
Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152
After the yellow silkworm chrysalis was split open in mid-air, Chao Yi unexpectedly appeared as a half-human, half-worm monster.All the people present were stunned when they saw it. It seems that such a combination of humans and insects is not very easy to mess with.The spiritual pressure around him fluctuates from time to time, which fully indicates that he has not evolved and is completely a failed fusion.

But even so, his strength should not be underestimated, his strength has already surpassed everyone present.Everyone in the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect has obviously lost their momentum after the move just now, probably because their spiritual power was overdrawn. At this time, even the cultivators who are as strong as Duan Yi in the late stage of transforming spirits seem to be not as good as before. .

On the contrary, Jian Shaoqing's appearance is quite normal. No wonder he is the strongest. All the techniques of the disciples are blessed with his supernatural powers, so he naturally receives the least backlash.

At this time, Xiang Donghui's figure flashed forward to stop Jian Shaoqing, and shouted in a deep voice: "The disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion obey the order to cover the friendly forces to attack together," after saying that, he stretched out his hand and sacrificed to him who did not know when After the white tiger ring sacrificed, it hit Murong Zhenghong's body.

Deng Ru and Gong Teng also took out their natal spiritual weapons and held them in their hands to prepare for the attack. They waited for Xiang Donghui's order to make a decisive move.Three beams of spiritual light were emitted from left, middle and right, and instantly surrounded Murong Zhenghong.

On the other hand, Qing Lianyun raised the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle with both hands and struck towards Chao Yi's forehead with all his might.

Although Chao Yi had merged with the Golden Silkworm Gu King at this time, he was always interrupted midway, so that the fusion was not complete.But now his eyes were full of fierce light, he opened his mouth and spit out a yellow liquid that divided into three streams and flew directly towards the incoming spirit weapon.

The ring of light that the white tiger ring turned into made a loud noise after being touched, as for the other two spiritual weapons, they instantly became dimmed and bounced back under the attack of the mucus.

As for the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle on the top of his head, before it fell down, he saw Chao Yi put his hands together and threw out a huge thunderbolt, pushing it upwards vigorously. The sound of 'bang', the thunder of magic light, was evenly matched with the attack of the vajra subduing magic pestle.

Unexpectedly, Dao spells suddenly appeared beside Chao Yi, and it was Yi Tian, ​​who was waiting for the opportunity to make a move, waved the Jialan flag and controlled a solid Buddhist power to strike towards Chao Yi.

With a crisp sound, the golden light instantly scattered hundreds to thousands of filaments and hit Chao Yi's body indiscriminately.Although Yi Tian was playing well for a while, he was shocked in an instant. He had coincidentally integrated the skills of Lingyao Huaqian, the top school of the Feiyu Sword Sect, into the attack of Jialan Banner.

Most of the people remained silent during the sweep of their spiritual thoughts later, but they knew that they could not hide their determination from Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi at this time.Even Qing Lianyun and Xiang Donghui, who won the sect, could see his tricks, it's just that the enemy is now tacitly aware of it.

After being hit hard, Chao Yi's figure swayed, and then he looked at Yi Tian in the distance with a vicious face, and said, "It's you again, I didn't expect that the skills accumulated by me for thousands of years were all made by you." Break away. But even if I die today, I will take you as a backing, the original host of this body hates you to the bone, and my hatred for you is endless."

After speaking, he opened his mouth and condensed a black demonized thunder, which was actually mixed with traces of golden spiritual power.

Seeing that he was stared at by the other party, Yi Tian naturally didn't dare to take it too seriously.Faced with such a life-threatening blow from the monks in the distraction stage, he can only defend with all his strength, but he is very afraid of those yellow auras in his heart. For some reason, he always feels that these things are not simple.Take out the dragon scale shield and set it up not far in front of you to prepare for defense. Facing the attack of the monks in the distraction stage, it is meaningless to dodge it. Only by defending with all your strength can you pass it.

At the same time, Qing Lianyun suddenly flew to his side, sacrificed the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, and placed a second defensive barrier not far in front of him.After the two opened the protective cover to the maximum, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color, and the three-color magic thunder that Chao Yi was speaking of was thrown out instantly, and then flew towards the direction of the two of them, whistling.

Xiang Donghui and the others on the side knew that they were invincible and hurriedly joined the defensive circle, and the white tiger ring flew out and turned into a third defensive barrier to block them.

Before the magic thunder flew over, another white sword light came first, but in the blink of an eye, it was Jian Shaoqing who flew forward to help.Although the other disciples of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect hadn't recovered yet, he still had fighting power, so he naturally stepped forward at such a critical moment, but Yi Tian found that he looked at him with suspicious eyes at this time.

A little later, only the sound of "bang bang bang" sounded one after another, and then the three-color thunderballs hit the defenses in front of them one by one, and broke through three barriers in a row like a bamboo.It was completely surrounded by the fourth layer of sword net defense, but there was still yellow aura overflowing from Mosha Jinglei from time to time. Yi Tian took out the Jialan flag and waved it in front of him to push back the overflowing aura.

After ten breaths, the remaining power of the evil spirit and thunder was exhausted, and suddenly the figure of Jian Shaoqing beside him took his saber, and then performed the human-sword fusion technique, turning into a huge sword-spiritual technique, and rushed towards Chao Yi .

After the cracking sound of "Boom", a huge hole suddenly appeared in Chao Yi's chest.And a black magic baby wanted to fly towards the gap after escaping from his celestial spirit cover.

But how could Jian Shaoqing seize the opportunity to let him escape so easily, and backhanded the sword silk that condensed the emptiness into reality followed immediately and chopped Chao Yi's Nascent Soul spirit body into pieces.Just before he died, he smiled miserably at Jian Shaoqing and said, "It's worth it to have you buried with me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jian Shaoqing staggered in the air and fell down without stabilizing his figure.Duan Yi who was on the side hurriedly flew up to catch him.After testing his breath, he found that his breath was chaotic, and his true energy was scattered.

Yi Tian bowed his head and had a private chat with Qing Lianyun and Xiang Donghui, and then stepped forward to put away the three spiritual weapons.Then a teleport flew to Duan Yi not far away and shouted: "You reckless guy, do you want to be buried with him?"

"What happened to Senior Brother Jian? Fellow Daoist Yi, you must know what happened," Duan Yi hurriedly called out.

"Golden Silkworm Gu Poison is colorless and tasteless. This is Murong Zhenghong's natal Gu. But after being assimilated by Chao Yi, it will naturally become his new helper. Let alone Jian Shaoqing, even you are poisoned now," Yi Tian said. said sharply.

Duan Yi had an inconceivable look on his face, and then he looked inward with his divine sense and was immediately discouraged.Only Jian Shaoqing said weakly: "Junior Brother Yi is right, this time I was greedy for merit and rushed forward to make such a great achievement. I didn't expect that I would pay for it if I missed a move, but now I have brought you into trouble."

Duan Yi couldn't cry at this time, and he naturally knew the meaning of Jian Shaoqing's words from his point of view.But there is no other way, Jian Shaoqing yelled: "The disciples of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect obey the order, I have a last word to explain."

Before the disciples of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect surrounded him, they heard Yi Tian shouting in a cold voice: "Run away, retreat ten miles away, I want to cast a spell to detoxify, and if I procrastinate, I will really collect the corpse for your elder brother gone."

For a moment, those Scarlet Rain Sword Sect disciples didn't know what to do, but Jian Shaoqing showed a strange look in his eyes, and then said weakly: "Do as he said."

(End of this chapter)

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