
Chapter 1142

Chapter 1142
The four of them flew for two days and two nights in the Minghuan territory before arriving at the location of Gray Valley, where a layer of gray mist covered the sky with a radius of [-] miles.There was an unpleasant stench in the air, and visually it was the qualitative change caused by the evil energy rising from the land here mixed with spiritual energy.

After reaching the sky above Gray Valley, he stretched out his hand and pointed to Dong Hui: "Junior Brother Yi can just set up an formation here, and after Murong Zhenghong brings people over, he can seal off the surrounding area of ​​five hundred miles. We will hide in the surrounding area." Wait for the opportunity to dispatch."

"It's easy to handle, but can senior brother be sure that Murong Zhenghong will definitely come?" Yi Tian asked.There is always a faint feeling of unreliability in this operation, and I always feel that this matter will not go too smoothly, but since it is the arrangement of the Zongmen Discipline Department, there will not be too many mistakes.

Xiang Donghui was stunned for a moment and seemed to have no confidence, so he just replied: "Should come, after all, this is the only place that can hunt and kill demonized mutant beasts in large numbers. It is difficult for Murong Zhenghong to come here. Find ample supply."

Yi Tian didn't change his face, but he didn't agree with Xiang Donghui's statement in his heart. In the spirit world, he knew at least three or four places where he could absorb a large amount of evil spirit energy.

Now that things have come to this point, we can only make preparations first, take out the sundial, Luo Gengfei, and start measuring the terrain of Ashen Valley below.Half a quarter later, he took out four array disks and aimed at the four squares in the southeast, northwest, and lightly laid down the four spirit seal formations.

This set of arrays was originally brought from Murong Feixue, but I carefully repaired and adjusted it afterwards.Now it can be regarded as handy to use, and the four of them immediately disappeared into the formation and hid.

The wait is always long, during which many low-level monks who entered the secret realm entered the formation to hunt down demonized mutant beasts.Yi Tian let them deal with them according to Xiang Donghui's request.

As time passed, the four of them set up an ambush in Gray Valley for three days and finally found a group of monks coming here under the banner of the Murong family.It's just that after Yi Tianshen's investigation, he found that the number of visitors did not match the number, and there were as many as ten people.And the cultivation bases are all like those in the late Yuanying period, and his mood immediately sank and he secretly thought something was wrong.

Compared to this, the other three people must have noticed something was wrong immediately, but this was not the hunting team led by Murong Zhenghong.Although they are also members of Murong's family, but to kill chickens with a sledgehammer, all they need is for the Zongmen Discipline Department to send a Xunlong team led by a monk in the early stage of transformation.

After ten breaths, there was a message to Donghui on the Zongmen Jade Card. Yi Tian just glanced at it roughly, and then his figure turned into nothingness and disappeared completely on the spot.

It didn't take long for the four of them to meet again thousands of miles away and said to Donghui with a deep expression, "The spies from the Zongmen's Discipline Department have reported that Murong Zhenghong actually gave up on the trip to the Illusion Realm this time and sent a team in." .”

"Then we missed a good opportunity this time and don't know when we will be able to eradicate it," Murong Longcheng said with hatred.

"Fellow daoist, I don't know what to say, I think there must be something to say to senior brother," Duan Yi who was on the side hastily stopped.

Nodding his head, Xiang Donghui continued, "According to news, Murong Zhenghong has already adjusted his direction and boarded the sky surveying battleship going to Crimson Rain City."

"Could it be that she wants to return to Murong's main line?" Duan Yi said in surprise, "Is this a rare thing?" After saying that, he looked towards Murong Longcheng.

"No," Murong Longcheng said resolutely: "Murong Zhenghong, this lowly maidservant, swore an oath when she left the clan in her early years that she would never set foot in the clan again in this life, so the Council of Elders let her retreat completely and set up another branch in Qingfeng City." The family will build a mountain again."

"Could it be that she wants to go back and seize power this time?" Yi Tian asked: "Perhaps she has already known the news that Fellow Daoist Murong is not in the lineage at this time, and wants to take advantage of it."

Murong Longcheng said with disdain on his face: "It's absolutely impossible. If you want to regain the Murong family, you must recall all ten elders. Now there are at least five elders on duty in the direct line, and there are two elders in the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect." Internal cultivation. With her own power, she cannot overthrow the Murong family."

"Then what's her purpose? It's impossible to go sightseeing on a sky patrol boat," Duan Yi said.

"No, she needs a lot of demon energy or mutant monsters to refine the demon spirit infant pill. If she can't find the materials, the situation will get out of control. With her character, she will never do something that destroys the Great Wall," Xiang Dong Hui said resolutely.

After discussing for a while, the four decided to temporarily stop and exit the Ming Illusion Realm before finding a countermeasure.

A few days later, when the four of them left the Ming Illusionland and were about to die down, Xiang Donghui and Duan Yi suddenly frowned, presumably they both received the summons at the same time.After they read the information, there was an unpredictable look on their faces.They looked at each other and saw the confusion on their faces.

Knowing that the situation had changed, Yi Tian hurriedly asked, "But there are traces of Murong Zhenghong?"

At this moment, Duan Yi changed his hip-hop nature to reveal a thoughtful expression, and said in a low voice when he was young: "Murong Zhenghong took the sky patrol boat and transferred to Huyue Fort halfway. There is something special about that place. Maybe there will be Are there any undiscovered demon remains?"

Hearing these words, Yi Tian couldn't help being stunned. Yuebao is just a small border town, which is nothing.But [-] miles away to the wasteland is the Soul Suppressing Devil's Nest, so it's possible that Murong Zhenghong's destination is there.

I don't know how far the demons I met there back then have recovered.And there, he personally killed Ou Jinglong of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and successfully survived the thunder disaster of entering the world.

Reminiscent of Yi Tian's expressionless face but a glint of gloom flashed in his eyes, seeing the three of them puzzled, it was inconvenient to talk too much, but he backed away slowly and didn't make a sound.

It's just that his own behavior caught Xiang Donghui's attention, and he didn't say much in front of others, he just said: "Everyone, let's go away first, so we will make a decision after news from the front comes back. The next step."

Duan Yi and Murong Longcheng had no choice but to wave their hands and salute, and then they walked together and flew towards Qingfeng New City.

When they were almost gone, Yi Tian turned around and wanted to leave after seeing them.Don't guard against Xiang Donghui's voice from behind, saying: "Junior Brother Yi, please take a step to speak."

"I don't know what advice I can give my senior brother?" Yi Tian said with a straight face after he stabilized his figure.

"I don't dare to teach you," Xiang Donghui said indifferently, "It's just that I feel that junior brother seems to be a little familiar with that mountain castle. Have you ever been there?"

"I've been there," Yi Tian didn't hide anything, as long as he checked the transmission records, he could find clues.Even though he used the Thousand Faces Technique to hide his identity at that time, people would find clues after all, and Su Yitian admitted it openly.

"What's so special about it?" Xiang Donghui asked.

"There's nothing wrong with Huyue Castle, it's just that there's a place called Soul-Suppressing Devil's Nest thirty thousand miles away that's more suspicious."

 Thank you Yang Zhiji for your monthly pass, your monthly pass is my motivation.Thank you book friend 20180523230928546 for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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