
Chapter 1147

Chapter 1147

In Jingfendie Cave, Yi Tian and his party of six had the advantage in numbers, but the cave was not very spacious. Even after the six people dispersed, they could only squeeze into an area with a radius of [-] feet.

And the crystal powder butterfly in the middle started an indiscriminate attack against two waves of uninvited guests.Several crystal lights flashed across his body and rushed towards the two sides respectively.

After a little inspection with divine sense, these crystal lights turned out to be tiny drops of water.Having seen the power of those crystal powder butterflies before, it is natural to recognize that the water drop is actually condensed venom.

The blasphemy just now could also leave a three-inch deep mark on the wall. Of course, everyone didn't dare to procrastinate, and then took out the defensive spirit weapon to block in front of them.

After hearing the crackling sound, those bright lights hit the nearby ground and directly melted the rock formations to reveal smoking pits one by one.

Healed the halo on the defensive artifact to become dull after withstanding the attack of venom.Only Yi Tian's dragon scale shield and Qing Lianyun's protective pocket are better.

As for Murong Zhenghong and the other three on the opposite side, due to the open terrain and the three-person defense, the consumption was much less in one wave.

Later, I saw Xiang Donghui's face turned cold and shouted: "Keep an eye on them and fight, avoid the queen of the crystal powder butterfly." After speaking, he reached out and took out a ruler to hold it in his hand and muttered.

In an instant, the ruler broke down into nine segments, turned into a light dart, passed the crystal pink butterfly in the middle, and then circled around to attack from the side.

Deng Ru took out a bronze bell-shaped spiritual weapon, held it in his left hand, and beat it rhythmically with a small hammer in his right hand.The bronze bell emitted light waves in response to the sound and then spread towards the front.

Obviously such an attack could not treat the crystal powder butterfly differently, and the frequency of the crystal powder butterfly's wing shaking slowed down under the attack of the sound waves.

When the sound wave hit Murong Zhenghong's body indiscriminately, it really stirred up her blood.A little later, she quickly formed seals to stabilize her inner breath, and then reached out and took out a black bone whip and held it in her hand.

He muttered in his mouth, "Come together," and the two maids beside him each went to put an earring on their hands and turned into a foot-long Qingfeng, which cooperated with the bone whip to attack the six people.

Yi Tian was a little dazed watching it, Murong Zhenghong didn't know why he still resisted to the end when he was clearly at a disadvantage in numbers.

All kinds of visions showed that this person is definitely not that simple, and her three devil boys have not come back yet, so I don't know if it will be her trump card.

The bone whip actually hit the back of the crystal pink butterfly.The black awn of the bone whip has already touched the crystal powder butterfly and pulled it out more than two feet away.

But what I didn't expect was that after being attacked, the Crystal Pink Butterfly Empress suddenly rose by three points, and then there was a fierce light in her eyes, looking at Yi Tian and the others.

Gong Teng swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "It's a bone whip made from the vertebrae of a devil boy. Murong Zhenghong, aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven?"

The faces of the other three people were stunned when they heard it, and they only heard Gong Teng say with difficulty: "This spiritual weapon is called the Spirit Vertebral Whip, which has a miraculous effect on demonized mutant beasts. It can not only deter them, but also drive them to fight. If the Crystal Pink Butterfly Empress is not high-level and difficult to drive, I am afraid that now we will face two waves of them at the same time."

Yi Tian knew that he had to make a move at this time, and the current battle situation became six people dealing with Murong Zhenghong and Queen Jingfendie.

With a flick of his hand, several ghost face flower seeds were driven into the rock formation, and several emerald green vines grew instantly, and then he shouted in a deep voice: "You deal with Murong Zhenghong, and I will entangle the crystal powder butterfly queen."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and let the ghost-faced flower vines grow rapidly, and surrounded the surroundings of the crystal powder butterfly.The crystal powder butterfly guards who guarded the butterfly queen rushed up and sprayed a little bit of venom towards the flower vines.

After being hit by the venom, the ghost-faced flower vines as thick as an arm showed tiny holes one by one, and the first few were smashed into sieves.But under Yi Tian's control, the vine veins in the back stepped forward to fill up the gap that was leaked again.The ghost face flower buds at the end of the vines quietly opened and formed a flower wall, and a strange fragrance from the flower stamens even attracted the crystal pink butterflies.

At this time, no matter how the Queen Die gave orders and wanted to recall the followers around her, it was useless. In the end, even the berserk Queen Die was also attracted by the fragrance of these flowers, and reluctantly flew up.

Seeing that this trick was effective, Yi Tian hurriedly formed seals on his hands again, and then nodded a few times to those ghost-faced flower buds.

A few crisp sounds of '咔咚咚' brought the crystal powder butterflies flying in, and the flower buds closed directly, trapping them in it.Such a few flower buds rolled the crystal pink butterfly and the queen together.

The pink buds showed a little bit of dazzling light in the depths of the flower core that swallowed a large amount of crystal powder.After a while, those rays of light turned from bright to dark, and the number began to gradually decrease.

After finally trapping the crystal powder butterfly, Yi Tian freed up to look at the battle situation on the other side in a blink of an eye.Unexpectedly, for some reason, Murong Zhenghong showed his supernatural power, and the three of them did not lose the slightest advantage against the five of them.

On the contrary, Xiang Donghui was not in a hurry. Seeing Yi Tian, ​​he just explained lightly: "She has taken a lot of Mosha Lingying pills and is in a state of rampage. Unfortunately, she can't last long in the right way."

Before he had time to relax, Yi Tian suddenly said in a deep voice: "His reinforcements have arrived, we are now facing enemies, everyone be careful."

After hearing this, Xiang Donghui's face changed drastically, the thing he was most worried about happened.Murong Zhenghong was already difficult enough to deal with when he was on a rampage, and now there were three helpers in the mid-stage of transformation to cut off the way.

While hesitating, Qing Lianyun put away the spiritual weapon in her hand, turned around and shouted: "I will bear it from behind, junior brother, don't give up lightly." After speaking, she turned around and flew towards the passage behind her.

Her decision-making was also extremely decisive. It was much more certain to block the three devil boys in the passage and face the three devil boys at the same time than to let them out to face the three at the same time.

Xiang Donghui gritted his teeth and said, "Don't stay behind and make a quick decision." After his hands were sealed again, he combined nine light darts into a ruler, and then controlled them to hit the two maids beside Murong Zhenghong.Deng Ru and Gong Teng kept pouring out the spells in their hands, but their target was Murong Zhenghong, as if they had agreed earlier in the morning, let Xiang Donghui free his hand to take away the opponent's wings.

And Yi Tian also noticed that the flower bud that seemed to trap the queen butterfly had changed, and the halo inside was getting brighter and brighter.She carefully stretched out her divine sense to examine it, and suddenly her face was shocked. It turned out that the queen butterfly was devouring other crystal powder butterflies to forcibly absorb the evil spirit.

There is only one explanation for this. The bone whip has part of the effect of the Mosha Lingying Pill, and it can devour the same kind to strengthen itself.

Seeing this, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan Sword and sacrificed it, and then it turned into thousands of light threads and hit the butterfly queen in the flower bud.The huge flower buds were punched directly into a sieve shape under the criss-crossing of the sword wires. At least a thousand sword wires directly penetrated the body of the queen butterfly.

Even so, the halo on it didn't completely dim, Yi Tian didn't dare to keep his hand and made another move to slam the Queen Die hard, dismembering it together with the flower buds into pieces in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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