
Chapter 1151 Fusion

Chapter 1151 Fusion
The soul-suppressing demon cave has already begun to collapse at this time. The reason is that the magic core on the second underground floor pierced through several rock formations and flew out.And Yi Tian and others also escaped and joined Qing Lianyun and others who were responding from the outside world.

It's just that everyone's expressions are not good at this time, the figure of Murong Zhenghong appeared after the magic core on the opposite side split, but at this time she has already been taken away by Chao Yi.The spiritual pressure fluctuations around him were also several times higher than before, and it was the existence of the middle stage of distraction.

But as long as you observe carefully, it is not difficult to tell that Chao Yi's spiritual pressure fluctuations are extremely unstable at this time. Although it is as powerful as in the middle stage of distraction, it is still not his own strength.

But it was the first time Yitian had heard about this demon slave, and he took advantage of the gap to ask in private, "Senior Brother Xiang, what kind of existence is this demon slave?"

"That's what the demons call the spiritual practice of taking the Mosha Lingying pill. The biggest disadvantage of this pill is that it can be easily taken away by the demon monks. It is also the most direct cause of the detonation of the demon disaster back then. It will fall so easily," Xiang Donghui said angrily.

He didn't transmit the sound privately but opened his mouth and said loudly. Many monks who were on the side didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and their faces changed instantly after he mentioned it.

I'm afraid that only Qing Lianyun and Jian Shaoqing among the people present knew about these old events, and that's why they hated Mosha Lingying Pill so deeply.

Suddenly Jian Shaoqing took out a jade talisman and said: "Everyone here listened to the edict, the monks of the three sects of the Mahayana have ordered: Mosha Lingying Pill is the source of disaster in the spiritual world, and all the monks in the spiritual world who see it are incomparable to kill on the spot Don't let it go." After finishing speaking, he put away the talisman, took out the spirit sword in his hand, sacrificed it, and rushed forward first.

The people behind them didn't hesitate to use the spiritual weapons in their hands and stepped forward to besiege them one after another.With the endorsement of the three Mahayana monks in the spiritual world, Murong Zhenghong or Chao Yi must not be easily let go in this battle, otherwise it would be enough for the powerful monk of the last sect to blame him for fleeing the battle.

Obviously, Chao Yi also underestimated everyone's determination. Seeing the sword light all over the sky attacking, he gritted his teeth and put his hands together to sacrifice a red and black magic light to protect himself, and then hid in the defensive spell and recovered with all his strength.

"He doesn't have complete control over Duoshe's body, so he can only avoid the sharp edge at this time," Xiang Donghui shouted: "Everyone, hurry up and wait for him to fully recover and we will be in trouble."

However, after everyone's moves hit the protective shield around Chao Yi, they were all bounced off, at most there were only some ripples.

Only the spells of Jian Shaoqing and Qing Lianyun were able to make some pits in his magic light protection, but under the filling of magic energy, the hollowed out pockets were quickly filled.

The strength of the monks in the distraction period was beyond imagination. Yi Tian saw the opportunity among the crowd and stretched out his hand to slowly sacrifice the Garan flag.The biggest constraint of my newly refined spiritual weapon is that it needs to continuously inject the power of Buddha sect to use powerful moves.Although I have warmed up before, I know that it is far from enough.

After a while, there was a golden light shining soaring into the sky, and for a while there seemed to be two suns in the sky, illuminating people blindly.

After Xiang Donghui and the others noticed it, they hurriedly moved aside to face the Jialan Banner with their backs, while the position where Chao Yi was facing was locked by the golden light, and the sound of purification began to be emitted continuously from the entire Mosha light sphere.

"It's you again, the monk. Last time the Buddhist beads came from you too. Who the hell are you?" Chao Yi's exasperated cry came from the magic ball.

Yi Tian didn't talk to him, he reached out and manipulated the Jialan flag to point towards the opponent's position.In an instant, tens of thousands of golden lights condensed on the Nagalan Banner, fixed the Mosha ball of light, and at the same time broke through the surrounding defenses to reveal Qiu Yu's body inside.

At this time, the aura on his body was weakened under the continuous illumination of the Buddha's light, and the intensity directly fell to the state of the early stage of distraction.The whole person is not as arrogant as before, just when Yi Tian was about to go to the next city, suddenly a yellow light from Daoming flashed on Chao Yi's forehead.

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that it turned out to be a golden silkworm Gu king five inches long and thick as a thumb. Its body is usually still in the forehead, but it opened its mouth and spit out silk to quickly wrap itself.

After ten breaths, Chao Yi's body hid in the golden silkworm chrysalis again, no matter how the Jialan flag in Yi Tian's hand shone, he couldn't shake it at all.At the same time, Chao Yi's laughter came again from the cocoon and said: "I also want to thank you for sending me such a great gift. I didn't expect that the Golden Silkworm Gu that this person is incomplete and can be reared has been refined to perfection. Now my seat Combined with Linggu, your Buddhist powers can't do anything to me."

Seeing that Jialan Banner's attack was ineffective, Yi Tian withdrew his hand decisively, then turned around and said to Donghui Jian Shaoqing: "I tried my best, Jialan Banner can only restrain the magic skills, but it has little effect on Gu skills. Next It's up to you."

"Junior Brother Yi, don't worry, we will see your shots," Xiang Donghui nodded and replied, and then he continued to direct Deng Ru and Gong Teng behind him to make shots with all their strength, pouring out all the magical powers there. Above the cocoon.

"Junior Brother Yi is really powerful, but don't underestimate my Scarlet Rain Sword Sect," said Jian Shaoqing, who was on the side unpreparedly: "All the junior brothers are ordered to attack with all their strength. I am a disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. Naturally, it is duty-bound to eliminate demons, so we are ready to join forces."

The people around were naturally angry and actively replied: "Abiding by the decree of the elder brother, we will do our best to defend the comfort of the spiritual world with all our strength."

After saying that, the people headed by Duan Yi sacrificed the spirit sword in their hands and turned it into a solid sword thread, and then gathered it in the air. As for Jian Shaoqing, he inspired the spirit sword in his hand and turned it into a Daoguang sword head Combine the moves of the other eight senior brothers into one.

Immediately, the spiritual pressure fluctuation revealed by the lightsaber directly jumped to the intensity of the distraction stage, Yi Tian was surprised in his eyes.I have seen such supernatural powers in Lingyao Huaqian's exercises.It seems to be called: "Yaoshen Combination Technique," this move is a total move that can gather the power of the disciples of the sect, and it can improve the moves of the strongest by one level.

With Jian Shaoqing's strength displayed, coupled with the assistance of the brothers around him, it can naturally be as strong as in the early stage of distraction.

Because the aftereffects of forcibly improving the power of moves and supernatural powers are also obvious, those disciples with lower cultivation bases will definitely have spiritual power overdrawn afterwards, and what's more, their cultivation bases will be dragged down to the next level.

At this time, Jian Shaoqing didn't care so much anymore. From the previous point of view, ordinary tricks couldn't be effective at all, so he used the kung fu of pressing the box.

The three-foot white lightsaber fell from the sky and hit the yellow silkworm cocoon directly, and then several streaks of yellow and black filthy air erupted from it.

Afterwards, Jian Guang split the silkworm cocoon in half, revealing Murong Zhenghong's body inside, but when he appeared in front of everyone, he was really shocked.

At this time, Murong Zhenghong's upper body was still in human form, but the lower body was indeed fused with the Golden Silkworm Gu King and turned into a Gu insect.Such a half-human, half-gu look is really disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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