
Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134
Near the river valley, Yi Tian used the four-spirit formation plate given by Murong Feixue to set up the innate four-spirit formation within a radius of a hundred miles, and then found a place with a wide view to hide it.

Murong Feixue had obtained the sect's information a long time ago, so she also kept a special spiritual weapon to deal with the snake turtle.The sound of the horn was transmitted thousands of miles away, which directly angered the snake turtle.

It didn't take ten breaths to feel a massive monster aura rushing towards the river valley.Yi Tian felt a stronger aura than Qing Lianyun flying towards him.It seems that the other party locked his position immediately.

Unexpectedly, the strength of these monsters in the distraction period is not only spiritually activated, but also not low.It's just that the intensity of that aura is obviously extremely unstable, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, obviously it looks like he has been seriously injured and hasn't recovered yet.

Although Murong Feixue's information is accurate, but she is not stupid, there is no need to really put herself to the test.Before, they also asked themselves to control the formation plate and trap the snake tortoise after it had penetrated into the formation completely.

But looking at the current situation, I am afraid that if I hesitate a little, I will fall into a very passive situation.I don't care about it now, as soon as the opponent enters the edge of the spirit formation, he directly seals and manipulates the four spirit formation disks to open the forbidden barrier.

Unexpectedly, the snake tortoise opened its mouth and roared after a little hesitation in the air, and a wave of monster energy spread out in the air and attacked indiscriminately in all directions.

Seeing this, Yi Tian clicked on the directions where the four spirit arrays were located, and immediately after that, four phantoms rose from the ground and turned into four spirit hands.Then the virtual reality appeared in the four directions of the southeast, northwest, and four spirits. At the same time, the four spirits' avatars attacked one after another and strengthened the forbidden barrier again.

As a result, the sound wave of the demonic power was actually blocked in the spirit formation and did not escape the formation at all.It's just that at this moment, the inside of the sealed formation was already a mess, and the trees on the ground were swept away by the sound wave in pieces.

I only heard the snake and tortoise shout loudly: "Since the juniors of the Taiqing Pavilion have the ability to form a four-spirit trap, why don't they dare to show up? You are far behind the predecessors. "

At this time, Yi Tiancai could see clearly the true appearance of the snake-turtle beast. In fact, it was just a tortoise about ten feet in size, but its head looked more like a snake than a snake, more like a dragon.The tortoise shells around the body are all black and there is a circle of black marks on the back shell. When you look closely, it turns out to be the nine-character mantra of Buddha Sect.

It's just that at this time, the handwriting of the nine mantras turned out to be dark golden, which looked very strange.

I really don’t know how many things Master Jie Ding brought with him when he fell into the devil’s way. I have encountered many things now, but my heart is trembling, but everything that has something to do with Buddhism has good connotations , I'm afraid it won't be that easy to get out this time.

Then there was a sound of arrows shooting up, and Murong Feixue, who was hiding aside, shot first.I saw that the horn she took out was a good spiritual weapon, and after being activated, she put it near her mouth and blew it again.

The sound seemed to have no effect on spiritual cultivation at all, but when the snake tortoise visibly trembled when it heard it, it then turned to Murong Feixue's mouth with anger and spit out several red and black light bullets after condensing the monster power again.

Murong Feixue yelled: "Let's do it together, I'll disturb its mind." After saying that, he dodged to the side and the horn in his hand sounded again.

This time, she blew her luck after gathering her true energy, and when the low horn sounded again, the snake, tortoise and beast trembled several times in the air.

The other three people also took this opportunity to sacrifice the spiritual weapons in their hands and greeted the snake tortoise.The back of this monster is extremely hard, and the abdomen is protected by a carapace. The only weak point is the head and neck.

Although the target of the attack was not large, all three of them were veterans who manipulated this spiritual weapon to greet its neck.After several flashes of spiritual light flashed in the air, several blood lines appeared on the neck of the snake tortoise.

The horn in Murong Feixue's hand blew even more hastily, the sound of the horn was like a note of death, shaking the snakes, turtles and beasts in the sky to the point of collapse.Shaoqing was unable to resist the joint attack of the four, and the light bullets spit out from his mouth also lost their aim and splashed towards the surrounding ground.

This time it can be regarded as suffering for Yi Tian, ​​and the pressure on the big formation suddenly increased by three points.In addition, seeing the unfavorable situation of the battle, the snake tortoise hurriedly turned around and retreated in the direction it came from.Before leaving, he spit out several luminous bullets one after another towards the sealing film.

It's a pity that under Yi Tian's maintenance, the formation only shook slightly for a few breaths and then returned to normal.

The snake tortoise saw that its way back was cut off, and there was a special spiritual weapon in front of it to restrain it. In this way, if a trapped beast persists in fighting, it will be exhausted and finally fall into the situation of being slaughtered.After remembering a strange cry, it seemed that it had made up its mind, and its whole body began to swell violently.

Following this, the demonic power on his body also violently rose to a new height. Although they looked very unstable, the faces of the five people present changed drastically, and no one dared to provoke him anymore. Only Murong Feixue was still in the distance. Blowing the horn in hand.

In an instant, as if the snake tortoise had chosen its target, its figure flashed and rushed straight towards Shi Yu's direction.The latter turned around in a jerk and dodged it in a hurry. Facing the monster beast in the distraction period, he really didn't dare to face it head-on.

The private person instantly sensed the intention of the snake tortoise, he wanted to put all his eggs in one basket and fight to the death.It's a pity that the people here are all human beings, so how could he take advantage of it, so the four of them adopted guerrilla tactics to avoid confrontation with the snake and turtle.

Instead, it used the method of swimming and fighting to continuously consume its demon energy, but Yi Tian didn't expect the snake tortoise to break through the encirclement and attack his position after a few breaths.

It seems that his intention is also very obvious, if he wants to get out of trouble, he must first break the formation.As soon as he opened his mouth, dozens of light bullets of Yaoyuan force rushed towards the top of the mountain at high speed.

It was a coincidence that the sound of the horn in Murong Feixue's hand was not coherent at that time, the intermittent sound seemed to be discontinuous.In this way, the Snake Turtle Beast got a once-in-a-lifetime respite, and the monster power in its mouth exploded again, and then it hit Yi Tian with another round of light bullets.

Suddenly, there was a violent sound of withdrawal in the entire formation, and then the ground within a radius of a hundred miles was shaken for several breaths, as if an earthquake had just occurred.

Let's see you four, don't care about so much in your hands. After offering the trick again, he greeted the snake and turtle.This time, they all hit the vital point, directly piercing through the head, but even this did not make the snake tortoise fall down.

Then the phantoms of the four spirits and beasts in the sky shook rapidly and became more and more blurred, and they collapsed completely within three breaths.

It's just that at this moment, an incomparably huge monster force rose from the body of the snake tortoise.Shi Yu screamed and said: "Explode the demon pill, run away."

After speaking, he was the first to fly in the direction he came, regardless of the reaction of the rest of the team, and flew three or four hundred miles away in a blink of an eye.

 Thanks to Wanbei Taoist, book friend 20180311170519689, for the monthly ticket of Zhong*kou.

(End of this chapter)

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