, this time the formation of five people can be done mentally or unintentionally.At worst, it's best to go ahead, but it's not that simple to judge Murong Feixue's thoughts visually, and it's likely that some kind of moth will come out of her.

After thinking about it, he flew forward and said: "It's okay, I think this place is not bad, so I will go to set up the formation first. The four of you will find a hiding place to hide, and then gather together after attracting the snake tortoise. It’s better to suppress it on the spot.”

Maybe she didn't expect that she would agree so readily, a satisfied smile appeared on Murong Feixue's face, and then she turned her gaze to the other three.

Since the captain suggested that the array mage didn't object, the other three would save their voices, and if something goes wrong, let's take it together.

After half an hour, Yi Tian set up formations in the southeast, northwest and four directions of the river valley in turn, and then he chose a high point on the hill for easy observation.The other three hid inside one by one, and disappeared in an instant. As for Murong Feixue, she flew to the formation and took out a horn to blow it.

A low-pitched trumpet sounded and spread thousands of miles away, and suddenly a soaring howl echoed.Then a spirit pressure from the distraction period dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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