
Chapter 1148

Chapter 1148
In Jingfen Butterfly Cave, with Yi Tian's design trapping and strangling the queen butterfly, the whole battle situation suddenly became clear.Even Xiang Donghui didn't expect that the big trouble on one side would be solved so quickly.

As an important person in the Disciplinary Department, he naturally has a sense of pride. After glancing at him out of the corner of his eye, his spiritual power output immediately increased by three points.

Deng Ru and Gong Teng, who were beside him, naturally received the order, and they joined forces to greet Murong Zhenghong.

Yi Tian knew what he was thinking, such an arrogant person was most afraid of being looked down upon by others, and then privately sent a voice transmission to Hua Yuxin: "You come back first, let them deal with the rest."

Under the attack of four spiritual forces, one person suddenly left, but Murong Zhenghong didn't feel any less pressure.On the contrary, the three Xiang Donghui in front of them suddenly made sharp moves, and the scene became evenly balanced for a while.

After all, the three of them are long-established monks from the Disciplinary Department, so they naturally have some cards in their hands.Murong Zhenghong was able to maintain it until now because of the efficacy of Mosha Lingying Pill and the assistance of two assistants.

It's just that Yi Tian faintly felt that something was wrong, the aura in the eyes of the two assistants was lax, it didn't seem like they were controlling themselves with their own consciousness, it was more like they were possessed by Gu insects and were at the mercy of others.So whenever Murong Zhenghong's body was about to be attacked, they would cast the spell without hesitation, even if they were injured.

I was thinking about whether I should mention Xiang Donghui and the others, but suddenly I heard him say sharply: "Murong Zhenghong, you are fighting one against three just by relying on the puppet Gu, but it's a pity that the two attendants around you have no spiritual power. It's almost exhausted, let's catch it with nothing."

"I didn't expect you to have some eyesight, but don't be too happy too early. If my three devil boys didn't come back in time to reinforce the deer, I wouldn't know who will die." Murong Zhenghong said one after another: "I still have a move that I haven't used yet. If you want to kill me, then you have to see if you have such ability."

After speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out blood swords that splashed on the heads of the two maid assistants respectively. At the same time, the three of them formed a circle and shone with dazzling light after quickly making seals with both hands.

Xiang Donghui and the others immediately stopped their hands and hurriedly defended. At the same time, their divine sense firmly locked on the opponent to see what hole card she played.

After ten breaths, the light group divided into three and converged. When the halo faded, there were three identical Murong Zhenghong standing in front of him.It is impossible to tell which one is the real body based on spiritual thoughts alone, but the strength and frequency of the spiritual pressure fluctuations around them are exactly the same.

Xiang Donghui, who was standing in front, showed an unprecedented seriousness on his face. This situation was equivalent to facing three Murong Zhenghongs at the same time, which was extremely tricky.After thinking about it, he shouted: "Junior Brother Yi, you can help too, we can't delay any longer, Senior Sister Qing is under a lot of pressure."

Suddenly the three Murong Zhenghong in front of them shouted in unison: "Let you see the power of my Unity Gu," and the three of them waved their hands at the same time and the three bone whips struck everyone in the cave like black lightning.

The three of them hurriedly set up their spirit weapons to resist, there was not much room to maneuver in such a small space.But the three of Xiang Donghui advanced and retreated in an orderly manner, seeming to be scattered, but in fact they surrounded them from both sides.

It seems that Murong Zhenghong became three people and doubled the power of spells, but in the end, he was still fighting with one.For a veteran like the Disciplinary Department, there is an instant countermeasure.

At this time, Yi Tian didn't stop in the distance behind, manipulating the vine veins in his hand to quietly extend from the surrounding stone walls, trying to bypass Murong Zhenghong's back and attack back and forth.

Suddenly, there were two consecutive explosions in the passage behind him, and then the passage was shaken into motion, and even a lot of stalactites fell from the top of the grotto behind.

Yi Tian was taken aback, worried about Qing Lianyun's comfort in his heart, and turned his head to see a blue light and shadow flying out of the passage and flashing to his side.It was Qing Lianyun who came out from the inside, but she was not in a good state at this time, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations around her body fluctuated violently. It seemed that the crackling sound just now had a considerable impact on her.

She gasped and said, "Three devil boys, two used secret techniques to forcefully break through my defense, and the other broke in."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a black light shooting out from the passage, flying straight towards Murong Zhenghong's direction.

In a blink of an eye, he passed through the defensive gap of the three people in front and directly joined Murong Zhenghong.After the black light dissipated, only a three-foot-sized child appeared.Murong Zhenghong who was in the middle was overjoyed when he saw Ba Ba, and stretched out his hand to pat the demon boy's celestial spirit cover, and then directly extracted all the essence from his body.

The child's body seemed to be suffocated in an instant, and all the flesh and blood were sucked out, leaving only an empty skin bag that fell powerlessly.At this time, Murong Zhenghong divided the Jingyuan ball in his hand into three and gave them to the other two respectively. After the three swallowed the Jingyuan, their whole aura was lifted.

At this time, Yi Tian could sense that Murong Zhenghong's spiritual pressure fluctuations had surpassed anyone present, and he said bluntly that if she wanted to force her way out, it would be very difficult to stop her.

Qing Lianyun, who had regained his breath on the side, showed disgust on his face and said: "Murong Zhengzheng, you raise ghost babies and devil children, and use the magic marrow to draw souls to support yourself, aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven?"

"I have to live to bear the scourge of God. If I am carried here today, what am I afraid of?" Murong Zhenghong said one after another: "If you hadn't dealt with my other two devil boys, I'm afraid I should It was I who started the killing spree."

"Stop being so arrogant, old witch, you won't be able to leave today no matter what," Deng Ru interjected.

"Ignorant boy, you don't know the current strength of the old man, don't you dare to procrastinate without seeing your captain?" Murong Zhenghong said disdainfully: "If I were outside, I would naturally be afraid of you joining forces, but the outcome here is between the two of you." The number of five or five, don't think that if you have more people, you can win."

Indeed, as she said, environmental factors limit the display of one's strength, and she has known in advance that the biggest difficulty in this arrest is not to disturb the demon star Chao Yi on the underground floor.But at present, everyone has not fully grasped to cut off the back road, so they are still very careful in every gesture, for fear of driving the other party to the bottom and fleeing.

Immediately, Murong Zhenghong moved his hand and took out a black blood blade, which was his natal spiritual weapon, the Flying Star Shuttle. After offering it, he slashed towards Donghui in the middle.After the black magic light flashed, it was blocked head-on by a golden aura, which was the spiritual weapon ruler in Xiang Donghui's hand.

But Xiang Donghui was obviously overwhelmed by the two, and Deng Ru and Gong Teng were attacked by the other two immediately.

It was obvious that Murong Zhenghong's strength had been greatly improved after absorbing the essence of the devil boy. Even if it was only a time limit, it was enough for the three of Xiang Donghui.

Just as she was about to be suppressed, a soft golden light came from behind, and it was Qing Lianyun who made the move, but what she had in her hand was the spiritual weapon Vajra Demon Conquering Cone refined by Yi Tian.

Although the power of the golden Buddhist sect was not as strong as the devilish energy on the magic knife, the power of purification weakened it by three points, greatly reducing Xiang Donghui's pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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