
Chapter 1135 Removal of Suffering

Chapter 1135 Removal of Suffering
In the depths of the illusory realm, a bright light wave flashed, followed by an earth-shattering withdrawal sound.At the same time, a wave of demonic energy spread out in all directions around the river valley, and its power instantly razed several nearby hills to the ground.

The area with a radius of a hundred miles is the main affected area, and there are three flashes of spiritual light in it.Among them, the Shen brothers who were closest were the worst.Even if the two of them jointly let go, they couldn't stop the demonic power from spreading, and the two suffered different degrees of damage.

Shentu Jun's injury seems to be okay, his face is pale, it is obvious that his spiritual power has been overdrawn, and the defensive spiritual weapon in front of him is tattered, and the small half of his body on the right is affected.Both his right hand and right foot were blown apart, but fortunately, the cultivator of Huashen can regenerate his severed limbs.After muttering something in his mouth, he spit out a stream of real energy and spiritual power attached to the severed limb.

A little later, new limbs grew from the fracture at a speed visible to the naked eye, but at this time his complexion became even uglier.After the spiritual power was exhausted, it seemed that he could no longer fight if he used the secret technique again.

As for his younger brother Shen Tuyun, he was unlucky, and after one move, he was blown to pieces with the lower half of his body and his left hand.Now I can only barely use my skills to keep from falling.

He could only hear him yelling towards Shentu Jun: "Brother, save me."

After hearing this, Shen Tujun took out several pills without hesitation, put them all in his mouth and swallowed them all, then pulled himself together and flew forward to hug his younger brother's remnant body before retreating.Before leaving, he still didn't forget to say to Murong Feixue: "My Shen brothers have done their best, leaving at this time is worthy of the cultivation of the sect."

After speaking, they flew towards the exit of the Illusory Realm without looking back. In their view, this mission was over.Even after going out, the sect can no longer pursue their negligence of duty.

Half a moment later, the smoke dissipated, and a black ray of light flew out from the center of the burst point, running towards the snake turtle lair thousands of miles away.It turned out to be a mini snake tortoise in the black light, but it was undoubtedly the demon baby.

It's just that at this time, Yi Tian couldn't bear it anymore, and after the whole body's anger and blood were churning up and down, he could only watch the snake, turtle, beast and monster baby slip away majestically in front of him.

Looking around, he found that the three members of the team retreated first, and after scanning with his spiritual sense, he couldn't find Murong Feixue.

Just as he was wondering, he suddenly heard the sound of a crisp bamboo flute in the distant smoke.The voice suddenly disturbed people's mind and disturbed their hearts when they heard it.

Immediately, a golden light and shadow flew out of it, hit Yi Tian accurately, and got in through the opened mouth.

Then I saw Yi Tian fell headlong from the air, as if his body was suddenly out of control.Then the sound of the bamboo flute sounded again, and under the control of the sound wave, Yi Tian's body was controlled and stopped in mid-air.

After a while, a beautiful figure flew out of the smoke to not far from Yi Tian's body before stabilizing her figure. After the light faded, she showed the appearance of Murong Feixue. At this time, her complexion was ruddy, although she was separated The self-exposure of the god-level monster has spread, but with its advanced cultivation base, it is the first to recover.And judging from her appearance, she didn't seem to be seriously injured.

But at this time, she put away the bamboo flute and nodded to Yi Tian's body a few times, frowning slightly: "Hey, it's really strange why I can't communicate with the natal Gu to control the host. This situation is really the first This is the first time we meet."

After speaking, he was about to fly forward to find out what happened, but the figure didn't move, but there was an unbelievable expression on his face.

Seeing that Yi Tian in front of him slowly stabilized his figure, he raised his head and stared at Murong Feixue, showing a sneering face.At the same time, he opened his mouth to reveal that the golden silkworm Gu King was curling up on his tongue.

Obviously, the appearance just now was completely trying to lure the snake out of the hole, but in fact, he was not afraid of the golden silkworm poison early in the morning.Then he opened his mouth and chewed the Golden Silkworm Gu King in his mouth into several pieces before swallowing it.

After losing contact with the natal Gu, Murong Feixue blushed and spat out a mouthful of blood, and shouted frantically: "Why are you completely immune to the golden silkworm Gu poison?"

Yi Tian in front of him just glanced at her with disdain, and didn't say much.Instead, a golden filament suddenly flashed out from the void at the side.After changing rapidly in the air and interweaving into a net, it covered Murong Feixue's head.

At this critical juncture, Murong Fei shouldn't procrastinate, insisting on the backlash damage of the natal Gu, and set up a defensive spiritual weapon in front of him.

It's a pity that this time the sword silk spread out as if it had eyes, and then bypassed the strongest protection on the front of the defensive spirit weapon and concentrated it from the back.The defensive spirit weapon was breached after less than three breaths, and at the same time, there were thousands of needle holes on Murong Feixue's body in an instant.

After a while, a cyan light came out from the inside and dismembered her body, and a flash of spiritual light flew out, which was her Nascent Soul body.It's a pity that before flying very far, it was pinched by a big hand that suddenly appeared in the void.

After a ripple appeared out of thin air, another Yi Tian appeared in mid-air, but at this moment he stood in the distance and ate the figure of the Golden Silkworm Gu King. A green light flashed all over his body, and then his body shrank into half a foot. The size looks like.

It was the Guagua Jiuxian who had shown his original form, lying on the flagon with a contented face and hiccupping.

And the one who caught Murong Feixue was the real body. At this moment, Yi Tian teased lightly: "Murong Feixue didn't expect you to do such tricks repeatedly, but what I didn't expect is that your natal Gu can't beat my spiritual pet. You are not my opponent at all. I really don't know what mentality you, a woman, dare to plot against me."

"Yi Tian didn't expect that your hole card would be to learn Feiyu Jianzong's direct method. You look like Jian Shaoqing. I'm afraid Ou Jinglong was killed by you back then. Today I admit it , I would like to swear my heart demon to serve you for the rest of my life, as long as you let me live." Murong Feixue is worthy of being called an old Jianghu, even in such a weak state, she can bear the burden of humiliation in order to survive.

Yi Tian measured it for a while and then replied: "What you said is not entirely correct. Ou Jinglong was indeed killed by me, but my Yaoling Huaqian was not learned from others. Second, I have always been cautious and have been plotted against by you many times. Naturally, I don't want to take the trouble to keep a hidden danger by my side. I refuse your proposal."

While speaking, regardless of her protest, she stretched out her hand and shook it, and a purple flame flashed and enveloped her whole hand.And the Murong Feixue Yuanying who was held in it screamed in horror.It's just that this time Yi Tian is determined to clean her up, so she can't allow her to make a distinction.

It was only at the end that she heard her intermittently and sadly say: "So you are from Lihuo Palace," before she could finish her words, she was burned to ashes by Lei Yanziyan.

 Thank you for the monthly pass at Zhonggukou
(End of this chapter)

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