
Chapter 1145

Chapter 1145
Soul Suppressing Devil's Nest was originally located in a remote place, and it was an inaccessible place within a radius of three thousand miles.On weekdays, due to the turbid evil spirit rising from the cave, the surrounding monsters also avoided far away to avoid being involved and infected.

It's just that there are exceptions to everything. When Yi Tian's sky-scanning warship flew close to the range of thousands of miles from the soul-suppressing cave, it could be detected in the divine sense that there were still many demonized mutant beasts remaining in this area.

And the closer to the entrance of the soul-suppressing cave, the higher the level of those demonized mutant beasts.Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the main cabin, was discussing the assignment of tasks with the rest of the people, when suddenly his divine sense moved and he interrupted everyone's conversation: "Two thousand and five hundred miles ahead and three hundred miles to the left The location is a bit strange, let's turn around and take a look?"

All the people present immediately showed a look of suspicion, obviously having some doubts about these words.But Qing Lianyun, who was sitting on the side, said directly: "Do as he says, I believe what Junior Brother Yi says."

One sentence made Deng Ru and others who wanted to tell the difference obediently shut their mouths.

The sky survey warship in the air immediately deviated from the channel and headed towards the direction Yi Tian pointed, and came to the sky above the predetermined position after a while.

Immediately, the six of them went out of the cabin and stabilized themselves in the air, and asked Donghui after putting away the sky survey warship, "Where is it?"

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed not far below and said: "There are some situations there, why don't you go down and have a look."

Without waiting for everyone's response, he took the flower jade core and fell vertically, and came close after ten breaths.Looking across the ground, he found that it turned out to be the body of an adult Kui Niu.

Blood was scattered all over the place, obviously beaten to death by people.There is a big hole on the forehead, and the demon pill has been taken out, judging from the breath of the flesh, it is almost the appearance of the eighth level.

Behind him, Gong Tengfei came up to check it quickly and said with a smile on his face: "The fatal injury is the trace caused by Murong Zhenghong's natal spirit weapon, the flying star shuttle. It is preliminarily judged that this Kui Niu has been dead for less than three hours. And the demon The pill was taken away, it must be collected as a reference for refining the pill."

Xiang Donghui's face was also slightly moved, he gestured to Gong Teng and then turned to look at Yi Tian with a different look.Concentrating slightly, he asked: "Junior Brother Yi, let's speed up, I guess Murong Zhenghong has already stepped into the Soul Suppressing Demon Nest."

After hearing this, Yi Tian also replied with a solemn face: "It's not too late. This place is only three or four hundred miles away from the entrance of the Soul-Suppressing Devil's Nest. Come with me, everyone."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to hug Hua Yuxin, then set up Dunguang and flew towards that direction.The other four hurriedly followed behind without saying much.

The mere [-]-mile journey is just a short time away. After arriving at the entrance of the Soul Suppressing Demon Cave, I found that the surrounding area is a bit messy and there are slight spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from near the entrance.

Yi Tian immediately stretched out his hands to stop the progress of everyone, and then cast his pupil technique in the air, staring at the entrance and saying, "It's really weird, Murong Zhenghong has set up an early warning formation at the entrance. If we forcefully enter The people inside will receive the signal as soon as possible to prepare for evacuation."

"Sure enough, she is a tricky woman. She is so careful in everything, so it's no wonder she can firmly control the Murong family," Deng Ru said.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are an expert in formation, can you solve it?" Xiang Donghui asked impatiently.

"Try it," Yi Tian didn't say much, flipped his hand and took out four formation-breaking awls to sacrifice in his hands, and then found several nodes of the early-warning formation and threw the awls out of his hand at one time.

He muttered a word in his mouth: "Open," the four formation-breaking awls suddenly hit the void near the entrance of the hole, sending out a burst of ripples.

Then the four dharma cones flashed with spiritual light and connected with each other, forming a gap of one foot square.Yi Tian jumped down and said, "Come with me," and then rushed in through the gap.

The people behind saw it, with joy on their faces, and the rain hurriedly penetrated into it, while Hua Yuxin entered with her one after another under Qing Lianyun's arrangement.At least Yi Tian seemed to feel more at ease as the two of them got along pretty well.

Pointing to the cave in front of him, Yi Tian said, "Let's go in, we need someone who is proficient in tracking to lead the way."

Xiang Donghui nodded slightly, then the figure flashed past the first one to enter, and said again: "Junior Brother Yi, you follow me, check if there is a hidden formation in front, Junior Brother Gong and Junior Brother Deng are in the middle, ready to support at any time. Senior Sister Qing Take good care of Hua Yuxin."

Although Xiang Donghui's cultivation base is not the strongest, but his actions are only well-scheduled and arranged reasonably, so Yi Tian can't help but have a more kind view of him.

After entering the interior, it was obvious that someone had been there before, Xiang Donghui couldn't see any joy on his face, but his eyes showed excitement.Walk in the first position and slowly go down all the way. The width of the passage in the cave is good enough for two people to stand side by side.

However, if walking in this way encountered danger, he would not be able to exert his strength due to the terrain restrictions. Xiang Donghui walked in front for a while and then came to a large stone room.At this time, the divine thoughts were blocked by the evil energy and could not reach far. Under such circumstances, facing the many forks in front of the stone room, there was no choice.

Fortunately, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to point to the correct location based on the memory of the year and said: "A few miles from that road can lead directly to the nest of the crystal powder butterfly."

Just as he was about to take a step forward, Xiang Donghui's words came from his ears: "They have parted ways. Murong Zhenghong took two attendants along the way, and the other three devil boys walked the other three ways."

"Surprisingly, Senior Brother Xiang is sure which way Murong Zhenghong is going?" Yi Tian asked in surprise.

"You don't know that Senior Brother Xiang is the number one tracking expert in the Disciplinary Department. Only Duan Yi from the Feiyu Sword Sect can compete with him in this regard," Deng Ru said on the side.

After hearing this, Xiang Donghui showed a complacent look on his face, but in a blink of an eye, he saw Yi Tian's face became more and more dignified.Just when he was about to speak, he heard Yi Tian ask: "Do you think Duan Yi is also good at tracking?"

"Yes, his breath tracking method is similar to my secret technique," Xiang Donghui said.

"Too bad, I ignored him," Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "Let's speed up, maybe Duan Yi and others will feel it soon."

At this time, Xiang Donghui's face changed as if he had thought of something and hurriedly replied: "Could it be that you are saying that our whereabouts may be noticed by Duan Yi?"

"It's not possible, it's certain. If I had known his details, I shouldn't have chosen Scarlet Rain City. Once people like us show up in the teleportation hall of Scarlet Rain City, they will be picked up by Duan Yimao," Yi Tian replied.

Suddenly, there seemed to be some sense, and he reached out and took out a set of array disks to lightly activate them, and a blurry scene appeared on them.All the people present glanced over and found that it was the scene of the mountain where Nakui Niu died just now.At this time, ten monks were surrounding there to search for Kui Niu's body, the leaders were Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi, and Murong Longcheng who had just met not long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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