
Chapter 1143 Returning to the Devil's Nest

Chapter 1143 Returning to the Devil's Nest
In the secret room in the Disciplinary Department of Qingfeng New City, Yi Tian and Xiang Donghui sat face to face and seemed to be chatting about something.The four-member team disbanded immediately after the ambush of Ming Mirage in Qingfeng Old City failed.

During this period, Yi Tian's inadvertent actions caught Xiang Donghui's attention.I didn't expect this guy to be able to detect subtle changes in the situation after staying in the discipline department for a long time.

Afterwards, he invited himself to the Disciplinary Department in Qingfeng New City on the grounds that he had something to discuss. Looking at the other party's serious face, Yi Tian knew that this matter was determined to be difficult.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Xiang Donghui say: "Junior Brother Yi, I know you have a bit of a prejudice against me, and most of the fellow sects in the sect have a more or less biased view of me."

"To be honest, I don't know much about you, Brother Xiang, but I really don't have any prejudices," Yi Tian said, "You and I don't have any conflicts of interest, and there is no intersection before. I have played against each other for the first time, but this does not affect my opinion of people."

"That's good, I believe what you say," Xiang Donghui said with a slight smile on his face.

"How can you believe what I say?"

"It's a feeling, because you and I are the same kind of people, and the pursuit of Dao in our hearts is much stronger than we imagined. How can such a person be influenced by some mundane things," Xiang Donghui waved his hand.

"That's thanks to Senior Brother Xiang," Yi Tian not only replied indifferently, but in his heart he couldn't help but think highly of Xiang Donghui.

"Although you have already taken action to solve Murong Feixue, our previous agreement is still valid. I will help you during the trip to Langhuan Cave," Xiang Donghui changed the subject and talked about the things he is most concerned about now. .

Since he could express his position like this, Yi Tian naturally wished for it, so it can be seen that the other party is a person who keeps his word.The friendship between gentlemen is nothing more than the word "sincerity". Since the other party treats oneself sincerely, one can rest assured.

But in a blink of an eye, thinking about the matter of killing Ou Jinglong before, Yi Tian showed hesitation and didn't know how to deal with it.

Perhaps because he saw that he had something to hide, Xiang Donghui clasped his fists without hesitation and said, "Today, I failed to achieve my goal by bothering Junior Brother Yi for a long time. Let's chat with Junior Brother after I finish the task of the Discipline Department." Said Then he got up and prepared to see off the guests.

After sweeping his eyes, Yi Tian sighed, and then a trace of determination flashed in his eyes and said: "You will definitely not find Murong Zhenghong if you go to Arc Moon Fort to follow up like this."

"If you can't find it, you should look for it. In the past, a certain family abided by the ancestral precepts and helped the sect to put down the chaos of the evil disaster. Even if there is a mountain of swords and seas of fire in front of you, you have to go for it," Xiang Donghui said angrily.

Looking at his appearance, Yi Tian said lightly: "Brother Xiang, don't provoke me, I understand what you mean."

Xiang Donghui sat down slowly, looked directly at him and said solemnly: "Junior Brother Yi, if you have something to say, you should listen to me. As long as I can understand the hidden dangers of evil disasters, no matter how difficult it is, I will try it."

This made Yi Tian feel a little embarrassed, thought for a while before replying: "I know that there is a demon ruin thirty thousand miles away from Arc Moon Fort, and there is a powerful demon hidden in the distraction period. If there is no accident, Murong Zhenghong should have given up his trip to the Ming Illusion Realm and diverted to go there because of the investigation. "

"What's the situation there, please give me some words from Junior Brother Yi," Xiang Donghui said eagerly.

"The place where demons gather and extremely yin," Yi Tian replied accurately, and then roughly described what he experienced there.Naturally, everything related to Ou Jinglong was omitted during the period.

But after hearing this, Xiang Donghui's face became more and more ugly, and after listening to it, he bowed his head and pondered for a while.After half a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Murong Zhenghong must have gone there, she needs a lot of demonic energy and mutant beasts. According to what my junior said, those crystal pink butterfly shells polluted by the demonic energy are the necessary ingredients for refining the demonic evil spirit pill." An indispensable main medicine."

Then he glanced over again and asked, "I think Junior Brother Yi, you still have something to hide, there must have been some unspeakable things that happened there, that's why you are so hesitant."

"Oh, why did Brother Xiang ask such a question?" Yi Tian said calmly.

"The Division of Disciplines has a secret technique that is specially used when seeking evidence and interrogating people. I have been in the torture facility before and I am naturally good at it. After talking with people on weekdays, I will naturally use the secret technique unknowingly, but Junior brother's psychological quality is one of the strongest people I've ever seen, probably only those monks in the distraction period will have a city like you," Xiang Donghui showed his cards directly without hiding anything.

Now it's Yi Tian's turn to be speechless, feeling that he was interrogated.With a wry smile on his face, he said: "I told everything I knew, and I didn't hide anything. I didn't worry too much about it to my brother."

"Ou Jinglong", I don't know how such a name came out of Xiang Dongchen's mouth, and then looked at Yi Tian's expression, which was still calm.Later, a smile appeared on his face and he said: "Junior Brother Yi said there is no more, so please lead the way so that we can avoid wasting time on exploring the way again, so that we can stop Murong Zhenghong in front of her." After speaking, he took out the Yujian was summoned to contact other people.

"Don't call Shang Duan Yi, it's easy to see the clues in his roughness and subtlety," Yi Tian hurriedly interjected, but in fact, he was still very afraid of this person.

"How many people do you need?" Xiang Donghui asked.

"There are at least three of you with that strength, because there is still a demon soul that divides the artifact. And I have to bring my wife, Hua Yuxin," Yi Tian replied.

Now it was Xiang Donghui's turn to look puzzled, and later he simply asked, "Give me a reason?"

"Crystal Pink Butterfly," Yi Tian also answered concisely: "Yu Xin's natal Gu is the Colorful Butterfly that can take us away from the siege of the Crystal Pink Butterfly."

"Okay, then you go and lead people, and I'll find helpers. Try to complete the preparations and start within four hours. I can directly order the sky patrol ship to stay at the airport, and we will set off as soon as possible," Xiang Donghui said.

"The teleportation array, via Scarlet Rain City, and then from the teleportation array there to Arc Moon Fort, we need to fly over the last [-] miles. This is the fastest route at present," Yi Tian said.

After hearing this, Xiang Donghui nodded without thinking: "Okay, just follow your plan, but we all have to cover up. If you want to make small moves under Jian Shaoqing's nose, you have to be fully prepared .”

In this way, after the two discussed, Yi Tian rushed back to the Xishan Lingzhiyuan cave in a hurry.Then send a message to Hua Yuxin to ask her to leave the customs. This time she will need her natal Gu Colorful Butterfly as a guide to get in and out of the Colorful Butterfly's cave safely.

After half a day, Yi Tian received a message from Xiang Donghui, and his speed was not too slow. He had already recruited people and waited in the teleportation hall in Qingfeng New City.

(End of this chapter)

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