
Chapter 1149

Chapter 1149
After Qing Lianyun suddenly used the Buddhist spiritual weapon, Murong Zhenghong's arrogance was greatly weakened.As the golden Buddha's power began to continuously eat away at the demonic evil energy of the Demon Saber, it exerted force on the three of Donghui one after another and once countered it.

In addition, the vines controlled by Yi Tian extended from the ground in an attempt to trap the three Murong Zhenghong inside, directly reducing the opponent's range of activities.

It's just that the array disk warning to be seen when casting the spell suddenly sounded, Yi Tian lowered his head and glanced over and said in a deep voice: "Jian Shaoqing and the others have arrived at the entrance of the cave, and they are expected to catch up within a quarter of an hour. The obstacles outside will not consume them much Time."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present showed a little anxious look on their faces. They just arrived at this time, and the group of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect happened to come to pick peaches.

Everyone in front of them couldn't help but Murong Zhenghong, at least during the period after she devoured the devil boy, her strength soared to an infinitely close to the stage of distraction, otherwise she would not be able to withstand the combination of the six people attack.

Yi Tian knew that he couldn't keep his hand anymore at this time, and when Jian Shaoqing led the team behind him, he might have to share the battle merits equally.With both hands, he took out the newly refined spiritual weapon, the Jialan Banner. This spiritual weapon was refined after the Baojialan pennant of the Prajna Temple Town Temple.

Although it is only an earth-level spiritual weapon after it is completed, its characteristic is that it can continuously absorb the vows of Buddhist monks to nourish itself.Its principle is similar to that of those spirit tools, but it is only nourished by the power of Buddha.Therefore, there is a trace of peaceful golden light flowing on the surface of the Jialan Banner, many of which are made by absorbing the vows of the monks when they chanted sutras in the Dalin Temple, and adding their own practice of the Great Sun Sutra. of.

When Yi Tian sacrificed the flag and streamer in his hand, it immediately illuminated the Crystal Pink Butterfly Grotto, and the black evil spirit forced by the golden Buddha light actively contracted.

Seeing the opportunity, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and waved the spirit flag in his hand to cover Murong Zhenghong's position.In an instant, ten thousand golden lights gathered and surrounded the three Murong Zhenghongs.

Seeing that the encirclement was about to succeed, Murong Zhenghong's evil spirit on the flying star shuttle in his hand once again surged.Obviously she was not going to catch it without a fight, and the other two avatars also protected the hands on both sides and formed seals, and then poured the magic energy into the magic knife continuously.

For a while, the magic flame rose again and the magical powers of the six were evenly matched, but everyone knew in their hearts that the opponent was at a disadvantage with three enemies and six.In addition, the continuous use of the secret method now seems vicious, but it is actually the end of the battle, all that is lacking is time.

Xiang Donghui shouted coldly: "There is no way to spend time with her", and the rest of the people nodded slightly in response after listening.

Murong Zhenghong didn't expect such a stalemate, but now it's hard to ride a tiger, and whoever withdraws first will naturally lose.But with her current appearance, even if she loses the war of attrition, it is a matter of time.

Suddenly, the black aura flickered several times, and Yi Tian realized that something was wrong, stretched out his hand to put away the Garan flag, and turned to Jie Yin to control the vines on the ground to grow rapidly.

Just as Xiang Donghui was about to say something, he realized that stalactites seemed to be falling from the top of his head. After a sweep of his divine sense, his face changed drastically and he said: "Be careful that the other party jumps over the wall in a hurry."

It turned out that Murong Zhenghong saw that he was invincible, so he split his hands to attack the top of the cave, ready to collapse the cave.

Although the six of them could force a passage even if they were buried alive, it would definitely give Murong Zhenghong a chance to escape.So Yi Tian had to stop and control the ghost-faced flower vine to make it grow extremely fast and then forcefully support the top of the cave.

After Xiang Donghui saw it, he took out a jade ring-shaped spiritual weapon and sacrificed it, after which several streaks of incomparably sharp white light were emitted, among which there was even a murderous intent mixed with it.

Murong Zhenghong opened his mouth and exclaimed in surprise: "Bai Huhuan, all the tokens guarded by the Disciplinary Department were borrowed from you. It seems that you should be the next successor."

"You have good eyesight. I didn't intend to use this thing. It's the result of your stubborn resistance. Don't blame me for being rude." Xiang Donghui turned to Yi Tian and said, "Junior Brother, take care of me."

"Don't make troubles, solve it quickly," Yi Tian replied, and at the same time, he continued to cast spells in his hand to condense the ghost-faced flower vines into four trunks the thickness of a bucket to forcefully support the crumbling lava cave roof.

Seeing this, Xiang Donghui's eyelids trembled a few times. He also saw the danger of the situation. He stretched out his hand to sacrifice the white tiger ring, and then turned into a phantom white tiger with a head of about ten feet, and moved towards Murong Zhenghong.

The entire cave, which was so powerful due to the magic spell, shook violently. Yi Tian saw that the lava cave above his head was crumbling again, and hurriedly cast a spell to extend the vine veins to the top of the lava and weave them into a rattan net to support them.

After three breaths, the black and white auras intertwined and made a 'squeak' sound, and then the white light gradually suppressed the black aura. A loud 'bang' shook the cave several times, Yi Tian managed to stabilize his figure and hurriedly cast the pupil technique to check the situation.

There was a mess in front of him, and the two bodies of Murong Zhenghong fell on the ground not far in front of them, their bodies were bloody and bloody, but the Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace had already escaped and left behind an empty shell.

At this time, Xiang Donghui and the others hurried forward to investigate, and solemnly said: "One escaped, it is the real body."

Qing Lianyun really said indifferently: "We have fallen short, shall we continue to chase?"

"Naturally, we have to chase," Yi Tian said bluntly, "The thing I'm most afraid of has happened. If the demon general Chao Yi takes over Murong Zhenghong again, the consequences will be unimaginable. He is the real peak cultivator in the distraction stage. , with our current manpower, we can't stabilize one of them at all." After saying that, she glanced at Hua Yuxin who was standing aside, she is the weakest here in terms of strength, if she goes down, it will naturally drag everyone down, but keep him on top I don't worry about myself.

At the moment of crisis, a loud voice suddenly came from the passage behind him: "Since all fellow Taoists in the Taiqing Pavilion have difficulties, can we join hands together? Fellow Daoist Qing."

It was Jian Shaoqing who spoke, but he was speaking to Qing Lianyun, as if he believed that Qing Lianyun was in charge of this operation.

"This operation was planned by my junior brother, and Qing came to help in the name of the sect. If you have any questions, fellow swordsmen, you can talk directly to junior brother Xiang." Qing Lianyun seemed to not want to talk too much about the topic with Jian Shaoqing. Xiang Donghui.

Before Jian Shaoqing could speak again, suddenly there was a strong evil spirit from the tunnel below, followed by another violent vibration.

Yi Tian hurriedly said: "It's broken, Murong Zhenghong probably entered Chao Yi's secret room. Yuxin, you go back to the ground first, and then retreat three hundred miles after you go out, and wait for us not five hundred miles away." One rushed into the passage and chased after him.

Xiang Donghui said coldly: "Deng Ru, follow me, Senior Sister and Gong Teng go up first, ready to meet you at any time. As for everyone in Scarlet Rain City, just figure it out, people are more expensive than fine." up the channel.

(End of this chapter)

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