
Chapter 1144 Returning to the Devil's Nest Whereabouts

Chapter 1144 Returning to the Devil's Nest Whereabouts
A group of six casual cultivators outside Huayue Fort, five cultivators of Huashen and a cultivator of Nascent Soul hurried out of the city, and then directly boarded a medium-sized warship and galloped towards the depths of the wasteland.

Needless to say, these are the Taiqing Pavilion Discipline Department Xiang Donghui and his group who came here in disguise. This time, under the guidance of Yi Tian, ​​the six-member team locked the position early in the morning and drove the battleship at full speed towards the city without hesitation. Heading towards the Soul-Suppressing Demon Nest.

But what they didn't know was that less than half an hour after leaving Huyue Fort, the teleportation hall was temporarily recruited.In the depths of the hall, there were several flashes of light, and ten heavily armed disciples of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect came out. Among them, five cultivators of the Transformation Stage were led by the No. 1 Jian Shaoqing of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.

Beside him is Deputy Yi Yi and a monk in his [-]s. If Yi Tian was present, he would naturally recognize Murong Longcheng, the Patriarch of the Murong Sect.

Jian Shaoqing turned around and asked in a deep voice: "Did you read correctly that Xiang Donghui, the group from the Taiqing Pavilion, came here first?"

"No mistake," Duan Yi replied on the side: "there are six of them, and I know Xiang Donghui. We have also known Yi Tian for a long time. His spiritual pressure fluctuation is the strangest, but it is precisely That got my attention instead.”

"It seems that the failure of your plan to ambush Murong Zhenghong earlier aroused their fighting spirit," Jian Shaoqing joked as he walked.

"Yes and no," Murong Longcheng replied: "I think the problem is this Yi Tian, ​​he must have concealed some key information."

After hearing this, Duan Yi hastily echoed: "Brother Longcheng is right. Among so many people, he is the one I can't see through the most. And I can conclude that I don't even think about it compared to Chi Wuji from Lihuo Palace. against him."

Jian Shaoqing's figure was slightly broken, and then the shock in his eyes quietly disappeared, and he asked again: "Then what are the origins of the other four people?"

Duan Yi showed a smile for no reason, and whispered: "Your sweetheart Qing Lianyun is also inside, I am very familiar with her spiritual pressure fluctuations. The other two are also top players in the Taiqing Pavilion's transformation stage Gong Teng and Deng Ru, it's normal for a combination like this to have something happen when they come to Huayue Castle. As for the last one is a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul, I really can't figure out why such an action would bring a burden."

Jian Shaoqing glared at Duan Yi sharply, but said: "In the future, the report will be simple and concise, and less nonsense. Xiang Donghui will not do unnecessary things, and the monk at the Nascent Soul stage may be the key point." indefinite."

"Understood, your boss listens to you," Duan Yi waved his hand and replied, but there was still some playfulness in his eyes.

When the group walked out of the teleportation hall, there were already waiting for the response from the Lord's Mansion of Huayue Castle, and the leader also handed over a jade slip to Duan Yi.

After opening the jade slip and scanning it with his spiritual sense, he turned around and said, "That's right, Murong Zhenghong and his group set off half a day earlier than us, and Xiang Donghui and the others are estimated to be at least three or four hours late."

"Our time is very tight, if I'm not mistaken, Xiang Donghui and the others must have locked onto Murong Zhenghong before they dared to chase after them," Jian Shaoqing said with a serious face: "We can't track down their whereabouts. "

"You can rest assured about this matter. I have already informed the guards of Huayue Castle to keep an eye on their whereabouts. Even if they lose track later, it will be a matter of time before they catch up in the wrong direction," Duan Yi said.

"Then act quickly. I want to know what kind of medicine they sell in the gourd. Such a big battle must be a big deal. The Mosha Lingying Pill is related to the safety of the spirit world. The master has already said three Mahayana monks They have all issued a talisman, and this matter must be strangled in the cradle no matter what the cost. When necessary, the sect will send high-ranking monks to help out," Jian Shaoqing said murderously: "How can such an astounding feat be made? Those people from Taiqing Pavilion monopolize it."

A moment later, the pair led by Jian Shaoqing hurriedly boarded the sky survey warship of Huyue Castle and headed towards the depths of the wasteland, in the same direction as when Yi Tian and others left.

Let's say that after the Taiqing Pavilion team left Huyue Fort, they headed towards the Soul-Suppressing Devil's Nest at full speed.In the main warehouse, six people surrounded the conference table, and Yi Tianzheng listed the situation in the soul-suppressing cave one by one.

Being able to get out of it last time was due to luck, if it wasn't for Youhua Yuxin who cleared the way, it would be impossible to get out of the cave where the crystal powder butterflies gathered safely.

Although there were many more people this time than before, the one who had the most headache was Chao Yi who was on the second floor.After the spirit escaped, he used the secret technique of the demon clan to hide in the flesh and blood demon core. After so many years, he did not know how far he would recover.

Sitting at the conference table, Yi Tian handed the jade slip in his hand to Xiang Donghui for everyone to have a look at it. Except for Qing Lianyun, the faces of the others became extremely embarrassed after seeing it.The two brought here this time are both in the late stage of transformation, among which Gong Teng is an alchemist and Deng Ru is a real combat cultivator, and they are the main combat power in the Disciplinary Department.

It is reasonable to say that people who have experienced them like this are naturally more knowledgeable than ordinary people, but seeing the content on this jade slip, they feel scalp numb.Later, I heard Deng Ru ask: "Junior Brother Yi, according to what you said, the most troublesome thing in the soul-suppressing demon cave is the demon soul Chao Yi, but he stays on the second basement floor as long as we don't mess with him. "

"Not necessarily," Yi Tian shook his head and said, "As far as I know, there are at least three roads leading to the second underground floor in all directions under the Soul-Suppressing Devil's Nest. We took the one with the handle of Crystal Pink Butterfly."

"Speaking of crystal powder butterflies, I don't know what good strategies Junior Brother Yi has to deal with them," Gong Teng said with a frown, "As far as I know, these monster butterflies are not Yi's generation, and they multiply quickly in large numbers in the cave. I can't say this time. There will be more faces than before."

Qing Lianyun, who was on the side, interjected, "Presumably Junior Brother Yi has brought his own concubine with him this time, so there must be a countermeasure?" After speaking, he glanced at the person sitting beside Yi Tian. Hua Yuxin, but the strange look in her eyes was fleeting.

Maybe it was because of a woman's intuition, Hua Yulin's heart tightened for no reason, but she didn't dare to do anything wrong in the face of Qing Lianyun.But the little girl's possessiveness was still evident, she gently stretched out her hand to touch Yi Tian's arm and didn't say much, but the energy seemed to be swearing sovereignty.

Yi Tian knew what she was thinking, looked at Qing Lianyun's face, and said helplessly: "Yu Xin's natal Gu has an unusual affinity for the crystal powder butterfly, as long as we don't take the initiative to attack, we won't provoke the crystal powder butterfly Siege."

"It's easy," Xiang Donghui said with a sigh of relief: "Except for the crystal powder butterfly, there is only the second-floor demon soul area. As long as we don't mess with Chao Yi, it will be harmless. I'm afraid that Murong Zhenghong will make a last-ditch bet at that time." to the second floor."

"The ancient demon Chao Yi was able to seize the house last time, and the cultivator who transformed himself into a god must have the same ability this time. We must consider this point carefully," Qing Lianyun said inappropriately.

 Thanks to Yang Zhiji for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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