
Chapter 1137

Chapter 1137
Flying straight towards the entrance in the illusory space, Yi Tian's divine sense was opened up to the maximum to check the boundaries of the surrounding three thousand miles clearly.

At this time, the demonized mutant beasts that were originally restless in the secret realm were swarming in the direction of one.That is also the direction I am going to, but with so many demonized mutant beasts rushing there, I really don't know what state I will be in then.

After flying for a while, he suddenly found in his divine sense that there seemed to be dozens of spiritual pressure fluctuations scattered around the exit of the illusion.It was obvious that someone had done something there, and it seemed that there were quite a few people there.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian hurriedly accelerated his escape speed and flew towards the exit. Not long after, he saw seven monks wearing Zongmen costumes flying in the air.Six of them were constantly using the spiritual weapons in their hands to cut off the beast tide below.

As for the other person, it was the Shentu Army who fled away first, and Shi Yu was working with the newly arrived reserve team to quell the chaos.

Not long after, the other party clearly noticed his arrival, and Yi Tian hurriedly flew up without saying much.Ten breaths later, when I met my fellow sect, I greeted him first, and then I opened my mouth and shouted: "Shi Yu, you who are greedy for life and fear of death, only care about your personal safety, and run away without our business. At that time, I will definitely sue the sect as Senior Sister Murong. Seek justice."

"Under such a situation, we are lucky to be able to escape with the demon beast self-destructing the demon core during the distraction period. What's more, this matter is obviously due to Murong Feixue's poor arrangements. Why didn't she escape?" Shi Yu argued. .

"No, after the explosion of the demon core, I only saw Daoyou Shen and his younger brother fade away, and Senior Sister Murong disappeared completely. If you don't believe me, you can ask Fellow Daoist Shen?" Yi Tian turned his head again and brought the topic to Shen Tujun.

He flew forward with a dispirited expression and said, "Both of my brothers were affected by the big explosion. My younger brother was slightly closer, so the injury was more serious. Even Nascent Soul didn't escape," Shentu said. When the army spoke, there was an endless look of loneliness on his face.

Seeing this, the brothers from the same sect who were present all had a sigh of relief on their faces, and then they stepped forward to comfort each other.Only Yi Tian's eyes flashed, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

Before, I personally saw Shentu Jun carry away his brother's remnant body, how come he was killed on the spot when he got here.But this is someone's private matter and I don't need to take care of it. Fortunately, the other party has something to fall into my hands.At this moment, he is playing the game of rats, and he can use this matter to confirm Murong Feixue's matter.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "What Fellow Daoist Shen said is true. Fortunately, at that time, the formation was still far away from the center point. Fellow Daoist Shen was relatively close, so the right half of his body was completely destroyed after being affected. Fortunately, he can rely on the truth Yuan Lingli recovered. As for Shen Tuyun in the inner circle of the explosion and Senior Sister Murong in the inner circle, they are not so lucky."

"That's true. Afterwards, I also carefully judged the chaotic aura remaining on the scene after the self-explosion of the demon core, and I couldn't find the whereabouts of the other two," said Shen Tujun.

As soon as this statement was made, the support team present at the scene believed it seven or eight points, and two parties involved came forward to explain that the credibility was greatly improved.On the other hand, Shi Yu, who was on the side, opened his eyes wide, looked at the two people in front of him with an incredulous expression, and then shouted anxiously: "Then why didn't Junior Brother Yi return immediately? Could it be that he had a ghost in his heart or did something wrong?" What should be done. I believe that with the strength of Senior Sister Murong, she will definitely not fall easily, so I must investigate this matter and find out."

Facing Shi Yu's unreasonable words, Yi Tian squinted his eyes and looked at it, it was obvious that there was a problem with this person.He must have interests involved in being able to mess around like this.After secretly marking him in his heart, Yi Tian turned around and cupped his hands towards the crowd and said, "It's not because I didn't return for a long time, but I went to the snake turtle's lair to check."

Then he reached out and took out a storage bag and continued: "All the things that were searched in the cave of the snake and turtle are here, and they will definitely be handed over to the sect afterwards to prove their innocence. How about keeping this thing for the time being, brothers? It can be used as circumstantial evidence." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and gently sent the storage bag over.

The leader of the support team flew out and took the storage bag with his hand, and then put his spiritual sense in to check it, and then his face was shocked.Later, he showed the storage bag to the other four people one by one, so that everyone was a witness.

Yi Tian turned around and gave Shentu Jun a wink, then pointed at Shi Yu and said, "I will definitely report to the sect when I go out this time, Shi Yu, you ran away in front of the battle, and I don't care about the safety of your fellow sects. That's all."

Before Shi Yu opened his mouth to distinguish Shentu Jun, he also interjected: "What Junior Brother Yi said is true, Shi Yu's matter is not so simple to settle." In this way, two people accuse him of the crime, and everyone in the surrounding reinforcement team After private voice transmission, he quietly blocked Shi Yu's retreat in order to go forward.

Seeing this, Shi Yu hastily argued: "My fellow disciples, please don't be fooled by others. Senior Sister Murong once said that this Junior Brother Yi is poisoned, and his life may not be long."

Seeing that he spoke out something unknown in a flash, Yi Tian frowned slightly and secretly said, "This person should be Murong Feixue's backhand, but fortunately this time, the Yaodan blew himself up and disrupted it. Otherwise, it would be really bad luck for me to play one-on-two afterwards. '

But since Tian was lucky enough to escape this hurdle by himself, it is natural to completely wipe out the opponent, otherwise it would be hard for him to sleep and eat with such a hidden danger in his hands.

The faces of the people around changed slightly after hearing this, but they didn't mean to relax at all, no one of the three present could leave easily.Yi Tian looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "I have taken Tiancaidibao Hundred Poisons Invasion before, and Senior Sister Murong specially experimented with Golden Silkworm Gu Poison to verify this before. Fellow Daoist didn't know the details naturally I don't know."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the people around became slightly better. Seeing a little pull back, Yi Tian said again: "What I said is well-founded, and I am really not afraid of the shadow, I am willing to go to the Law Enforcement Hall together afterwards." Face to face with Fellow Daoist Shi. Of course, I would like to ask Brother Shen to testify for me. As for the brothers who are present, they can also go together, and please participate in the judgment at that time."

Seeing that what Yi Tian said was reasonable and reasonable, after discussing with each other through sound transmission, they naturally felt that what Yi Tian said was reasonable, and their eyes on Shi Yu also changed slightly.

At this moment, Shen Tujun said with a final word: "I know that Fellow Daoist and Senior Sister Murong walked closer when I found out, and I naturally know something about some things. But this time, I was afraid to leave me before the battle. It seems that the relationship with Senior Sister Murong is not good. That's all."

As soon as this remark came out, he aimed at Shi Yu again.

(End of this chapter)

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