
Chapter 1136 Collection

Chapter 1136 Collection
The huge explosion sound in the illusory territory shook the sky and even triggered a wave of beasts. Those low-level demonized mutant beasts became extremely irritable and restless after sensing the aftermath of the demonic power that the snake tortoise beast had exposed.

Some demonized mutated beasts even started to scurry around, turning the entire illusory world upside down in a matter of hours.

However, no matter how irritable and restless these demonized mutant beasts are, they dare not get close to the territory of the snake tortoise. After all, the hierarchy in the world of monsters is extremely clear.

Yi Tian, ​​who was near the river valley, could not detect the traces of the other three people in his divine sense at this time.It's ridiculous to say that even though Shi Yu is an elite of the sect, he was extremely afraid of the snake turtle beast's self-exposure.As for the Shen brothers, their strength was limited and they couldn't even keep their physical bodies after being affected by the demonic power.

On the contrary, Murong Feixue's strength is still considered online, after all, even her own cultivation level can survive, and with her later stage cultivation base, she will more or less have some secret magic powers to save her life.

However, her biggest mistake was underestimating herself, and she wanted to use the Golden Silkworm Gu King to plot against her, but she didn't know that she had seen through these tricks many years ago.

After cleaning up the mess in place, Yi Tian was overjoyed. Fortunately, the Shen brothers escaped before but they didn't see Murong Feixue.And when he fought her, Shentu Jun had already flown out of the detection range of his divine sense.Thinking about it, Murong Feixue was also wary, she had to wait until Shentu Jun and the others were gone before she could do anything.

In this way, even if he kills him himself, he doesn't need to worry too much, at least after going out, he can blame Murong Feixue's death on the self-exposure of the snake tortoise.

After cleaning up the objects that fell on Murong Feixue around him, Yi Tian turned his head and stared in the direction of the Snake Turtle Cave thousands of miles away.

It was a helpless move to be run away by it just now, if she hadn't deliberately exposed her flaws, I believe Murong Feixue would not have made up her mind to make a move.Now that the first job is done, it's time to reap the fruits of victory.

After thinking about it, the figure flashed and flew straight towards the old nest of the snake tortoise, and it was only half an hour away from thousands of miles away.Staying in the sky above the Snake Turtle Beast's cave, Yi Tian stretched down with his divine sense to explore, and found that there seemed to be an enchantment somewhere inside that blocked his divine sense.

He secretly said in his heart: "It's strange, it seems that it is definitely not as simple as hiding a snake and turtle inside."

Thinking of this, he slowly lowered his figure to the entrance of the cave, and when he looked up, the entrance of the cave was about three feet high.After taking out the Taiyuan Sword Sacrifice in his hand, he slowly probed into the cave.

The demonic aura inside is several times stronger than the outside world, and there is a layer of black mucus on the surrounding walls of the cave, and there is also a pungent stench coming from it.

Yi Tianjian stretched out his hand and popped several golden fireballs onto the stone wall in the cave. Once the fireballs touched the black mucus, they made a 'ZiZi' sound.That was the sound made by the Buddha Zong power in the fireball after directly purifying the evil spirit energy.

Along the way, Yi Tian cleaned up all the evil spirits wherever he went to avoid future troubles.

A moment later, when I came to the outermost barrier in the cave, I stared at the scene inside, and then I lowered my head and thought for a while.

The forbidden enchantment in front of him doesn't look like it was laid by the snake tortoise.In other words, a demonized mutant beast is simply unable to impose such a restriction.

Then the question is, who is the person who set up this restriction? If he breaks it by force, will he encounter any unmanageable troubles?
After carefully looking around the restriction, it seems that there are some dark golden characters engraved on it.These characters are characters that I have never seen before.But literally, it is obviously a formation enchantment that contains great supernatural powers.After thinking about it, Yi Tian reached out and took out the jade slip to record all the characters in front of him one by one.Although I don't know what's inside, but once I crack it by myself, these characters may not be able to stay.

There are many things that can be reserved for future inquiries, and these texts are naturally the most important clues.After the recording was completed, Yi Tian sacrificed the Taiyuan sword in his hand to turn it into a filament and aimed at the edge of the barrier in front of him.

Wherever the filaments went, there was a sizzling sound of the essence, and then the barrier suddenly fluctuated, trying to shield the sword threads from the foreign intrusion.

Yi Tian saw that the spiritual power in his hand was strengthened by another three points, and at the same time, the sword thread was split into two, two, and four, splitting instantly and scattered towards the entire enchantment.

The enchantment is estimated to be a long time ago, and after suffering many attacks, it became fragmented in less than ten breaths.Even the dark golden characters were shattered.

Yi Tian immediately stepped forward and found that there was a small cave ten feet deep and one foot high.Shen Nian reached in and probed, and found that the monster baby of the snake tortoise was also among them.At this time, under the loss of the physical body and the demon core, he is already strong from the outside, only the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the distraction stage, but even the spells of the Nascent Soul stage may not be able to be used.

He walked forward slowly, stretched out his hand and clicked on the surrounding area, and several fireballs popped up, illuminating the cave.At this moment, Yi Tiancai saw the baby snake and turtle floating in mid-air in the deepest part of the cave.Behind him is a mummy, but the corpse does reveal a desolate and simple atmosphere.

Unlike other demons, this person's body was not purified of evil spirits like before after being rubbed by his own fireball.

Yi Tian stared at the dead body for a while, and found that this person was different from the demons he had seen before in terms of height and body shape.

But Shaoqing's snake, tortoise, beast and monster baby shouted: "Why do you insist on killing us in spiritual practice, those demons are more trustworthy than your words."

"The demons keep their word," Yi Tian was stunned, savoring the words of the snake and tortoise carefully, and felt that the amount of information contained was much more than he expected.

Immediately, he reached out and restrained the demon baby, and then took out a jade bottle to seal it inside.Then he turned around and looked around the body and found three suspicious places.

The corpse held a container in its right hand, which looked slightly different from the demon containers I had seen before.He wears a ring on the ring finger of his right hand and a necklace around his neck.There are still a few words engraved on the pendant, and the style is the same as the previous dark gold rune.

He sacrificed the Taiyuan sword to cut off the fingers, head and neck of the corpse, and then took out the three things and put them into the storage ring.Later, Yi Tian sacrificed a ray of real fire and set the whole body on fire, and the flame burned for more than half an hour before the whole body was burned to ashes.

Yi Tian has this in mind, after all, even dealing with the bones of those monsters did not need to be so troublesome.

After tidying up these things, I hurried out of the cave, and then flew straight in the direction I came from.It has been half a day since Shi Yu escaped just now, and it is estimated that the disciples who stayed outside of the Zongmen have also received the message, and maybe the Zongmen will send a second team to go deep at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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