
Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153
A sky-scanning warship of the Taiqing Pavilion galloped over the wasteland, carrying disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion and Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.At this time, there were about fifteen or six people in the group, except Xiang Donghui who was controlling the warship, and the rest were sitting cross-legged on the ground, exercising their skills and adjusting their breath.

Among them, Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi's faces were slightly pale, and the breath around them was a little unstable, but the expressions on their faces were still energetic.The two of them had their lives hanging by a thread after being poisoned by the golden silkworm Gu poison, but fortunately, Yi Tian still had a backup.Summoned Quack on the spot, and then used its innate characteristics to remove the poison from Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi one by one.

Afterwards, although the two lives were safe, they suffered a slight loss of energy and blood. It would take at least three or four years of retreat to make up for it.However, Jian Shaoqing was very grateful even though his life was safe, at least he was very polite on the surface.

But Duan Yi carefully looked at the croaking wine fairy queen who was lying on the jug, and there seemed to be some hesitation between her brows.But he still didn't dare to make a fuss on the scene, after all, all the golden silkworm poison on his body could be removed entirely by his spiritual pet.

Yi Tian, ​​Qing Lianyun and Hua Yuxin sat and talked and laughed without caring about the feelings of others.This action seems to have brought the relationship between Qing Lianyun and Hua Yuxin closer, and the two had a lot of communication in private, presumably Qing Lianyun learned about herself from the side.

Yi Tian just pretended not to know about this, and on the surface he was chatting and laughing with the two women, completely ignoring the feelings of the people around him.

Suddenly Jian Shaoqing got up slowly and walked over, "Junior Brother Yi, do you have time to talk privately?"

Knowing that what should come will still come, and what should be faced cannot be avoided.Yi Tian nodded his head slightly, and then gently instructed the two women: "I have important matters to discuss with Senior Brother Jian, so come as soon as you go."

"Junior Brother Yi, please go ahead, sister Yuxin and I will wait here," Qing Lianyun replied with a smile.

Hua Yuxin also hurriedly said: "Husband, go and come back quickly."

After giving a slight signal, Yi Tian pointed to the small cabin on the side and said, "Let's talk somewhere, I think Senior Brother Jian must have a lot to ask me."

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't refuse, Jian Shaoqing said with a smile on his face: "Junior Brother Yi is really quick to talk, and I know that he is a friend worth making. No matter what happens today, I will make you a friend."

"Brother Jian is serious, please," Yi Tian said neither humble nor overbearing.

After the two came to the separate cabin next door, Yi Tian raised his hand to open a sound-proof barrier, then pointed to the seat in front of him and said, "Brother Jian, please take a seat."

Jian Shaoqing strolled forward and sat down. After Yi Tian also sat down, he slowly said: "This time, Junior Brother Duomeng will help me and Junior Brother Duan to save the day."

"Brother Jian, you are being polite. This time, you have lost a little bit of poisonous qi and blood. After returning to the sect, you have to retreat in time to make up for the lost blood so as not to affect your future practice." Yi Tian also said politely, but in his heart But he knew that the drunkard's intention was not in wine.

"Junior Brother Yi, do you know Ou Jinglong, my disciple of Feiyu Sword Sect?" Jian Shaoqing asked with a straight face when the topic changed.

"I know, I've heard of it," Yi Tian said not only calmly.

"Junior Brother Ou is the only inner disciple of our Feiyu Sword Sect who has fallen in the past thousand years," Jian Shaoqing said earnestly, "His master, Elder Feng Kun, naturally took this matter to heart, and asked my inspectorate to try our best to find the murderer. "

"Oh, I think the elders above will take it to heart if your sect lacks an inner disciple, but I don't know if your company has a clue?" Yi Tian asked back.

"Elder Feng is involved at this time. He is a monk in the late stage of avatar, but his potential is exhausted. I am afraid that there is no hope for this life's integration period." Jian Shaoqing changed the subject for no reason: "My discipline department is responsible for the sect and I don't need it." Act according to Feng Kun's face." After speaking, he looked over meaningfully.

The hairy Yitian who was stared at by her could only smile awkwardly to conceal the shock in his heart.It was made clear that Jian Shaoqing was throwing himself into Li's favor, and his meaning couldn't be more clear.He could have guessed that he killed Ou Jinglong himself, but it was hard to tell because of his feelings.In addition, I had just managed to save his life, so I would not repay him out of kindness or reason.

But on the one hand, the pressure from Elder Feng Kun of the Zongmen made him very embarrassed by the Disciplinary Department, but in general, he was still grateful, which is why he made such a subtle point.

Later, Jian Shaoqing asked, "Junior Brother Yi and Xi Tianying have a good relationship, right?"

Knowing that he meant something, plus the fact that they fought against each other for a while back then, masters like them would naturally recognize it.At the moment, Yi Tian didn't deny it, and nodded lightly and replied: "Brother Xi and I are close friends. We have similar temperaments and naturally have many common topics, and we will become confidants over time."

"You have a congenial temperament and become a confidant," Jian Shaoqing sighed, "Junior Brother Yi, to be honest, I really envy you. Xi Tianying is a man. I have fought against him four times, three wins and one loss. Mutual proof for this life The biggest competitor, the last time he lost was the Lightning Blade that you refined, Junior Brother Yi."

Seeing him tell the truth about himself, Yi Tian neither admitted nor denied, just smiled awkwardly.Then I heard Jian Shaoqing ask: "Should I call you Junior Brother Yi or Master Cheng Tianyun?"

"The name is just a code name. I'm afraid Senior Brother Jian is fooling around," Yi Tian replied indifferently, "If you don't want to change your name if you want to sit down, there's no reason for you to borrow someone else's name."

After hearing this, Jian Shaoqing grinned at himself and laughed at himself: "It's true that I've got a good look. Of course, Junior Brother Yi, a dragon and a phoenix among people like Junior Brother Yi, naturally don't need to borrow someone else's hands. It's just that I still have something unclear, so please enlighten me?"

"Don't dare to teach me, please ask Brother Jian for a famous quote," Yi Tian replied.

"I saw the essence of Zongmen Yaolinghuaqian that is deep in your moves, and I know that this is not a sword intent that can be cultivated overnight. It takes a thousand years of hard work to practice to such a state, but it is difficult for the younger brother to be an ascension monk. Did you learn the essence of my sect in the lower realm thousands of years ago?" Jian Shaoqing asked with a full face, "This is too unbelievable, I checked the records for nearly 2000 years, except for Ou Jinglong, no inner disciples have fallen outside. .”

"Has the records from 3000 years ago been searched?" Yi Tian didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

The pupils in Jian Shaoqing's eyes froze, then he took out the copy of the meeting letter and searched it carefully, and finally said with a shocked expression on his face: "This is too outrageous, to be able to be with the sect's disciple who disappeared 3000 years ago It really caught me off guard that Lingzi had something to do with it."

"Things are different, people are different, let the past be the past. It is impossible to study all kinds of things in the past. At this time, brother Jian, please take care of me," Yi Tian replied.

Jian Shaoqing sighed and changed the subject: "Junior Brother Yi, with your strength, will definitely shine in the spirit world in the future. I want to hear from your perspective how the current strength of the cultivator in the spirit world is?"

"I fought with Luo Ziyan once, and she has already stepped into the distraction stage. I have met Chi Wuji face to face, and to be honest, this person gave me the impression that the city is extremely deep and not easy to deal with," paused Xia Yitian went on to say: "Brother Xi and Brother Jian are both upright people, except that their cultivation skills are slightly lower than Chi Wuji's, they are much better than him in other aspects. My heart is still a little bit worse."

"What about you?" Jian Shaoqing asked with interest.

(End of this chapter)

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