
Chapter 1138 Homecoming

Chapter 1138 Homecoming
Three days later, Yi Tian walked out of the gate of Zongmen Law Enforcement Hall with a smile on his face, and Hua Yulin, who had been waiting outside for a long time, hurried up.Seeing Yi Tian who was intact, he said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, I know that nothing will trouble you. The elders of the Law Enforcement Hall did not trouble you this time, did they?"

"Small things, we don't need to worry about sitting up straight," Yi Tian replied with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I'm just afraid that Yu Ke will be in trouble at that time, and the evidence under this questioning is not very favorable to him. In addition to the testimony of me and Shentu Jun, I am afraid that Zongmen's punishment is inevitable."

Just as he was talking, in the Law Enforcement Hall, only Shentu Jun came out with a smile on his face, and when they saw him, the two looked at each other, and they naturally kept silent together.

Tonghua Yulin told him to go back first, and he still had some matters to discuss with Shentu Jun in private.And visually, the other party seems to be waiting for me. It is tacitly understood by everyone, but I guess there will be a lot of things to talk about.

After the people left, Yi Tian walked up slowly and said, "Senior Brother Shen, do you have time, I would like to ask Senior Brother to talk about it."

"Don't dare to ask, junior brother please," Shen Tujun grinned.

Faced with such a hypocrite, Yi Tian is extremely unwilling to have a close friendship with him, but there is no better way at present.If it weren't for his strength from it, he wouldn't be able to bring down Shi Yu so easily, and now the Law Enforcement Hall sent him to Ailao Mountain to guard the mining area for 300 years according to the law, which is quite appropriate.

As for the Shentu Jun in front of him, he is definitely a difficult person, I'm afraid his younger brother is long gone by now.But it's good to be caught in this way, I'm afraid he will throw a mouse at himself in the future, and he looks like he wants to show his favor, it's just everyone's tacit understanding.

Shaoqing and the two came to the market inside the Zongmen, and after Yi Tian chose a restaurant, the two of them entered it.After entering the private room on the top floor, he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the sound-proof barrier before slowly sitting down at the table, while Shen Tujun sat opposite him inappropriately.

After a moment of silence, it was Yi Tian who spoke first: "This time, thanks to Senior Brother Shen's all-out help, I was able to prove my innocence. I really appreciate it."

"Junior Brother, there is no need to be humble. This is because Shi Yu did something wrong. What's more, after the demon pill exploded, there were only you and me left. We are all in the same trouble. From now on, we should take care of each other," Shentu Jun said with a smile on his face. Sincerely replied.

Yi Tian naturally knew the meaning of the two people he said. Based on the situation at the time, he could 100% confirm that Shen Tuyun was still alive, but he might not be able to confirm the situation of himself and Murong Feixue.

But this matter has come to an end, presumably as time goes by Murong Feixue's name will gradually be forgotten in the sect, at most her information can be found in the list of disciples of the sect.

After talking with Shentu Jun for a while, the two reached a tacit understanding secretly. Although I don't know how long this tacit understanding can last, it seems that they are still in the same camp.

Half a day later, Yi Tian returned to Xishan Lingzhi Garden to deal with the backlog of things in the garden, but during the period, he found that Ling Nongtian Zhuangshi was absent-minded.After careful questioning during the period, I learned that this time Murong Feixue fell, and all resources related to her had to be recovered by the sect.

As for her former maids who were all sent to the Shangqing branch, Tian Zhuangshi had this kind of behavior because of his own thoughts.

Yi Tian can let everyone else go, but Murong Feixue's personal maid Chun Tao is not.This person knows too many secrets about Murong Feixue, and even bought poisonous insects for her to feed the Golden Silkworm Gu King.

Such a confidential matter can be handled and thought out, and a lot of things can be knocked out of her mouth.After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't say much and took out a handwritten jade slip, and finally stamped his seal on it and handed it to Tian Zhuangshi, saying: "With this jade slip, you can go to the Taoist sect of the Shangqing to choose a Taoist partner, as for whether it will be completed or not." It depends on your luck."

After understanding his own words, Tian Zhuangshi's face was filled with joy, and he took the jade slip and said: "Thank you, Lord Guardian, for your fulfillment. I will do my best to be loyal to you from now on."

"Remember to be loyal to the sect, hurry up," Yi Tian waved his hand and said.

After dealing with these matters, Yi Tian returned to his cave, opened the restriction, and dived in.

Half a day later, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in his room, opened the barrier and began to count the loot.Murong Feixue's items are now taboo items, even if they want to sell them out, they have to change their appearance.Otherwise, it will often be self-defeating to be stared at by someone with a heart.

In her storage ring, she found a few books on the art of refining Gu, opened it and took a rough look, and found that it was about the same as I expected.It's just that after refining Gu, there is a method called "Stealing Heaven and Renewing Life", which records the extraction of monks' true energy to maintain the patient's life.It is often used in situations where monks who have exhausted their lifespan need to forcibly extend their lives, and the spell also mentions that the true energy of the extracted person can only be used by patients of the next level.

And the extraction of true energy from monks in the transformation stage can only be provided to monks in the Nascent Soul stage. At the end of the secret technique, it is mentioned that if they are those monks who have ascended, they can be used on monks of the same level.Because these ascending monks are all elites, their auras are pure and incomparably stronger than the native monks in the spirit world.

Only then did Yi Tian understand why Murong Feixue would stare at him. I am afraid that Peng Li was the one who was murdered before.But to whom Murong Feixue wanted to offer the drawn true energy to, she couldn't find any clues from her storage ring.

Considering that her residence has been taken back by the sect now, I am afraid that if she goes to search it by herself, she may not be able to find any useful clues.

Yi Tian felt restless when he thought that there was a cultivator lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to seize his true energy and spiritual power.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. Now that I am sitting and waiting to die like this, I have no clue at all, and my heart is also panicked with boredom, and my face gradually darkens.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly the gate opened and a jade talisman flew in. He reached out to catch the jade talisman and swept it in front of him with his divine sense.After taking three breaths, he said to himself: "Xiang Donghui seems to be one of the insiders, and now he knows about Murong Feixue's death. But I don't know what is the reason for the invitation at this time?"

It can be seen that the message written on the jade talisman is also urgent, and the other party hopes to meet with him as soon as possible.Yi Tian also unambiguously wrote down the time and place on the jade talisman, and then sent it out.

Two days later, when Yi Tian packed up his loot and flew out of the cave, his divine sense swept across the Lingzhi Garden, and found someone waiting in his guardian mansion.After a closer inspection, it turned out to be Tian Zhuangshi, his brows were slightly frowned, didn't he tell him to pick someone up, it seems that the current situation is not going well, could it be that another accident happened.

(End of this chapter)

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